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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. This can be a problem, but think the user soon becomes aware of it. I use the same make and model as the O/P and it does detect this issue and warns the user accordingly.
  2. Lucky you! IMO many people end up with hypertension because they worry about it too much and maybe about other matters as well. So my suggestion is a simple one. Don't worry about it!
  3. An autopsy is a standard procedure worldwide when a crime is involved. I'd have thought you would realize that.
  4. @Prubangboy, 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is the stuff that's recommended. I've noticed that some of the OTC bottles are 6% which may account for your problem. If I do find that I have the latter I dilute it 50/50 with saline water.
  5. I've had this problem for many years and find 3% hydrogen peroxide very affective. A few drops in each ear, twice a day for three days and I'm good to go again. You should hear a soft gurgling sound in your ear. That's oxygen bubbles forming in the wax and breaking it down. But don't overdo it. Wax does serve a purpose in that it protects the ear canal and if you go at it too much you could leave your ears vulnerable to infection.
  6. Yawn! I've been through all that already!
  7. Possibly because that person's fingerprints were on all 6 tea cups, placed there when she handled the drinks.
  8. Mankind has been making and storing 'records' since Roman times and earlier. It doesn't mean that they utilize them. What interest would HMPO have in a person's travel records? In the vast majority of cases, unless there is a 'red flag' they will simply be stored. Other agencies might have an interest, such as Border Force, the NCA or indeed DWP, in which case the information is there to be retrieved. A good example of that might be the recent case of Richard Barrows, found hiding in Thailand after almost 30 years on the run.
  9. That is true, but I'm pretty sure that HMPO do not act as DWP's 'wicket keeper'. On the other hand if if the DWP's suspicion's were aroused, it's possible that they could call upon HMPO to provide evidence, (data protection rules permitting) but they have plenty of other ways of scrutinizing ones travel movements and nowadays bank records as well. It's becoming a riskier game all the time and as the O/P pointed people do get caught out.
  10. If you renew your passport in the correct matter here in Thailand, your old passport will never be seen by either HMPO or the DWP. It's stays right here in Thailand. So just renew your passport as normal.
  11. Oh didn't they? It's estimated that over 6 million Irish have emigrated to the US and no less than 23 US presidents have Irish ancestry.
  12. Then start a recruitment drive for legally documented workers.
  13. Is there something wrong with a company that takes steps to enhance the health and safety of its staff and its customers? I would call that commendable.
  14. How often do you visit a construction site and how do you differentiate between Thai and none Thai?
  15. Shame they're 'out of stock' isn't it.
  16. According to the BBC report, cyanide was found in the bodies of all 6 victims and in the tea cups. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3g64ljwp2go
  17. You have to provide proof of residency to obtain a driving license and your address is on the back of it. So if that matches your registered address shouldn't that be proof enough that you have 'right of residency?' I think they know a little bit more than you give them credit for.
  18. That should be no surprise. Arab countries display some of the highest rates of consanguineous marriages in the world and Kuwait has a very small indigenous population. They are probably all interrelated.
  19. How can that be so? The money cannot be drawn in cash and it cannot be used to purchase alcohol. 1st prize for the most ill-informed comment of the day.
  20. It was his attempts to clear out the rampant corruption within the immigration service, including the agents that facilitated it that caused his demise during his tenure as head of that service. Like @Searat7 says: And so the corruption will continue unabated.
  21. Never. Even in my little backwater in north east Issan, I still have plenty to of things to keep me active.
  22. 'They are little more than a motorized push bike'? You've obviously never ridden a modern motor scooter, especially a PCX. Those 'innocent victims' are underage, have no license or insurance and should never have been there.
  23. The headlights of modern motorcycles are always on, even in daylight. Following an accident a motorcycle will not necessarily come to rest at the point of impact, in fact it rarely does.
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