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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. 11 hours ago, Sig said:

    I see everyone is answering as if he's asking about a rental. Maybe he is? But when I read the post, it sounds like he's looking for a place to buy. How else could he paint it himself, install air-conditioning, and furnish it himself? Perhaps it could be made clear what is being looked for? A rental? A place to buy? If you want to paint and furnish it yourself, I think it would be a very unusual find for a rental. Although, if you got a rental and installed air-conditioning in a place that didn't have it already (hard to imagine in a decent place), I'm sure the landlord would be overjoyed at the free upgrade to their property!


    Too many posts like this are "bloggers" looking for tips to pass on for more "clicks" to make money.

    If it is genuine, then will his GF be willing to move away from family, friends and employment?

    So many details missing: how long is he staying is one you missed.



  2. On 12/20/2017 at 9:36 AM, Gregster said:






    As mentioned in the final paragraph of Post #1, this thread is about seeking feedback from other Dads who have been in similar situations i.e. “disowned” for dating an Asian more than five (5) years younger.


    Sincere thanks again to those Dads who have responded thus far.



    I was not "disowned" but have found many western women find it difficult to understand or deal with.

    I know women whose husband left them for a man and women that left their husband for another woman.

    21st century is very different.


    I have never been against equality wherever it is, but I hate this insistence on "positive discrimination" and the PC quotas enforced regardless of ability.


    The daughter will have to deal with the situation or lose contact with her father, which she will no doubt regret later in her life.


    Life is short...





  3. 21 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Lemme see ...... 62/2 =31+7 = 38

    Sorry that doesn't work for me, I wouldn't even look at a woman over 30 years old.

    Early 20s is so much better.

    Ah! been there and done that too, for many years, quite a few girls.

    1st time I tried this with an "older woman".

    It is an old saying, not recipe for happiness...



  4. 2 minutes ago, laislica said:

    So when these meds cost about €2.0 per day and, Ah, I see you talk about the UK, I talk about some countries.....

    BTW, it is not possible to buy all drugs in Thailand.

    Depending what you need, some are illegal in Thailand.

    If I need Tramadol (an opioid) where do you suggest I: Just buy them?

    There are many others impossible to even possess in Thailand.
    See recent news, an e-cig and fluid might send you to prison for simple possession.....

    Fun in it?


    Yes, you might find it difficult to get any opiate derived drugs here without a prescription, just go to a clinic and explain.

    I take a steroid for asthma and that can be difficult too sometimes. Clinics are cheap, and will give you a prescription if you show you what you are taking on a regular basis.

    E-cig nonsense is another protection law invented and imposed by TTM money.




    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, champers said:

    I know in the UK there are many towns and cities who have by-laws making drinking outside illegal, tourist towns included.

    In Thailand a mall is a popular place for Thai families to visit, so banning the advertising and sale of booze at such places could be viewed as protecting children.

    Not accurate:

    Drinking in the street or outside of a licensed premises area is banned by many UK local councils.

    In the US the brown bag is the normal compromise...


    Protecting children excuse is just more nanny nonsense.





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  6. 19 minutes ago, laislica said:



    Hee hee, glad to see we're on the same page.....
    Same again!!



    In certain countries, regular prescription meds can only be obtained monthly, so what to do when you go on holiday?
    Get the meds ahead of time and the Pharmacist "Books" it at the appropriate date - for a small fee - of course LOL

    What Laws? LOL

    Regular meds on prescription:

    If you have the box just take it to a pharmacist and you will usually get what you want without any problem (not Boots).

    The clinics can issue prescriptions so if you need one just go to one and explain what you take and why. All qualified doctors in Thailand can speak English.

    If you are going away on holiday most doctors (UK for sure) will give you a double prescription, but if you have to pay the charge it is likely to cost less buying here.

    Depends on what you need.



  7. 3 minutes ago, laislica said:

    Just down the road, at the Mom n Pop shop, I carted off a crate of what ever I wanted.....

    Was cold, in the fridge, cost a baht or two more.... but worth it.


    What Laws????

    Electronic till could get the staff sacked, and noodle stalls don't usually have a liquor licence. Just bad timing. The staff likely thought of your misfortune like slipping on a banana skin.

    You were right to laugh it off and go down the road.

    It is an old law resurrected by Toxin.

    Lots of silly laws, but little enforcement without payment to the BiB.




    • Like 1
  8. Horses for courses.

    Entirely depends on what both sides want.

    Some bar girls are just in it for money, others are looking for a way out of a situation.

    Getting a date with a "respectable" Thai girl isn't so easy.

    Thai men and women subscribe to the "gik" club which is just casual sex with no major responsibilities. Others are minor wives or mistresses with apartments and cars paid for.


    Short time is just what it means and the online dating sites are full of hookers and gold diggers anyway.



    • Like 2
  9. On 12/17/2017 at 8:35 AM, Bundooman said:

    Yours is a very significant thought provoking response. Thailand's 'Girlie Bar' reputation has leaked out across the western world over the last decade. I can understand that particular thinking process with all the bad press that has been published regarding Thailand's seedier side, while knowing that, after 13 years of living here in Thailand, (plus many years experience of being around Asia before that , including Thailand), that most of the hundreds of Thai women, young and old, are some of the most pleasant, courteous, likeable and friendliest people I have ever met in my life. None of these women would deserve the kind of vitriolic and sneering, stereotype labels stamped upon them here by members of this forum.


    And yes, I have met hundreds of Thai women, old, young, beautiful or not so beautiful - who cares; they are people I have met and come to know over my 12 years while working as a teacher at the same school. A number of them are also parents that I have come into contact with and I still have to say that they also are delightful people to know. 


    Furthermore, I too have an adult western daughter, (my youngest of two), from whom I am estranged, almost 9 years now. I do not know the reason why, but it coincided with my separation with her Mother-in-law, with whom she was close, and my then, new Thai girlfriend. My youngest daughter and I were very close up until that point). I assume that the new woman in my life was the reason, although my ex-wife and I are still close friends. My eldest daughter and I remain very close also and she has no problem whatsoever with my new family, which includes my 10 year old daughter.


    I cannot live my life by someone else's standards. Mine are set and I have no wish to change them. I believe that there are enough people in my life that either like or love me for what I am. That includes my present Thai family, my English family, all my friends and acquaintances around the world.


    One day, things may change. I don't know. I still love my youngest daughter very much. But the next move is in her court. My first two years were full of my attempts to understand her stance of silence with no response. I have now moved on - my life is too short to worry about things I have no control over. Sad though it is.


    Good luck to the OP. I hope things change for you.

    I enjoyed your comment.

    There is an old saying about a relationship with younger women:

    Half your age plus 7 years.

    Works for me, but would be frowned on by the western fems.

    The "body shape" thing annoys me to, if you married an attractive woman and you stay in reasonable shape why shouldn't you expect the same?




  10. Relationships with Thai young lady's


    A Thai young lady's what exactly, a certain part of her anatomy?

    Or is this supposed to be plural?


    I gave up giving advice to new tourists years ago. Even a good friend completely ignored what I told him in the UK before his 1st trip to Thailand for the wedding of his nephew up country.

    Total disaster happened. Cost him a fortune and his nephew was divorced in 4 years after being skinned.


    No matter what they are told, "It will never happen to me" is the attitude people take.


    Don't waste your breath.





  11. 11 hours ago, ignis said:

    Unless I read it wrong the only person killed was the Passenger inside the truck, so sitting in the back in this case was safer

    Correct, but a rare case like the one that went into a klong this week where all on the the back were thrown clear and most of the cab occupants drowned.

    It is definitely not safe to ride in the back, but neither is it safe to have a driver that falls asleep, something that happens so often here in whatever they are driving.





  12. 14 hours ago, Beats56 said:

    There was a story recently about reindeer getting killed by a train. Forget where it was but there were a lot killed. I was shocked by the amount dead.


    "Reindeer" should cut the options of where it happened.

    I hope Father Christmas still has enough for the 24th?

    US trains had cow catchers way back, maybe the High Speed Train in Thailand should incorporate it in the design?



    Lots of car accidents in North America, Canada and other places still happen with wild beasts of course.




  13. On 12/7/2017 at 11:50 AM, johncat1 said:

    Rammed at a heard of Buffaloes ?   Strange headline .. You ram something but never " rammed at " 

    The headline makes it sound as it was a deliberate act by the train driver.

    Also the accident happened at night so I assume the buffaloes had no lights on them so being a very dark animal I doubt the train driver even saw them

    Makes a change from killing Thai buffaloes that drive pick-ups  across the tracks  

    Ridiculous headlines seem to be rife on the media these days, social, online news, TV type forums and the press.

    The standard of journalism has plummeted with all the bloggers and non professionals looking for click bait and sensational headlines for an undeserved profit. 

    Reminds me of the old insurance claim quote:

    "The lamppost must have been doing 40 when it hit me!"

    Of course in Thailand anything is possible to avoid losing face....





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