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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. They look bigger than most Thai men due to the false tits and drugs they take, and taller due to the heels.
  2. I would still bet the Thai woman was on the phone, but that is not shown by a windscreen camera. Thai motorcyclists do it too, often with one hand on the handlebars. If people drove like most do in Thailand when visiting or living in Australia, US, EU or the UK they would very soon lose their licence. It is no coincidence that Thailand has the highest road fatality rate in the world.
  3. Many thanks for that. Just as I suspected, a bit of "dicky" Thai plumbing work that is the cause not the machine, although as you say they could be a bit better designed.
  4. I'm not bothered about the cost but I am fed up with my AC dripping water. They are regularly serviced but after about 4-5 months the main bedroom one which is used by far the most drips. This has happened before in other places I have lived, some with new ACs and some with older models and in different rooms. Should I run it colder than 24? I usually leave the Mode in auto. Any suggestions?
  5. And this guy was the tour guide, lucky he didn't have the whole squad with him on the crossing. It could have been worse than a sinking ferry.
  6. Do you have an answer service that says the same thing to everybody?
  7. My original comment on the ranking was to remark, 'will the Thais sue as they do when people leave bad feedback on their hotel or restaurant'. Oh dear, let's not loose face, we must defame the publisher of this terrible report.
  8. Boot on the other foot? In UK supermarkets they have an excuse to do things like this called "Company Policy"...
  9. Can we just get this straight, is this a problem of turf and the local Mafia are upset that the Russians are taking over, or a clamp down on Mafias in general. As a rule the Mafia are easy to spot because they have uniforms, but the Russians don't wear one, sneaky blighters.
  10. There are two great quotes by Thanet in this article: "Pattaya is a hotspot for illegal foreign labour, housing unskilled workers from Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, and the Philippines. Many of these workers, he noted, have a better command of the English language than the local Thai workers." And "regulations require operators to pay some nationalities, such as Filipinos, a wage that is two to three times higher than the local market rate. This rule, intended to ensure job availability for locals, should be revised, considering the ongoing labour shortage, to allow for the legal employment of foreign workers." Is it time to admit, it legalize it and tax it?
  11. Wait a minute, there is no prostitution in Thailand! If no visa is required with no checks then it is hardly surprising more than just tourists are using this opportunity to enter Thailand. Did nobody consider that a possibility when this was implemented? Hey, if you can't get a drink in the afternoon what else are all the sex tourists going to do, jet ski?
  12. You are right, he does sound like one of the "refugees" who arrive by dinghy in England and are put up in four star hotels and given a phone, free meals and pocket money while they await "processing" by the Hopeless Home Office.
  13. Yes indeed like the Thai hotels who have sued customers for leaving bad "feedback" after their stay, meal or whatever.
  14. I am not familiar with author Bob Scott and it isn't stated where else this might have been published but what a master class of understatement with regard to the UK's rapid decline in civilized behaviour. Also the total naivety of Mr Ruparelia assumption he will be able to stay in Thailand having been a "receptionist" (can he do 120 wpm) earning a King's ransom of 500 baht an hour is astonishing, or did he win the UK lottery? No wonder all the old cynics on here are Taking the Micky.
  15. The figures that we really should be looking at are the increases in fees. Is Thailand now to be a "country wide" National Park or Historical Monument/Area/ Building etc with fees for some 400% and more above local rates (China, India etc) to visit. This is either a rogue announcement or a policy that will serve to discriminate on nationality alone. Not good for tourism either way. I wonder if we will see an embarressing about turn and loss of face?
  16. Thaiger is another publication that has no editors and uses Google translate and voice recognition.
  17. The article says 8 million, and the world population is now just exceeding 10 billion. I do agree everything we hear from TAT is hugely exaggerated but these figures seem to have been posted by the Thai embassy in Wellington, nobody else. Did the Kiwis just put their rent up?
  18. A real curfew would be 7pm to 7am, but think what that would do to TATs predicted muli millions of tourists. Three hours in the afternoon is a nonsence and is just a sad reminder of "Junta Power". The inconvenience of not being able to get a bottle of wine with a meal or (supposedly) not a beer in a bar or complete your shopping in one trip when they just let clubs stay open until 4am shows how dumb politicians can be.
  19. She needs four 'cuffs and a muzzel. It could be a hell of a cat fight when she catches up with his new GF. Want any tickets?
  20. Ting Tong! I wish I had a pound for every one I have met like that.
  21. Yes indeed and some might not get regular payments monthly although over a year income is more than 65k/m but that is not acceptable to IOs.
  22. And in Demintia Bidonland they have labradoodles and lap dogs where nobody is ever eaten alive by dogs.
  23. Guns need a human to pull the trigger, dogs do not.
  24. Bars and clubs open until 4 am in certain areas, but no booze sales in the afternoon. Total nonsense, otherwise known as "Thai Logic".
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