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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. Do you think that would get me in on a reentry stamp of a one year retirement? I don't think that is worth the risk of refusal.
  2. My Jag (in the UK) had a sim card phone that worked through the music system with a mic above the driver's seat and an "answer button" on the steering wheel. It was no more distraction than talking to a passenger, in fact it was easier to shut up them up! The car my missus uses (in Bangkok) has the "blackout windows" like most cars in Thailand, so how are the police going to know what is going on inside?
  3. Many thanks for that Joe. I had a look at the site and it is part of the "Sandbox" scheme. I gather I would need of 1.65m Baht (US$50K) of covid included health care cover as you say. I have no idea what the annual cost for a 67 year old with chronic asthma would be. My missus gave me a copy of a policy document (all in Thai and supposedly from her friend's just returned Aussie husband) from Bangkok Bank for 36K Baht annual premium, but I know she has mixed up health and life insurance before and the documents are headed 'Bangkok Bank Life Insurance' in English... There must be plenty of guys in my situation wondering how much extra it will cost to get back in next time we leave Thailand. The reason I ask on here is because if you call an insurance company for a quote once you never get rid of them.
  4. I fear this woman would soon cool the water in a hot tub unless someone's paying the charcoal bills. Are these really appropriate pictures for a serving police officer?
  5. (Mods might want to move this) I am about to renew my retirement extension next month and want to know about returning to Thailand if I get a reentry permit and go back to the UK in the summer (July-September) for a few months to do some work on my house. Will I need Health Care Insurance to get back in?
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