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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. That's nonsense. All batteries will loose energy whilst they are awaiting sale. The longer they're on the shelf, the lower the voltage will be. The supplier should check the voltage before dispatching it and top it up if necessary. There's nothing wrong with a reading of 12.4 volts. It's good to go. The O/P's question, by the way, cannot be answered. The life of a battery is determined by the use it gets. Short, frequent urban runs with lots of starts will wear out a battery much quicker than will longer runs with less starts per kilometer.
  2. Not so according to this Reuters article: https://www.reuters.com/article/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/teen-pot-users-may-hallucinate-become-paranoid-idUSKBN1OH2FK/
  3. I've had cows befriend me whilst out on my country walks. I'm sure they feel lonely out there pegged out on their own. They're herd animals, they need company. You just carry on what you're doing Bank. Great job.
  4. Which IMO is one step better than handing America over to a convicted felon, a proven liar and a narcissist.
  5. Far more likely that this loyal family pet followed Thanwa to the pond! Dogs do that. They can be very protective of young family members.
  6. It looks like that tree was struck by lightning. I recognize the damage from one that took a strike near our village recently.
  7. We all have to lodge a copy of our passport when we open an account with Wise. With facial recognition software it's easy to compare your photo ID with the photo on your passport. One of my pension providers does it every year in order to confirm I'm still alive.
  8. I have never fallen into this 'med trap', as I call it. In fact I've never even consulted a doctor regarding BP. If I notice an increase I look to my exercise routine, meditation and breathwork to get back down again. Breathwork is particularly effective. here is a useful website on that topic. Breathing techniques that lower blood-pressure
  9. This, by far the most useful website I have seen so far on this topic. The FAQ section, in particular is very informative. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
  10. What is difficult and obtuse today, is easy and obvious tomorrow. Life has always been like that.
  11. No no! I mean Microsoft Windows, not glass windows.
  12. I sometimes get a similar sounding slider when I log on to Lazada. I think it's some kind of verification process. Maybe it doesn't recognize my I/P, my network or computer. Anyway I just click on and slide it across and all is good again. Nothing to be concerned about.
  13. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/double-taxation-treaty-relief-form-dt-individual https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/637e192f8fa8f56eabf75e5b/Double_Taxation_Treaty_Relief_Form_DT-Individual.pdf If I need any further advise on this and any other issues (including my standard of English!!!!!!!) I'll be sure to ask. Good day.
  14. I bought a new computer about a year ago with SSD and Win 11 preinstalled and I'm very pleased with my purchase. The new computer even set itself up for me by transferring all my data (not personal files) from the old Win 10 computer. All it needed was my email address and my password, plus a couple of security checks. I had a bit of a problem at first in that it kept dropping off-line when I connected to the internet via a LAN connector and I had to resort to using Wi-Fi instead, but that problem has been resolved now and it's working just fine. I've been loyal to the Windows brand since the early days back in the '80's and have no hesitation in endorsing this latest iteration.
  15. Thank you for your efforts. However I have been into this very thoroughly. I know the details of my home country's DTA and from that I know what can be taxed here and what can't. I also know what offset allowances I am entitled to here in Thailand before any tax is due. I'll do not intend to discuss my personal details, but I have deduced from the above that my taxable income remitted to Thailand will be comfortably below the threshold which would be set before I have to pay any tax here. And even if that wasn't the case, I would be able reclaim any tax paid by having my home country's tax free allowance adjusted accordingly. In other words it would it would be my home country's revenue service that would pay the tax due in Thailand, not me. Have a nice (tax free) day.
  16. As I pointed out in a post yesterday. those that worry are very often those that end up with hypertension and as a result end up being conned into taking these ghastly meds. I don't fall into that category at all, in fact the very opposite.
  17. There are lots and lots of threads full of speculation, nothing more than that.
  18. Sorry pal but I'm not in for a shock at all. Even if they do implement this measure my income is already taxed and covered by a DTA with my home country. And incidentally I have known many Thais who have let money slip through their fingers. Lots of it in some cases. Yup, I completely agree with you. Far too much trouble for too little a return.
  19. My hypothetical answer is that if you use an ATM card that attracts such, then that's what your going to pay, whether you like it or not. However there is still no concrete indication that we, as foreign residents here will be liable to taxation. It all seems to be very much 'up in the air' right now. Stop worrying about things that may never happen. It's a virus that seems to spreading faster than Covid just lately.
  20. I notice from an earlier post that you too use and trust Omron monitors, so I wonder why you are displaying any doubt about them. Well I trust mine too so I can see no reason why I need to go and make comparisons with other machines. These modern machine tend to be 'fail safe' anyway. They either work or give you an error message to ponder. I think many people have become too hung up on these metrics to the degree that here we have a poster panicking because his readings are 'normal!' Whatever next?
  21. How can he teel whether the one he is comparing his machine with is accurate? Many people on here say that machines in hospitals and clinics are not to be trusted, including our own resident doctor. (see above) Omron is one of the best known home testers and are often used by professionals as well. I have the same model as the O/P and I would trust that rather than some of the dodgy machines I've seen around here.
  22. I was having a bit of a problem for a while, but then I found these. 2 per day at breakfast and no more constipation.
  23. Spot on buddy. I haven't heard about these changes that you refer to, but non the less, I only have show that I have an income of 40k p/m, do a moderate amount of paperwork and pay 1,900 THB and and that's me good for another year. My only other obligation is to keep up with my 90 days reports which take me no more than 5 mins each time. I would even dream of changing anything.
  24. Alan Watts, "How to quiet the mind'. To my mind the most intriguing philosopher of the 20th century.
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