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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. Can you imagine the amount of money that's going to be made by "One company" in Thailand supplying the whole country...... Almost on par with the alcohol Barons.....    Ooooh, can't you just smell that chicanery.... 

    Every time i think of what must be going on behind closed doors here all i can see is Terry Thomas with one of his scheming looks..........

    Terry Thomas.jpg

    • Haha 1
  2. Luxury !   When i turned 17 the old fellah asked me out for a drink and promptly took me to the Army, Navy, and Air Force recruitment centre in York. I purposely failed everything including spelling my name wrong, and then the bloke behind the counter looked at the old fellah and asked " Navy" ?  the old fellah replied "Navy"...... ( Me old man had been a Chief in the Navy in the last big dust up )  and that was that...... No bars for me....... Welcome to the South Atlantic..... Fill yer boots....  So i'm not exactly crying my eyes out over the plight of Thailands sex workers..... Over the years i've met some girls who've made an absolute fortune doing something that a lot of them loved and would of done for free...... and why not, a night in the Peninsula is somewhat better than in the back of someones Mini...... 

  3.    Sounds as though Somchai will walk..... pockets full........  Legalized theft with total unaccountability from the bank........ Not exactly confidence building if you're thinking of keeping large amounts of money in Thailand.....


    Police refused to name the Pattaya based bank branche where a manager named “Gob” stole 130 million from expats and their wives, citing defamation laws. (It was Kasikornbank Soi Bua Khao Pattaya branch) The staff was ordered by Kasikorn HQ that customers would not be reimbursed.

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  4. Blasphemy !   No such thing as a sex worker (Prostitute) in Thailand as it's illegal........  Then i fell off me chair laughing......  Can't say anymore as i've just got over my latest ban for telling the truth....... Silly me i should know better...... "Don't tell the truth"....... it's out of place.......    Can you imagine the knock on effect of all those lovely little ladies (Lads as well) not sending all that hard earned cash back home ?    The latest rumour is the government's going to stop payments shortly as the barrell's empty....... That'll be fun if that happens.... 

  5. 9 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    What joke, why would anyone bother trying to retire in Thailand?


    You are going to get ripped off, arrested, discriminated against, attacked, punched in the face, canceled visa, cheated out of your rent deposit, pushed off your condo balcony, catch HIV from your GF after she changes the deed to your house and in the end the bank will steal your money and say tough luck farang!

    You forgot the last one....... "Go home and get some more money then come back".........

    • Haha 2
  6. Ha ha........ And this is why i wouldn't put 800,000 bht into a Thai bank to apply for a visa....... Do you honestly think they've now got a cat in hells chance of getting their money back  ?    That's a big NO....... I've always just had enough in the account to cover costs for two months, that's enough temptation, even more temptation in these hard times...... I don't like to say it....... Told you.....

    • Thanks 1
  7. It's sadly laughable what's happened in Thailand, knocked down or closed all the best tourist spots and now they've just realized what was pulling in all those tourists with all that lovely money that was floating the whole boat......  I knew it was over when they knocked down Cheap Charlies in Bkk then carried on down Soi 11 and killed the lot.......    Talk about stupid ?  World class.........  Vaccine passports now ?...... They'd be lucky to get people back if they dropped the whole nightmare of hurdles they've put up and paid them to come ....... You can forget quarantine and health insurance........ Better get back to the good old days of welcoming anybody in with enough money to support themselves then try again not to be so monumentally stupid...... 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, WashingUpagain said:

    One area being overlooked are the available treatments for covid. The survival rates are improving by the day as new treatments have been found to be very effective. Trials of even more promising drugs such as Ivermectin are ongoing and will add greatly to the survival rates. Within a year, getting covid in old age will no longer be a death sentence. There is hope, it just takes time.

    Ivermectin's been proven to be a wonder drug but they've stamped all over it...... Personally i'll be buying my own supply before i'm having anything injected into me.... 

  9. "If tourists can return with no quarantine, we will definitely see 10 million this year. If not, even if we let them in free of charge, nobody will come," he said.


    Common sense mixed with a healthy dose of desperation has finally brought out the glaringly obvious..... You might also want to add that the country and immigration shouldn't be run like an army camp, and those that want to play soldiers should go and find a nice big field to play armies in.......  I'm sick of saying it, do what Malaysia's doing and test people at the airport and if they're ok let them in, and forget all this what if ? what if ? nonsense.  It's time to face reallity, if the country's not opened up soon the whole lot's going down the gurgler, including the shiny button mob......

    Apparently the survival rate is 98.7%, i'll take it, you wouldn't get 50% down Sukhumvit on a Friday night, and 25% in Cambodia........

    I think the lads are starting to realize that there's no point being in charge of a country that you can't rob............   


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  10. 32 minutes ago, connda said:

    Knowing how Thailand works, my best guess is that the slow rollout is a direct function of elite Thais who are in positions of power trying to game a way to maximize their profits. 
    Commoners?  They all are just Thai Baht in the revenue column of an balance sheet of companies who wish to find a way to turn pandemic fear into maximized profits for a select sub-strata of the privileged.  If they have to wait?  Too bad.  They're all just.....commoners.  They don't really matter other than for their ability to consume and make the rich richer.

    Yep, as i once witnessed a Thai-Chinese individual tell an Isaan person..... " You're a peasant, and always will be"... Charming.........  And let's not kid ourselves who's in charge, they're not Somchai from Isaan.......

    • Like 2
  11. Interesting figures just off the BBC  25/1/21


    The US and China have given the most doses overall - the US more than 20 million and China more than 15 million - while the UK has administered more than six million doses.

    But when breaking the figures down by population, looking at doses administered per 100 people in the 10 countries giving the most vaccinations, Israel, the UAE and the UK top the list. They have administered about 41, 25 and 10 doses per 100 people respectively.

    Most countries are prioritising the over-60s, health workers and people who are clinically vulnerable.

    • Like 2
  12. 6 hours ago, Scot123 said:

    And there you have it! The big con goes on. Everyone was led to believe getting the  vaccine would = normality what a lie that was. Looks like the uk under lockup till earliest 17th June (15th February was an other lie). We hear herd immunity a phrase used in the very beginning and dismissed in favour of lockup. So dear Thailand stop thinking that a vaccine is the light as there is no light. Looks like Sweeden has had the right idea from the start. This begs the question why risk a vaccine that's been rushed out in months and not years? What are the benifits because now all I see is the risks.

    100% !   Fling the doors open before the place sinks.......  

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