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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. On 12/4/2017 at 1:36 PM, Odysseus123 said:

    Wise Old Owl.


    I agree.There was a sense of comradeship-of something shared rather then a daily dollop of schadenfreude which (unfortunately) is often ones's lot there.


    Just to keep folks informed...you may recall that I mentioned an infection which was consuming what was left of my leg.


    It turns out to be MRSA and it is a hell of a thing to treat necessitating huge amounts of bed rest..so naturally I turn to see what my friends are doing on TV..


    Once that is cleared up then it is on to the heart..


    The Aussies are doing okay..altho' I wished they smiled more...


    THE BEER IS GOOD..lots of boutique breweries now and the wine's not bad either...

    Decent sausages, bacon and pies too I hope.

    Sorry to hear it is MRSA, difficult indeed.


    Anyway you are getting the care you need and very good to get updates from you and a chance for a little exchange in TV once again.

    Wish you well and heart ops are much more routine then in yesteryear, so don't worry too much. It is still major surgery and you will need more bed rest.

    A good opportunity for some reading.


    All the best G.


    PS. Only The Dark Lord is missing. News from him would be nice, although as you said we shouldn't worry too much...


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  2. 19 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    I think its more about attracting girls or impressing your friends, than increasing horsepower. You could argue the merits of alloy rims on any car, its more a cosmetic thing rather than a performance thing.

    :thumbsup: I think you are dead right, but some owners are older. I saw a 15 year old BMW 523 today with four exhaust pipes and I see the same sort of stuff every day.

    Where I live there seems to be a custom car club, with dozens of old hatchbacks fitted with huge or multiple exhausts. They make a lot of noise, but I've never seen one accelerate quickly.

    You also get the diesel pick-ups etc with the boom buster sound system that rattles my windows when they go past.


    It isn't just here, have a week in Essex in the UK, but 90% go as well as they make noise not like most in this country.


    Thais do love cars - even though most can't drive to save their own or anyone else's lives...







  3. On 11/30/2017 at 11:47 AM, JLCrab said:

    ThaiVisa.com Forum Rule #2 states that you will not post material that " ... is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false ..."


    That doesn't rule out a whopper being thrown in by some now-and-then.

    A whopper, or even a junior whopper is now known as "False News" and seems to the norm in these days of social media and hysterical reporting.





  4. On 12/2/2017 at 3:19 PM, scubascuba3 said:
    On 12/2/2017 at 3:14 PM, malt25 said:
    Good work Sherlock !  " Ms Rattanaporn Polthep "   Definitely a farang.

    You missed the point thicky, farang women are getting heavier and heavier and becoming land whales so not surprising if it had turned out to be a farang

    Western women have now got a PC excuse. It isn't PC to comment on the size or weight, age or gender/sexual orientation etc etc etc.

    Over the last 12-15 years you do see far more obese Thais the ever before.

    Fast food has to be a major part of the problem here (as it is in the west), when the traditional Thai diet is being replaced and sedentary life styles are more common.


    Time to dust off the beer goggles...







  5. 8 hours ago, ryane66 said:

    There are two totally different types of Isaan women in Isaan with faring husbands. Those previously working in Pattaya or the likes and returning with their farang husband. And those from Isaan that were usually previously married to a Thai man. What the author is describing l think is mainly the second group. Many in this group are educated and come from a good family. They can be teachers, lawyers, nurses, business ladies. Most are looking for a stable happy life. They are tired of the Thai males attitude. My partner is in this group and on a regular basis friends and work mates are asking her to find them a faring boyfriend/husband. 






    Yes, but does she give the farang money now?



  6. 17 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I don't have any problems getting the correct price. If someone tried to overcharge me, it certainly wouldn't be fun.

    Where do you not get the correct price?


    If you have never been swindled with a smile or listened to the staff after you make an order then that is "up to you" (as they say in Thai).




  7. 14 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    If you want to live a life in Thailand, it's essential to speak the language. Not that hard to understand is it? Do you want to spend the next 20 years with a bar-girl in tow to translate. 

    I wonder how she'd do, with her translation of legal terms when stating a company etc, or even getting your car fixed or building a house.

    Some come here, are racist, abuse the woman. Some come here, respect the culture, start a business and family.

    Some come here, respect the culture (all parts), work in a respected, well paid job for Thai companies for many years and have a family.

    Then retire.

    Professor Pat you seem to think only your own experience of Thailand is worthy of merit.

    If you have never been to a massage parlour, karaoke or go go bar you have missed out on some essentials of the full Thai cultural experience.









  8. Has anyone noticed that often you will find you can simply ask for a beer/meal and the order is repeated the other way round. Then at the next place reverse the words again as they were repeated and have the person repeat the order as you first said it?

    It's a game, a bit like puns.

    Down south, where I spent my first year or so, I only had trouble with northerners understanding my primitive Thai back then.

    In Bangkok you never know if they will understand or not, or simply go blank. The more educated (not the 7eleven trainees etc) usually want to practice their English, including some more accomplished mini market and pharmacy employees.

    If you get what you order at the correct price it is just a bit of Thai fun.

    Being ignored is rude, and they know it.

    Very rare for me anyway.


    I will sign off this topic by saying you do meet the "know it all" too. One ex-hooker that married a German I knew thought she knew more about English grammar and pronunciation than I do.

    Sad arrogant bitch spoke Tinglish and couldn't write a sentence to save her life.






  9. 7 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Do you really think ALL Thais have no common sense??

    I would say in my experience the lack of common sense (and logic) is much nearer to 100% than stupidity.

    Depends on how you define "stupidity" I suppose.

    Is parking on a zebra crossing stupid if it's not illegal? Is marking two zebra crossings on the road less then 30 yards apart logical? Or is completely blocking a shop entrance/exit with intertwined scooters a lack of common sense?

    There are intelligent people that are excellent surgeons, architects etc etc, but seem to lack a bit of common sense and logic.






  10. 18 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    But, but........all buses are checked for road worthiness at Tah Chat Chai checkpoint.

    That was the announcement from the authorities after the umpteenth bus had "brake failure" on Patong hill about a year ago.

    As we all know, for any particular "crackdown", the people that actually enforce it, have the attention span of a goldfish....

    And pockets to fill...



  11. 18 hours ago, taipeir said:

    Well since you are so polite I will comment. I believe the Irish government is very concerned about the lack of specifics on the border from UK side. This depends on the hard or soft Brexit approach but Tories seems.to have opted for hard brexit without any mandate to do that.


    Not only that but people in the border region are very worried about what will happen to their communities and their livelihoods. These people don't want or need a border.


    Northern Ireland is not going to benefit from being pulled out of the EU in general. Northern Ireland did not vote to leave the EU.


    You are also one of the few posters who understands the various options available to the UK government which they inexplicably ignored and instead have chased fantasies about 'amazing free trade agreements' that are not possible.


    I don't understand why the UK government doesn't pursue some form of compromise while Brexit which while satisfying nobody comlletely will offer a realistic approach .


    Believe this debate belongs in Brexit threads though!

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk








    True we have digressed from the topic.

    No problem with what you say, I would just add the EU are not cooperating or "negotiating" just dictating.

    The Irish border is tied in to a trade deal.

    But they don't want to know. Money up front first is the game.

    Who is trying to force through an unacceptable deal here?

    "Hard Brexit" has to remain an option.

    Neither side want it. (Remember we buy more than we sell.)

    Have you ever bargained over a price at a street stall?

    Walking away has to be a threat.


    Thanks, G :wai:



  12. Change the law? Waste of time, they are only enforced if there is a payment involved. Only 24 hours a day would reduce the baksheesh.

    Party time holiday destinations need better organisation.

    Late hours why not, just turn the music down and keep it inside where there are residential buildings.

    Police around to prevent crime too?

    If the tourists are too drunk to walk home or find the hotel that is their problem. Taxis should cost more at 3-4+ am.

    It will never happen, too much money involved.





  13. 16 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Ban Thais from driving !!! Only allow Brits to drive, a they are probably the world,s finest :)

    Well, not top of the list but considering all the foreign truck/bus drivers and "scam" accidents that happen on UK roads (mostly eastern Europeans) they should be higher.

    I went to test drive a second hand pick-up for the missus last week, and the owner said, "Huh, farang, can he drive?" but I just laughed as the missus told him off.

    Don't you just love the arrogance, when Thailand is almost bottom of the safe driving countries of the world.



    Grizzly end for the workers: RIP.




  14. Close to where I live nothing happened for weeks then the 7Eleven put ฿10 increase on ALL beers (620-630cl) and ฿13 on my brand of smokes making them ฿100, not ฿87. That lasted about two days as everyone else was still at original prices (BigC, Tesco, MaxValue).

    Last week beer went up everywhere in the area ฿2-3 mostly, but cheap stuff (Archer) went down by the same amount in MaxValue but stayed the same old price elsewhere, as has my brand of smokes (฿87 today)...


    Seems to be the same old story, make it up as you go along.



     The one thing about Thailand you can count on, is that it is always inconsistent.






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