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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Hey look folks. I've got a ROLEX!
  2. Many years of using Wise have taught me some simple lessons. 1. Unless you have to, do not use the 'Funds for long term stay' option. That always introduces a delay. 2. The earlier in the day you initiate your transfer request, the more chance you have of getting an instant payout into your Thai bank account. Almost all of my transfers are initiated at just after 6am. (7am when the UK move their clocks back) and they invariably arrive instantly. If I delay my request, as I have done this morning, I have to wait awhile. They've just just quoted 2 hours, but I'm not holding my breath. Fortunately I'm in no hurry for it. I'm attributing this delay to the simple fact that I've probably joined a queue, which I would otherwise have avoided.
  3. As far as I'm aware, funds will arrive in moments, sometimes even seconds into any Thai bank providing one doesn't select the 'Funds for long term stay' option. I use Krungsri and almost all of my transfers arrive in seconds. I always use the Wise app @OJAS. I've never had any issues with it.
  4. I think you should be teaming up with @123Stodg and help him with his research:
  5. Where on earth did you get that nonsense from? It's a standard policy in the retail sector that if products such as this show any signs of having been tampered with, it is automatically destroyed. That is why the staff in 7-11 stopped you from opening the cartons and quite rightly so.
  6. Of a long litany of stupid posts that I have read so far this year, this one is the most stupid of all, by a very long country mile.
  7. Indeed so. For me, when it come to footie, ignorance is indeed bliss!
  8. Actually he has scored a 'first' with me. He is the first poster has joined the forum and was placed on my 'ignore user' list within 48 hours of doing so. Congratulations @Mekmong MICK
  9. Ah, amongst his many negative attributes we can now add male chauvinist pig.
  10. Service also appreciated by hundreds of corrupt Immigration officers.
  11. The short story being that the police in these country's are just as corrupt as the police are here. No surprises there, but thanks for the info. (not that I'm likely to be needing it but the O/P will be) But I'm curious about one thing though. How come you didn't 'get the message' the 1st time around?
  12. I have used my Thai license in Laos as has my Thai wife and some of her relatives. (they do some trading business over there). I'm quoting what would seem to be a reliable and current info source. (May 22nd 2024) What's your info source?
  13. What's all this about not being able to drive in Indonesia? A Thai driving license can be used in place of an international driving permit in 10 ASEAN countries.The smart card driving license can be used to drive in all 10 countries: Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. https://www.cwc.co.th/en/thai-driving-license-valid-in-10-asean-countriesdid-you-know/
  14. Does it matter? For heaven's sake does it really, really matter?
  15. Your only issue seems to revolve around your lifestyle and you don't need anyone to tell you that there are two key changes that you can make to improve your health Quit smoking and quit drinking. Do you really need to pay a doctor to tell you that? Regarding your bronchitis, there are plenty home remedies that can improve your breathing that you can explore. There are plenty of helpful tips in the web site below. But quit smoking first! https://www.healthline.com/health/home-remedies-for-bronchitis Learn to take charge of your own health, it really can pay dividends. That has always been my approach and I'm fit and healthy at 78. If you want to learn more about my approach to fitness and health, go and visit this website. I’ve practice this art for many years and it’s done me a power of good. https://flowingzen.com/start-here/
  16. Thank you but I don't believe purely in luck, as in fate. I believe that we 'create our own luck'. I've studied and practiced modalities that enhance health and fitness for many years and at 78 years old my hospital bills remain at zero. By living sensibly I mean healthy eating and strictly limiting alcohol and caffeine intake. Adequate sleep and daily exercise. But I still ride my motorcycle despite the risks. That's something I still very much enjoy. Take good care of yourself, you're worth it.
  17. Yes, I agree. This why I have absolutely refused to take out medical insurance. I believe in living sensibly with regards to diet, exercise and above all adopt a positive attitude with regards to my health, both physical and mental and so far it's worked. I'm 78 years now and I have never had to consult a doctor for any illness nor have I ever had a check up.
  18. '1 minute's effort' is 1 minute more than I currently have to make getting my pension paid directly into Krungsri. As you correctly say, the interest I might make isn't worth the effort.
  19. Confucius said: "Life is really simple' but we insist on making it complicated'. There is nothing simpler than getting the state pension paid four weekly directly into a Thai bank account. The exchange rate is very reasonable, around the mid market rate and there is only a very small charge for that service. The DWP will only pay pensions into an account in the claimant's name unless there is a very good reason for using an alternative. I get zero interest on my UK bank account, so even the miserly rate I get here in Thailand beats that! The chances of a pension from the UK attracting any tax payments here in Thailand are, IMO just about zero, so forget it.
  20. Why would all these chancers want to get upwind?
  21. Possibly when a bloody great Pajero ran into him.
  22. Who's Peter Drury?
  23. I think you have the answer to your issue right here. Go by feel. If it feels right and the pressures are not radically different from the norm, then that's probably the pressure you need. Don't over think it, just go by feel.
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