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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Thank you for all your comments and excuse me not to answer every comment separately

    I just like to point out a few things

    Yes I am older then she is but I am sure she has nobody else ( she does not like sex at all )

    Yes I can read her e-mails (she does not know)

    Yes she is on Facebook and Line but I know her password too

    There is nothing to suggest she is talking to some one else and yes she is the only one

    in the family who cares about her parents nobody else does, it has got nothing to do with money

    I guess, she says she will still support me even if we are not together anymore, that means

    financial support

    Now I had to fill in a form for Centerlink to prove that we are separated ( still living under the same roof)

    So she defiantly want's a divorce you can only get if you separated for 2 years in WA

    The problem I am having now is .....

    Having lost my business over here, no more superannuation, no house anymore, just renting now

    I can survive but my life is going to be hell a few more years I might be going in to a nursing home

    ( well I can forget about that one since you have to have a deposit of about $20.000 )

    hard to save up on a pension and yes my nephew lives with us but obviously he sticks with

    his auntie even so he gets abused verbally by her as well

    But that is all I guess I just have to talk some times

    OP who the hell has she been talking to and associating with?

    My experience in Australia is that a Thai wife doesn't just decide to leave her husband of 14 years unless some old Thai farm hen has been chirping in her ear.

  2. Ultrasonic cleaners are dirt cheap and work ok. I would be avoiding chemicals at all cost.

    OP, why don't you trust the stores to do it for you? They have been successfully cleaning jewelry for millennium.

  3. With the wife she always gets studied & heads turn to get a better look/stares....I've kind of gotten used to that over the years.....

    What bothers me more is the salivating Thai a$$wipe men of all ages just drooling over our 15 year old daughter literally spinning around looking & letting her know their looking.....Very unnerving for her.....

    we just had a baby son. I initially wanted a little girl but thought of the attention a Leuk Krung girl (daddy's got money) would bring from these parasites. So glad we had a boy

    Don't be so sure about that.

    Congratulations, by the way.

  4. Be careful with Potassium cyanide, it's quite toxic, a lethal dose in humans being about 250mg, roughly a quarter of a tsp.

    And death is prolonged and agonizing.

    A chemistry professor and Manchester University many years ago told an anecdote about a time he was a young researcher in a lab where there was an accident with a cyanide reaction. Of the three people in the lab, one died, one went mad, and the third became Professor of Chemistry at Manchester University.

    Or the same person eventually did all three.

  5. Be careful with Potassium cyanide, it's quite toxic, a lethal dose in humans being about 250mg, roughly a quarter of a tsp.

    And death is prolonged and agonizing.

    My Father witnessed one of his chemistry students commit suicide in front of the class by downing some potassium cyanide. Unlike the movies where the victims of cyanide poisoning slip quietly into a deep sleep, this student thrashed violently for ages before it finally took effect.

  6. Unfortunately the concept of giving up a seat for a lady or whoever seems to have disappeared worldwide.

    I don't think is right for a man to give up his seat for a women....

    These days is equal rights...

    But I do believe in giving up a seat to some in real need of it.. like the elderly, disabled etc.. just not to a perfectly healthy female.

    Also hold the door open for anyone behind you regardless of age, sex or whatever.

    Just recently I held open a door for a woman and she screamed at me "I can open it my bloody self", so I slammed it in her face. Rude biatch.
  7. I was lying in a hammock reading a book out the front of the in-laws house when I heard a motorbike pull up. I didn't take any notice as they chatted just a few metres away.

    My wife said "Hey Sipi, do you want to buy another hammock?". Without looking up I said "No". She said "Are you sure?".

    So I looked up to see the hammocks that were being sold by the person on the motorbike, and she was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.

    "I'll take the lot" I yelled through a mountain of dribble as I jumped to my feet.

    My wife and her Mum burst out laughing.

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