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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 7 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    People often feel the need to claim that everyone on here is racist, old, bigoted, fat, bald, alcoholic, sexpat, etc. and that the comments reflect this.  There's also a kind of "it's fine to say bad things about expats, but no expats are allowed to say anything critical of Thais" vibe when people discuss TVF.  A bit of projection based on insecurity I think.

    Indeed, just last week someone posted on TVF a picture of two SAS men wearing their medals and awards and likened them to, shall i say some of the fancy dress military costumes that we've all seen in SE Asia  (Can't say Thailand)  or i'll be banned again.....  Two DSOs and an MC, along with a heap of campaign medals all in places where most people couldn't even spell the countries names........ Not exactly stuff you can buy down Chatuchak.... 

    But it's ok to slag off real heroes just as long as we don't offend the local theatre troup.......  

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/31/2020 at 3:01 AM, bangkokfrog said:

    Congratulations and well deserved Richard but sadly, the medal represents a a rather paltry 'Empire' these days! Surely they could come up with a more representative name.

    " Rather paltry Empire " ?   Still controls 40% of the worlds finances........ and QE2 is the largest land owner in the world........ Yes indeed, how paltry....... 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, shackleton said:

    As a guest in Thailand  I can't get to worked up what Thais think of others 

    I am happy here lead a quite life dont get involved in Politics of the Country

    If you feel that strong about what is happening to others and feel resentment against the Thai Government  then do something about it talk the talk is easy 

    Do the walk 



    Shackleton....... he was a brave man.........   

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, rabas said:


    BINGO, Taiwan didn't mass test because they had few cases, like Thailand.


    The graph is PER CAPITA, so Thailand tested more per capita than Taiwan.


    The first ever case diagnosed outside China entered Thailand Jan 8.  Found at the airport because Thailand was already screening passengers. Thailand confirmed it was SARS2 hours after China/WHO confirmed SARS2 to the world. Thailand had already sequenced the genome before China released it. They were first to do so.


    The first confirmed case in Taiwan was January 21.

    I was working in Taiwan recently, completely open, bars and restaurants just like nothing's happened...... 

  5. 21 minutes ago, UncleMhee said:

    Enjoy the monkey house..... you're bound to get there at some stage with you moronic attitude.....

    Have you been in there ?   I have, for no reason at all....... Purely jumped up charges.....  All they could say was sorry........ Please go away.......  And i don't think i qualify as a moron...... Just a farang......   

    • Confused 1
  6. A thoroughly disgusting situation. If the man did kick the girl for no reason they he deserves all he gets..... But just imagine what might of been said to the man, as we all know, Thais can be real nasty pieces of work with all the usual anti farang comments......   As for the squad in uniform, i'm sick and tired of the constant fancy dress party in third world countrys..... All getting a bit boring now......    What's come out of all this for me is that all i've suspected over years of living in Thailand has been confirmed....... They don't like foreigners, only their money........  and any chance they can they'll rob you on any jumped up charges......

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  7. 35 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    Although I'm one of those who can't visit my wife because I can't take enough time off to allow for quarantine and time with her, I'm not sure that's a fair observation.


    To the best of my knowledge none of the virus manufacturers have shown that having the vaccine stops someone from carrying infection - apparently they are still trying to establish that fact.  Given that, I don't think its surprising that Thai authorities are maintaining their stance that everyone must quarantine.


    Hopefully the required information will be available soon and even more hopefully, that information will establish that being vaccinated does indeed prevent people from carrying the virus.


    I do though, understand your sentiment and in all honesty, knowing the way the Thai authorities work, even if it is proven that the vaccine prevents the virus from being carried, I would not expect an immediate relaxation of the current quarantine rules.  I think its more likely that they will reduce quarantine to perhaps seven days for those who've had the vaccine and still require a negative test before being allowed out of quarantine or something along those lines.

    The authorities will do as they've always done, they'll move the goal posts to suit them and their pockets because as you might of forgotten, they don't give a fig about foreigners....... only their money......  

    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, JTXR said:

    Maybe where you are, but certainly not in Bangkok.  In three mall visits in the past week, EVERY SINGLE PERSON I saw not wearing a mask, or wearing it as a chin-warmer, was farang.  It's no wonder Thais are increasingly on board with the idea of continuous tracking of foreigners.

    Don't worry when they're starving they'll be rolling out the red carpet to them........ I can't see big brother China doing much apart from stealing Thailands food.......     Sit back and watch the show...... 

  9. 30 minutes ago, crankshaft said:

    I can not believe that only this month of December that the Chinese plague is now on the rise in Thailand...with the number of Chinese tourists in Jan Feb Mar....The must be fudging of the numbers then...

    One good thing about all this, China will not be allowing Chinese tourists in and out of Thailand to re-infect China, so the boys at the trough better get the Farang red carpet out and dust it off.........  Chinese tourism's over for a few years..... 

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