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Posts posted by JamieM

  1. 29 minutes ago, Excel said:

    Except in Thailand where the RTP generally tip of the big boys or those with high level connections prior to the raid. We know this from well documented historical accounts. So yes what you say is correct for almost all other countries but here you are dealing with an absolutely corrupt law enforcement agency and an administration system that is self serving so hence it is not so black and white.

    That's why I said to the poster above that this guy probably has high level links in China, not Thailand.


    With high level links in China they feel confident enough that they don't need any in Thailand. They already feel like they own the place.


    Why would they need /want to pay brown envelopes here? they feel they simply don't need to and judging by the Chinese state media response they are probably right.


  2. 1 minute ago, Excel said:

    Who really knows what the true story is. The Chinese media, no doubt following state intervention, published the videos that cast the RTP in an appalling bad light yet the Thai government have not commented . So is someone or people in government up to their necks in it also ? who knows ? we don't and never will know the truth I doubt.

    Chinese state media would avoid any story that links a Chinese national being involved in serious crime abroad like the plague, unless they had a reason (or were ordered to) cover it.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Excel said:

    An alleged Chines criminal network. We do not not if that operation , whatever it turns out to be in truth, did or did not have Chinese sanction. The online gaming could just be part of a complex cover to fool the RTP, not that it would take much to fool the RTP.

    Wherever this network ends it has links to Chinese state media, else why would they be protecting this guy?

    • Like 1
  4. Quote

    The footage was obtained by the Chinese media


    I'm surprised no one is questioning how Chinese state media are able to get footage from a secured crime scene (potentially a murder scene) in another country?


    Everyone that is saying this guy is ok to shoot the cops because they were not in uniform are delusional.


    Do you think the serious crime task forces anywhere in the world wear uniform? no they don't they just turn up without uniforms on, so the criminal doesn't get tipped off. 

    Serious criminals have eyes everywhere that is why they come without uniforms on.



    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:




    I think that is just like for want of a better word, a holster for the spare/backup bullets.


    They then have to be loaded into the magazine of the gun in the normal way.

    What are you disagreeing with?  That is exactly what I am saying, it would be impossible to feed bullets into the chamber from the front holster ????‍♂️

    • Haha 1
  6. 28 minutes ago, Susco said:


    It's not functional though how would the bullets get from that front magazine to back behind the trigger? it would be impossible given the design of the glock 19

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    The worry is Thailand has not really got the vaccination program moving, and is dependent on a poorer vaccine, and promises of a domestic supplier that has yet to bear fruit. 

    It has yet to bear fruit because they didn't want to secure enough western vaccine even a (not-for-profit) vaccine at cost price.




    Probably because China wouldn't like it.


    Now they have lots of sinovax, which no Thai person that I have spoken to wants to have injected into their arms. All the Thai's I have spoken to are trying to source western vaccines, and who can blame them? why should they trust the CCP? they don't have a very good reputation for being honest about anything and are currently doing terrible things to ethnic groups in Xinjiang.



    • Like 2
  8. 58 minutes ago, Victornoir said:


    The pejorative remarks you address to the victim of foul blackmail only offend yourself.


    I challenge you to find anything that I have say that is pejorative towards the victim.


    Spoiler alert you can't! because I haven't said anything bad about the women.


    Saying I do not want to have a relationship with the women is not pejorative. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

    Guys who think they value themselves by criticizing a girl's slightest physical flaw are the dregs of this country.
    I know of at least one here, and it's not a fashion print.

    That literally makes no sense at all.


    As I said above people on here are just looking to get offended these days it's getting beyond the joke.


    • Sad 1
  10. 1 hour ago, RobU said:

    How do you determine whether she is pretty or not,? She is wearing a mask. Is it because you think she is fat? Being Pretty or not is entirely dependant on facial features which you can't see.

    omg everyone is just here trying to get offended it's hilarious ???? if you read it again you might see that I said "a pretty" as in model ????‍♂️


    but seeing as you are going to get upset about it I will add that I would rather lower my gentleman vegetable into molten lava than date her.. each to their own though, you go for it son ????


    Whatever floats your boat!


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