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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. I was glad to see that Yingluck's name was not on this article.

    I hope that her and her family have to spend lots of their own personal money

    from now on, and not the money of the Thailand people. I guess that is what her

    brother is also doing, where ever he is living.

    It would not make me sad at all, to see the family of Ms. Yingluck and Thaksin, have to

    live on their own fortunes.

    I am surprised that there are still people who think that these two former PM's were

    good for Thailand. I heard all about them from my Thailand family over the years

    and I am convinced that Thailand will be better, not to be ruled by them, or any of their family

    members, or course this is only my Farang opinion.

  2. I do hope the staff are talked to privately to see what exactly happened, I am willing to bet that

    this Top Official did indeed do this silly action. Maybe he watched the Asian lady who's daddy owns an airline, throwing her power around and wanted to try the same method. It is shameful that some people

    who have some authority, go ahead and abuse it.

    I do hope that his superiors, or the Government leaders, give him a nice departure from his position.

    Chok Dee! to that.

  3. Good Luck to who ever wins the election in Britain.

    I hope that who ever wins, will cancel the passports of the three school

    girls who went to Syria. Anyone who willingly goes to fight for ISIS, or goes to marry one of these terrorists,

    deserves to lose their citizenship of what ever country they are from.

    It looks like these British school girls are likely immigrants from some other country

    and if so, they do not deserve to be considered to be British any more.

    Of course this is just my own humble opinion, but I feel the same way, if someone from

    Canada leaves and goes to fight for any terrorist organization, they also deserve to

    lose their Canadian citizenship, and of course their passport.

  4. The F16 fighter jet is a single engine aircraft. When the engine quits or

    has to be shut down, the aircraft goes down quickly as the wings are small.

    This pilot did what he could and it is sad that he was killed in the crash.

    For Daniel Ingalls, are you a pilot or an aviation expert?

    I think your comments are wrong, and heartless. It does not matter how much

    this aircraft is worth, and unless you have flown in an F16, you have no idea

    how hard it is to crash in one, let alone just to fly it.


  5. It is nice to see cheaper rates to Phuket from BKK, less than $100 US, is very cheap.

    I like flying to Phuket from BKK as it is much less time, than by bus or train.

    I also enjoy the service aboard the Thai airlines, as they are much better, than

    the service in USA or Canada. Plus in USA and Canada, you have to pay for even your first piece of luggage, that you

    are checking in. Only carry on baggage allowed in our countries, as our airlines are so greedy!

    It is shame full that our airlines have become so corrupt and greedy, but that is the way it is!


  6. TAT of Phuket, I don't get it. Your new signs are hideous, and ugly!

    Way too much information, and why not just clean up the beaches, get rid of all the

    corrupt people who were ripping off the tourists, then eventually

    draft beach signs for all over Thailand that are informative, but not so

    complicated and UGLY! For now, as a tourist, I will go to Hua Hin, and Jomtien beach near

    Pattaya, and other places that I can enjoy, I have not been too impressed with Phuket, during my last two

    visits, as the prices were too high, and the beach scene seemed to be to be getting

    less enjoyable.


  7. Is Phuket becoming the La, La, land of Thailand?

    I though that they were having enough trouble

    getting tourists to come to the place, and now are ticking off ,even more of the

    tourists who do show up.

    I guess the tourism minister of Phuket is either snoozing, or is not wanting

    that part of the country to enjoy tourists and travellers anymore.

    Good luck with that policy!

  8. Yup, Yup, to believe the Tourism Minister, lets do the math.

    December was up in numbers, Oh! I forgot about Christmas season.

    Early January was up in numbers, oops! I forgot New Years day!

    February numbers are up, Oops! I forgot Chinese New Years, and

    all the advertising for that event.

    Now how can I get the numbers up for March, the mean month

    cometh, you know meana come

    Oh well there is always next year. Yup, Yup.

  9. The older you are , the closer to a hospital you want to live.

    It is the same in any country. Personally I would like to live in Phuket, or near a beach area

    facing west, just not in or near Pattaya. I feel fairly secure when I am in Hua Hin and Cha Am,

    or even in Pran Buri to the south. I guess the rest is a preference, do you

    want to live near the ocean, or to the north, and have cooler nights for part of the year.

    Krabi was nice, but I had a bad experience with some Russian tourists there, during my

    last visit.


  10. As I said before, I always have suspected the bomber is a Foreigner.

    It may have been a Brit, or an American, or a Belgium. or a Canadian.

    Now I am not saying that the foreigner was born in any of those countries.

    What I am saying that the bomber(s) could have been Immigrants who were holding

    a passport of one of those countries, but more likely born in the Middle East or

    somewhere else. I won't speculate what their religion was either, as they

    were likely not any decent religion, but that they were some kind of fanatical or extremist of

    what ever religion that they had.

    Just saying!

  11. I am just wondering that if the former PM had her freedom of saying what

    she wanted about the rice scheme, what would it be. Would it goes something like,

    I was given bad advice, or I heard the right advice but didn't agree with it, that why

    so much rice was not so good quality, and now every tax payer in Thailand has to suffer

    for my bad information. Poor me, poor little me.

    I just hope that the people of Thailand are compensated if they indeed lost a lot of money because of this

    rice plan gone wrong.

    It always bothers me when politicians and PMs get off the hook, when they mess up and

    cost their country a ton of money.

    • Like 1
  12. I agree with the other poster who says, democracy has really not been real in the past either.

    The recent government seemed to be too attached to a past Thai PM.

    Maybe being related to someone who was in power in the recent past is hard to

    stay distant enough to make the Thai population believe that big brother was no influence

    at all.

    I was going to say that I cannot believe that there are still so many people who

    show support of the red party, but then I also have some relatives that are

    supporters, so go figure!

    I am just glad that the current PM is not a big red supporter.

  13. If Ms. Yingluck was to escape Thailand, would the government be able to get all the properties that

    her and her brother own? Would the government also be able to get the rest of the assets

    that her and her brother own as well, like stocks and bonds, and safety deposit box contents,

    as well as the houses and cars etc. If so, go ahead Ms. Yingluck, run away, run away!

    Just wondering.

  14. Besides all of the garbage along the coast lines, there is a huge amount of it out

    in the oceans. Why don't the countries around the world, combine their money and

    send a few ocean factories to those areas and clean the whole mess up. I forgot

    that it would take lots of money for only a little return of, lets say, Cleaner oceans!

    I read of people in boats sailing by and seeing this garbage, but do any of them

    pick any of it up, or just toss out their stuff overboard to join the garbage that they see.

    It does not matter who is the biggest contributor, but it does matter that not one of the countries

    in the world will try to get rid of the problem. I guess we are all part of the problem!

    We are all Enablers, and that is the real shame.

  15. Poor Ms. Yingluck and her Lawyer, are they getting treated

    the same as us regular folk?

    I have been stopped quite often when I am in country.

    I guess she is getting treated the same way that most of us

    have been, and are still getting treated.

    If the former PM and her brother and family don't have their

    high status any more, it is just as well. It is time that

    their family and other richy, rich , families feel the same as

    the regular class.

    I guess I am just a cynical old geezer who does not have

    much sympathy for rich people in general.

    • Like 2
  16. I hope that this Nigerian fellow enjoys jail, and gets to meet big Bubba there, he will go in

    with his bum like . and leave with the new 0. Have a good time in jail you scumbag!

    In my country there are phone scams, and letter scams from Nigeria, and it

    makes me wonder why? What kind of country is Nigeria? What kind of

    people live there, and why are they so good at scamming? Do they have

    a great mafia type group who employs lots of them in factory style

    settings so they can do this kind of crime? Just wondering?

    • Like 2
  17. What is the current penalty for people smuggling?

    I do hope that the criminals caught will get a lot of

    jail time, as it is not a good place to spend your days.

    The meals keep you alive, and the bedding is a mat.

    If you are Thai then maybe you can get the

    occasional newspaper to read, and maybe be lucky enough

    to have a relative bring you some decent food and

    cigarette, etc. Will these Burmese people have to return to Burma?

    Just my musings

  18. Just listening to the video, I know enough Thai to realize that this Thai Dutch woman, should

    have quietly given the police 500 baht, and would have likely been on their way to

    the airport. This is really an embarrassing video for this group of Thailand police.

    I hope the current PM gets a copy of this video and then honestly deals with all of these

    police officers involved. 1. What is the big deal for a couple of people in their own car to

    have a small pocket knife, with them for what ever their reasons. 2. Did the police find a

    gun in this car? If not what was their real reason for making this couple go to the station?

    3. Is this the new way for the Thailand police to hassle people in Thailand.

    Shameful is what this story and video are.

    Just my opinion!

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