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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Scam or wind up, which is it? I do not believe that Wise would have the authority to ask such searching questions. They're entitled to confirm your identity by whatever means they choose, but that's about it. If the O/P was under investigation for some reason it would be up to the appropriate authority to ask these questions, not Wise. IMO this is B/S.
  2. Well he obviously didn't have front on collisions did he. Otherwise he wouldn't have managed to four of them.
  3. Yer, that was a bit strange about teabags wasn't it. I went all over town trying to find Lipton's. Plenty on Lazada fortunately.
  4. Four accidents and nine people injured. I should hope that the police damn well are taking the matter seriously!
  5. I wish to change my bank details. So I did the same as I always have done and wrote them a letter quoting my Pension Reference Number as required. 'Sorry' they said in their reply, but for data protection reasons we now require you to provide the following: Pension Reference Number National Insurance Number Service Number Date of Birth So another letter written and another trip to the post office. I wish these guys would get themselves into digital age and make it possible to do this on line. Many other pension providers have this facility nowadays. Anyway I thought I'd let my fellow veterans know so that you don't have make two trips to the post office. My request wasn't time critical, but others might find theirs more urgent. Enjoy your day.
  6. True indeed. Besides, it's a topic that's been discussed many time over in the past, so nothing new to add. On the other hand, if it was the price of baked beans..............................!
  7. I always look at the context to decide whether the author actually means a 'visa' or an 'extension'. And I'm usually right.
  8. And of course, lots and lots of folks around here call them a retirement visa. What's in a name? It's all the same thing innit!
  9. The prescription for contact lenses is rarely the same as that for spectacles. You do need to have an eye test to establish the correct lenses for your vision.
  10. I've used the Thai postal service for many years and found them to be extremely reliable. When Brits use an agent to have their passports renewed they all use the EMS service.
  11. For the average person there are 16 hours per day available for 'activities' in the broadest sense. Surely in that time there is enough available to be able to exercise both body and mind. I generally exercise for around 2 hours per day and I will also get up from the desk regularly and just move around some. You must have heard the term: 'sitting is the new smoking'. I actually get a bit cranky if I don't get up and move regularly. As I'm about to do so right now!
  12. Another big advantage of a computer is that you can't walk around streets with your eyes glued to it as so many folks do with their phones nowadays.
  13. I don't think I'd be able to do the paperwork for my annual extension without my computer. So even at 78 years old I still make the effort to remain as computer literate as I can. And although phone apps have taken over when it comes to banking, having on-line banking can still come in handy. I also subscribe to an on-line Qigong training academy from which I have greatly benefitted. To learn this art to the level that I have would have been impossible 20 years ago. I also like to play logic games such as Sudoku and Kakuro. It all helps to keep those brain cells engaged and active. Use it or loose it as they say.
  14. What a crass post this is. Even on the back of someone's death, you cannot resist the urge to 'Thai bash' can you. Pathetic!
  15. Europe, especially France has been accused of overproduction of wine for decades. But nothing has ever been done about it. So now they're feeling the pinch. C'EST LA VIE.
  16. What a load of xenophobic drivel!
  17. Ah, but I did say I haven't read the post and I still haven't, nor any other posts by the O/P. What baffles me is why so many members read and respond to his nonsense.
  18. I agree. I've not worn underwear for many years. I can't see any point in them.
  19. Not from me they won't. Those days are over.
  20. I'm 78 years old, which means about 55 years of drinking. (I drastically reduced my intake about 5 years ago) I also consumed alcohol whilst living in 6 different countries and in all that time I have never, ever known booze prices to come down. So my expectations are not very high.
  21. Paint the outside walls of an apartment on the 33rd floor? He'll need a pretty long ladder!
  22. There should be no need to grind new plates. However I'm puzzled by your posts. In your O/P you said that the quote was for replacements. Now you're talking about grinding instead of replacing. Which is it?
  23. Try the 'ignore user' option. I placed this idiot on mine within 48 hours or his 1st post. (I have NOT read the O/P)
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