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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 23 minutes ago, khunkarl said:

    No it's because too many people have been traveling to Thailand without having any insurance and skipped their medical bills when they can not pay. Are you that saying all foreigners are honest? What planet are you from?

    Planet Earth.......  Can you use any other health insurance other than a Thai one in Thailand ?   I've been in loads of Thai hospitals, there's no skipping out of the door........ That's just Thai Gov Propaganda....   In my country Thai tourists are treated just like a national, they don't have to pay a penny....... How about that ?        Think about it, how can you skip in a foreign country carrying a passport travel document ?    Er, unless you're 007, forget it....... 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Donaldo said:

    Well, whatever you are happy with. It is indeed an individual choice to agree or disagree. But it certainly sends out the wrong signal. Not because of the amount, but the audacity and stupidity of it. They should encourage people to visit the country by wooing them, and not making them feel like they are being fleeced already upon entry. I am quite sure that they will spent enough during their stay to compensate the paltry 300 Baht. Thailand already has a reputation of being xenophobic with a government endorsed double pricing policy. And this will certainly not help in getting rid of that image.

    People still don't understand the nature of the beast...... It starts with 300, then 500, then a thousand........  It's called greed, and it's all over every decision this lot's making........ They're filling their pockets for when the show closes down...... 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Lingba said:

    so people who have insurance have to pay for others who don't...another scam

     In all the years i've spent in Thailand and the times i've had anything to do with the medical system it's either been money up front or cash before you leave, normally in the form of visa or master card..... I've never left the house without one of those cards in my pocket......    That particular lie of all these unpaid medical bills was to bring in "Thai"  health insurance to scam more off tourists...... or should i say Farangs.....    I found out the hard way years ago when i woke up on a gurney in a corridor of dead bodies in the police hospital at erawan, i wasn't carrying a card and there was very little in my wallet. I'd gone through a taxi front window after a head on collision and the driver was dead and i was just wheeled into the nights death toll and left....... It was funny when i came to, sat up covered in blood and walked down the corridor and out of the front door, it was like something out of Frankenstein complete with people scurrying out of the way........It seems life does have a price.......   Scams ? welcome to SE Asia........  

    • Like 1
  4. Here we go again, both feet this time on full auto !   For Gods sake please take the gun off these lot before they go through the floor, both feet have gone already........   I tell you what though they brighten my day up every time i see a post like this...... Not a scooby doo ! 

  5. Someone in Churchill fashion needs to get hold of the media and tell them to pack it in with all this scaremongering terrifying the population just to keep their backsides in a job....    Or maybe someone in a uniform with more medals on his chest than an African dictator to finally take the reins and act like a General, i mean for Gods sake there's plenty in Thailand with that rank....... Unfortunately just on paper.....   

  6. 17 hours ago, webfact said:

    Thailand reports 157 new COVID-19 cases as number of infections appears to stabilise



    REUTERS FILE PHOTO for reference only


    Thailand reported 157 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, a significant fall from the number of cases reported on Tuesday. .


    Of the new cases, 132 were local transmissions, while 25 were imported from people entering quarantine.


    Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA), Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin also said 211 people had been discharged from hospital having made a full recovery. 


    3,981 people remain in hospital or held in a migrant worker quarantine centre.


    No new deaths were reported. 


    Tuesday’s cases bring the total number of COVID-19 infections in Thailand to 10,991, with 67 deaths.


    Thankfully, Thailand is yet to see the ‘worst case scenario’ predictions that warned of ten of thousands of new daily cases.


    Instead, the country has seen a significant reduction in daily new cases since Jan 4, the start of the  so-called ‘new wave’ of infections in Thailand. 


    The number of new infections and total cases in Thailand since 14 Dec is as follows:


    14 Dec: +28 (4,237)

    15 Dec: +9 (4,246)

    16 Dec: +15 (4,261)

    17 Dec: +20 (4,281)

    18 Dec: +16 (4,297)

    19 Dec: +34 (4,331)

    20 Dec: +576 (4,907)

    21 Dec: +382 (5,289)

    22 Dec: +427 (5,716)

    23 Dec: +46 (5,762)

    24 Dec: +67 (5,829)

    25 Dec: +81 (5,910)

    26 Dec: +110 (6,020)

    27 Dec: +121 (6,141)

    28 Dec: +144 (6,285)

    29 Dec: +155 (6,440)

    30 Dec: +250 (6,690)

    31 Dec: +194 (6,884)

    1 Jan: +279 (7,163)

    2 Jan: +216 (7,379) 

    3 Jan: +315 (7,694)

    4 Jan: +745 (8,439)

    5 Jan: +527 (8,966)

    6 Jan:+365 (9,331)

    7 Jan:+305 (9,636)

    8 Jan:+205 (9,841)

    9 Jan:+212 (10,053)

    10 Jan:+245 (10,298)

    11 Jan:+249 (10,547)

    12 Jan:+287 (10,834)

    13 Jan:+157 (10,991)



    -- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2021-01-13

    67 deaths ? Imagine if this number's true with all the crappy measures implemented in shops and malls up and down the country then i wouldn't be sweating as much..... If it was Ebola or some other tried and tested mass murdering disease then i'd be worried........  67 ?  I think we lost in more in a bar fight in Yorkshire......   and before anybody says anything about how wonderful Thailand's preventative measures have been, then dream on, if it was that dangerous people would be dropping like flies already....... 67 ?  Ask yourselves how many people in desperation have already killed themselves over this mass media hysteria dung show  ?   I bet it's into three figures already..... 

  7. "I used to be indecisive but now i'm not sure"..............  Test at the airport, quarantine until result, then free to travel if negative, if not, return to sender before the whole lot disappears under the waves !........  But but but but .........  If testing's no good and everyone continues in this "What if"  what if mode, then we might as well all just crawl under the bed and die....    Do i chuck the canons overboard and clear the reef, or do i keep them and lose the lot ?    Simple as that........  Shortly they won't have any money to turn the lights for their meetings......  but but but, what if ?   

  8. On 1/12/2021 at 5:53 AM, Kaopad999 said:

    It's honestly so  heartwarming for me to know that i'm living in a country that understands the basic fundamentals on how to successfully control the spread of this virus. 
    And most of all, thank you so much to the Thai people who really put huge effort into social distancing, mask wearing, and providing hand sanitizer in all of he stores & shopping malls. It really goes to show that Thailand  has a real community spirit, where everyone gets together and contributes by helping out each other.  

    Sheeeet, that was the biggest lick of the rear end that i've ever seen on TVF !     I hope you're getting paid for that......  

  9. 3 hours ago, tomauasia said:

    Regime doesn't give a thought to hookers bars and scum. Not interested. Go home work 

    You missed out the work for nothing and grovel on the floor bit whenever you see anybody in a uniform like the peasants that you are.........     I once witnessed a Chinese individual tell an Isaan person exactly that.....  "You're a peasant, and always will be "........   Charming individual...... 

  10. 7 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

    well, its a funny idea and obviously its not gonna recover the economy. yet....still gratefull to be in Thailand with regards to the covid crisis. I just read in London they started storing dead bodies in tents bc the morgues are full. And the usa has a daily death rate of 4000 ppl.

    so well, Thaioand still wins big time and deserves praise and support  and not ridicule and cheap jokes.

    Listen to yourself...... !  Don't forget the Tyranosaurus Rex ravaging London as well.....    Believing that garbage is a bit like believing the figures coming out of TAT.........     Storing bodies in tents ?     Nah, there's a place called Morecambe where we let them walk around then congregate at bus stops.......  

    • Haha 1
  11. It seems not only has China given the world this nasty virus but their addiction to gambling is spreading it...... Casinos in Burma, Casinos in Cambodia, Casinos in Thailand.......   Personally i can't even play cards so this disgusting addiction and its consequences in my opinion should be avoided at all costs.......  But sadly there's too many snouts in the trough.........  

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, rabas said:

    Really? How many are left with permanent or long term issues? Many are younger people.

    • Cardiovascular: inflammation of the heart muscle
    • Respiratory: lung function abnormalities
    • Renal: acute kidney injury
    • Liver damage.
    • Dermatologic rash or hair loss
    • Neurological sleep issues, difficulty with concentration, memory problems
    • Psychiatric: depression, anxiety, changes in mood
    • Stroke, infarctions
    • Blood clotting
    • Deep vein Thrombosis
    • Brain damage
    • Heart Attack
    • Long term loss of taste and smell
    • Other to be discovered..

    Even beyond that from Harvard Medical School

    There also are people who survived COVID and have no evidence of injury to the heart, kidneys, or brain — but who nevertheless have not returned to full health. They still have fatigue, body aches, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, inability to exercise, headache, and trouble sleeping. Some studies find that more than 50% of people who "recovered" from COVID remain hobbled by these symptoms three months later. They can't return to work. They can't fulfill their responsibilities at home.


    “Before this, I was a healthy young athlete with no major medical conditions,”she tweeted after a Covid-related stroke. “Now, I’m being told I will likely never return to contact sports because of lasting lung and brain damage.[see here]



    What's this a horror story for scaring babies off the teat ?      I've got malaria, had Dengue twice, no big deal really...... Had pleurisy a couple of years ago, put me in bed for a month without the ability to move with the effects similar to drowning, shallow breathing and a fear of even coughing, then two weeks crawling around the floor........ and yes that does leave all kinds of nastiness, and i'm also told that i'll get it again.......  So to tell you the truth i'm not that worried about C19. I've met people who tested positive for it, not had a single thing wrong with them....... Figure that .......

  13. 3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Will have to wait and see.

    Let's also hope we never see 80,000 deaths here.

    Just received this......... Food for thought......


    The main thing i realized lately is that the chances of anyone under 60 with nothing else wrong with them getting into trouble is very very low
    (total deaths so far about 80,000. number of people below 60 in the UK about 62 million)       Total population around 70,000,000,,,,,,,,,    Not good for the elderly.....  
  14. Just imagine if the good citizens of Thailand took the governments advice and reported all illegal and strange dealings going on and then grassed up all the illegal casinos in the country...... ?  Imagine the amount of individuals self isolating and taking flights out of the country......... Might even be a great boost for Thai Airways.....   Be like rats leaving a sinking ship......  

    • Like 2
  15. This is Thailand's future if it's not stopped right now...... Thailand will just become like Cambodia, a Chinese Casino ........    I wonder if they've checked with the CCP if it's ok to arrest "Chinese High Rollers" ?   ......  I'm looking forward to when farangs will be begged to come back into Thailand and save them from all this pie in the sky dreaming of raping the Chinese.......   Trouble is, once you've forgotten where you came from, you're out at sea without a rudder..........  

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