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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 2 hours ago, BernieOnTour said:



    First, we had the dangerous UK mutation, coming from that “terrible” country, which was so impudent to leave the “wonderful” EU with its Brexit.


    Now, we have the dangerous Southafrican mutation, coming from a continent, where there’s only light lockdown (South Africa, Kenia) or even no lockdown (Tanzania, Zanzibar, Madagascar).


    ... by the way, if one would check the viral genome data bases, he would find out:

    In the meantime, we have now more than 7000 mutations !


    What next, with 7000 mutations?

    - The Wales mutation, the Northern Ireland mutation, the Paris mutation, the Canary islands mutation, the Florida mutation, the South Dakota mutation (no lockdown), the North Dakota mutation (lockdown) ???

    Hey you missed out the Sukhumvit mutation......  Don't short change the superior beings........ 

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    I just love how nobody is able to call the virus the China virus but everyone is so eager to attribute the strains to specific countries. 


    I'm calling the China Virus. 

    100 %   It's a mutation of the China virus and as we all know it will continue mutating as viruses do......  So what's next ? We've got the British, Brasilian and South African ones......... But the truth is they all originated in China....      

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  3. Dream on, as long as there's a shadow of doubt in any of the vaccines the government's not going to drop all it's money spinning quarantine requirements, there's too much money in it for them and their mates, who by the way own the golf courses as well..... None of the vaccines are a 100% guaranteed, but it's going to take a lot of outside pressure before the government release its death grip on the country, and the people in the tourist resorts would be better off giving uncle Tuu a good tongue lashing as to their dire situation.....   We all know what the lads at the top think about farangs and they're not going to bust their butt risking anything for them,  and definetely not putting themselves in any danger...... Nope, they're enjoying finally getting rid of those pesky farangs and what's left they'll slowly torture with a multitude of hoops to jump through before they've finally had enough and leave....  Then the Chinese dream will be back on in full scale just as before the C19 pandemic turned up........ Unless the lads go as with others in the past, Thailand for farangs has a very bleak future along with all its tourist destinations.......   

    • Like 1
  4. Dream on, as long as there's a shadow of doubt in any of the vaccines the government's not going to drop all it's money spinning quarantine requirements, there's too much money in it for them and their mates, who by the way own the golf courses as well..... None of the vaccines are a 100% guaranteed, but it's going to take a lot of outside pressure before the government release its death grip on the country, and the people in the tourist resorts would be better off giving uncle Tuu a good tongue lashing as to their dire situation.....   We all know what the lads at the top think about farangs and they're not going to bust their butt risking anything for them,  and definetely not putting themselves in any danger...... Nope, they're enjoying finally getting rid of those pesky farangs and what's left they'll slowly torture with a multitude of hoops to jump through before they've finally had enough and leave....  Then the Chinese dream will be back on in full scale just as before the C19 pandemic turned up........ Unless the lads go as with others in the past, Thailand for farangs has a very bleak future along with all its tourist destinations.......   

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  5. 4 hours ago, yoksot said:

    Does this mean prices will be similar, If so added to all the extra costs of Visas, Health Insurance, etc, etc. What would be the attraction for tourists ?? having spent most of the past 30 years in Thailand, 18+ as a Bar owner in Koh Samui where the wealthy arrived to replace the coconuts with concrete I have seen a Paradise Island destroyed. 

       Could not wait to escape. Now very happy again in a remote village in North East Thailand, and happy to be back in in the real world. Let's not forget it was the Back Packers that put Thailand on the tourist map, They can never be held responsible for the destruction.

                                                                             Food for Thought

                                                                             The Eye of Lamai

    That's what annoys me when people look down on back packers, they opened up Thailand when it was as poor as you know what, and as soon as the Malaga mob turned up they destroyed the place with Paddy and his mixer with the open handed consent of the locals..... I was lucky to have travelled Thailand when it was untouched........As a back packer.......

    • Like 2
  6. 39 minutes ago, keithkarmann said:

    If I was only offered 300 baht a day I would have little interest in finding a job, it would be a lot easier to send out the girlfriend to work in a restaurant or bar and live off her money. Seen the boyfriends picking up their girlfriends from the go go bars early in the morning. The boyfriends are not bothered how their girlfriends make their money. 

    This is one of the big problems that face farangs that havn't been here long enough to witness the truth within the country and its people.  How many times have you seen blokes heartbroken when they find out that the love of their life has a Thai boyfriend or husband in some cases ?  They just don't understand the culture, it's nothing personal it's just money..........

    I remember years ago a very valuable lesson i was taught by shall i say a very experienced lady of the night.

    She laid on the bed and put on a writhing and moaning show that was definetely doing the job, but as she explained, "That's for the customer, and this is for free".......   As you say, why knock your pan for 300 bht a day when you can have someone do it for you........For a lot more...... 

    • Like 2
  7. Let's just work this out.  No jobs, low salary if you have a job, ever increasing living costs, large medical bills, no incentive from the government to have children, ( In the UK it used to be more kids less tax i believe ) and the chance of your kids going into the Army.    

    Nah, i'm understanding now why a lot of Thais are moving out of Thailand for a better life..... I know lots of Thai women that moved to Britain, and when you ask them will they go back to Thailand ?  they look at you in disbelief...... What for ?     

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, pookondee said:

    Obviously this will garner a whole lot of the usual responses about what Thailand does wrong, so let me add a few differing viewpoints:


    At the end of the day, who is going to risk diving into the unknown when a real pandemic is going on?

    (unless you REALLY have to)


    Would i rather stay in my own country (relatively Covid free) 


    go somewhere i might get trapped without flights or exit. 

    have to worry about getting trapped without a visa and have to stay long term in expensive accomodation..


    Then there is always the unknown with Thailand...

    If i do end up with Covid, will i be forced into a private hospital, even if i dont have symptoms?

    Any number of ways this could pan out, and they all sound bad.


    For the average traveller Its all about confidence and risk.


    Do i stay at home, where we are looked after, no visa issues, no exclusions because of racism and nationalism..

    AND able to work and even get welfare..


    or travel to Thailand and go through countless hoops and expense,

    in the end, to be treated not much better than a short term visitor, even if married or on retirement.


    Then there is the issue of those of us (Australian) are not even allowed outward travel as tourists)

    I dont really get why this endless debate keeps going.

    Its all pretty much a no brainer id say.

    100%,   I just hope someone in TAT reads this post......... 

  9. 6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

     It's a lingua franca rather than an international language; and unlikely to be replaced any time soon, and certainly not by Thai, or even Mandarin!

    Yep, and the current Lingua Franca is English, otherwise known as the "International language".......  Examples of lingua francas are numerous, and exist on every continent. The most obvious modern example is English, which is the current dominant lingua franca of international diplomacy, business, science, technology and aviation, but many other languages serve, or have served at different historical periods, as lingua francas in particular regions, countries, or in special contexts.    Something to do with the English speaking populations kicking backsides all over the place.......   Oooooooh, imagine having to learn French ?     Lingua Franca ? i think i might of had that, two aspirins........  

  10. On 2/10/2021 at 9:05 AM, Cake Monster said:

    Sadly, Thailand will fall down at the hurdle of Language Skill.

    English is the predominant Language used throughout  the Business Sector for conducting Business on a Global scale, and that is never going to change.

    The English proficiency skills in Thailand have been getting steadily worse every Year, and it is one of the reasons that Thailand finds it very difficult to perform on a Global Basis, against more forward and critical thinking Nations such as Vietnam, who are now starting to overtake Thailand in all kinds of ways, not just in Export values..

    Yep, it's not called the "International language" for nothing........ But apparently Uncle Tuu says that Thai will be the international language spoken all over the world......  Ally Wah !  

  11. All it takes is courage....... Airport testing, a few days quaratine while assessing the results and follow up checks and Bon Voyage...... the place would fill up overnight......  This scaremongering hide under the bed routine could go on for years and Tuk Tuks and boats will of rotted away by the time someone grasps the nettle......  A little bit of advice given to me by the old fellah from his time on Malta....   "We were either going to be killed by the Stukas bombing us on the land, or die in the submarine the next day. Then there were others that just worried themselves to death thinking about both probabilities......... Personally i was just trying to find a good place to drink...... and another thing, all those who wanted to live, died, and all those who stopped worrying and didn't give a FIG !  lived".......      Sound familiar ?    

  12. 17 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:


    Yea I can see where he's going with this .. Patt's is known for humping and Dubai has camels .. give Mayor a point for thinking outside the box .. 

    Trouble is the Mayor probably hasn't been to Dubai, i used to be based there, glass and concrete and expensive boring bars.......   The Russian hookers are probably the only thing Dubai and Pattaya have in common.......


    Certainly not a place i want to go back to or replicate in Thailand...... 

  13. 2 hours ago, DirtyFarang said:

    And further, I have been getting this rather strong feeling that there is a growing segment of Thais that would be quite happy if tourism NEVER resumed.  They are traveling and enjoying their country with no competition for restaurants and accommodations and don't have to be offended by those who don't understand the culture.   It is also obvious that certain folks in the government, such as the health minister who referred to us as "dirty farangs," prefer not to have us here.  The guy certainly did not hide his feelings!

    Anutin like many others in Gov are pro Chinese and you have to know where these lot came from in the not too distant past.  The Thailand and the Thai people that most farangs experience and like are nothing to do with his kind, they're usually the hotch potch that makes up the population of Thailand who are Laoatian, Cambodian, Burmese and all kinds of mixtures...... Anutins kith and kin are nothing to do with the mass poulation.... These are the individuals who you might be refering to...... 

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, fittobethaied said:

    I forgot to mention that these soaps and movies, by design, are welcome propaganda tools for the hiso elites since it allows them to continue to abuse women, family members and employees and keeps the lower class sheeple in their place. The sheeple just accept that kind of behavior as normal. They see it on TV and in the movies, so they think that's the way it's supposed to be. 

     "That is an absolute lie from the pit of hell! "    I take it you havn't been here that long ?    I've heard loads of stories over the years that make this look like a bedtime fairy story.  I used to have a girlfriend who's real father was killed by a man who then shacked up with her mother, raped the three daughters when they were old enough, put them all in club, then tried to kill them all in a car crash, the mother wouldn't listen to any of the daughters because she was scared.  The mother gave birth to the step dads daughter not long after he'd killed her husband, who when she turned 13 then announced that she was dads new wife as her mother was past it and shacked up with him. 

    My girlfriend killed his dogs with poison in preparation for killing him, but luckily for her and him she and her sisters ran off to Bkk......    And this is just one of hundreds that i've heard over the years.... 

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