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Posts posted by DLock

  1. Don't you have experienced the same on Soi 6 and elsewhere, hookers uninvited fondling your ass and balls, sometimes on the street in broad daylight? More often than not females or trannies you wouldn't touch wich a bargepole, and ten times worse if you as a straight male got lost in a gay district? Did you file complaints, or started rants about Thais?

    Here's a clue.

    Stay out of Soi 6.

    You are not convincing anyone that you don't like it.

    • Like 1
  2. We are all part of a social experiment.

    There are too many posts of a similar nature, style and attitude to be coincidence. In fact 2 of the Posters registered within a week or so of each other. They know who they are.

    All the posts are controversial and unlikely...and even if true no one would ever post and then continue to support their point. The characters portrayed are sad people in sad situations. There is nothing positive or postworthy in their claims. They do not exist. Such a person would never post. There is nothing to gain.

    I think the Poster wants to see how people react to these scenarios and who supports them.

    Perhaps not a Troll per se, but certainly someone that likes to get reactions and enjoys the attention...perhaps as sad as the characters he portrays.

    • Like 1
  3. Your first problem is your lawyer is giving you bad advice and just wants to take the easy way out. Who is your lawyer?

    If you are legally sound, then what do you believe the Owner can do? You have not addressed if you are worried about physical threats or legal threats or just feeling intimidated? Is the land remote or in a built up secure area?

    If you are legally sound and you have grounds to go legal, then it sounds like its time to go on the offense against Somchai.

  4. DLock, on 12 Apr 2013 - 15:59, said:

    5% per month is not unusual.

    Extortionate, but not unusual.

    Don't get involved. This is very normal for Thai's...and don't even consider paying it back on her behalf.

    Pay it back on her behalf if you want - why not?

    We only know a fraction of the story, so saying pay it off or not pay it off is irrelevant.

    The OP has disappeared so I guess we will never know.

    But giving Thai's the easy way out is like giving them approval to do it again. They don't learn.

    • Like 1
  5. and I do think land ownership is an essentially flawed idea. Really? And how do you feel about gravity?

    Gravity isn't a physical object and wasn't originally acquired by force of arms.

    All land ownership was. (Or as some may put it property is theft)

    True -- but your odds of changing them are just about the same.


    I'm sure the British elite of the early 1700's and the slaveowners of the early 1800's felt the same way about what actually transpired in the US wrt principles of democracy for colonials and the end of (that particular form of) slavery within a century of each respectively.

    Never say never, humankind continues to evolve and IMO things have been greatly accelerating lately. . .

    Seriously...just get on a plane and stop all this jibber jabber nonsense.

    You have shown yourself to be unworthy of being in Thailand and contributing to society.

    Go back to whence you came. I'm sure your family miss you.

  6. You've raise a key issue here - others have recently posted that the landlord does in fact not have the ability to block my leaving the country. Obviously that is at the heart of my OP, exactly the kind of issue I need to nail down in planning my next moves, so clarity on this from those who actually have hard knowledge of this would be most appreciated.

    All the rest is pretty extraneous waffling isn't it. . .

    I think you have to consider this.

    If a landlord could block you leaving the country with a simple phone call, everyone with a grudge would be playing this card.

    Dumped gfs, divorced wives, people you has a dispute with down the local bar. "Excuse me Mr. Thai police, I'm a landlord and this guy owes me money"

    Blocking someone from leaving the country with a simple phone call or police report from any Thai just isn't a reasonable premise.

    They can't do it, even if a legit claim, you would need a court order or warrant issued first.

    Anyone with valid contracts that have been breached that are translated into Thai and filed by a competent lawyer with Immigration can bar someone leaving the country. It doesn't mean they are arrested. It just means that there is just cause to stop them leaving and respond to the charges.

    We are not all living in your world of "Dumped gfs, divorced wives, people you has a dispute with down the local bar".

    This is the real world. Think smart.

  7. No shark would loan that amount, unsecured.


    This amount is probably on a land title (maybe 50% of the value) or a car...and the Loanshark is holding the Title or Bluebook.

    She just needed the loan quickly, probably because she was getting squeezed by a gambling debt.

    Oh, how I wish I was a Newbie again. Life was much simpler then.

    • Like 1
  8. Happy Park Estate (company) has now been siezed and is 100% in the hands of authorities now. Properties, houses, cars and jewlery in excess of 600Mil baht have been siezed from the lady and those that purchased land from her or her company have been locked out until after court proceedings and monies cleared, might take years. There are a couple of farangs caught up in this and thier deposits have also been frozen.

    This story has been on every news channel the last couple of days. Considering the woman was worth more than 500 million Baht, what a messy dump her house is! Not very nice looking house either. The BiB were having fun playing on her pool table. They also showed the police safe cracker at work. Looks like it is not too difficult to crack a safe open in Thailand. Maybe keep that in mind when buying a safe here.

    When the OP started this thread he was accused of being a scaremonger, a tinfoil hat wearing and a fruitloop by all the educated well to do Thaivisa experts. Hum I think people should not have jumped to such quick conclusions from the couch. Lesson sometimes it pays to listen to what is actually being told.

    Wrong again.

    The OP's post contained no names, no credibility and random assertions...that is called scaremongering, and the initial post served no purpose.

    Had he waited until he could quote news articles, names and facts, it would have been credible and worthwhile, and helped people rather than scare anyone in the midst of a property deal.

    It's called "jumping the gun".

  9. Seriously, you just posted this?

    I'm sure you monthly supply of Detol, mouthwash, antiseptic wipes, condoms, douches, Valtrex, doctors visits and antibiotics are worth it.

    You need to get over your inferiority complex and raise your standards.

  10. @Dlock

    Owing the government money, and owing a private person (or company) money are two entirely different subjects.

    Perhaps, but the question was more to do with technology and the ability to stop a person leaving, and my example was to show that it is possible.

    ...but I have also had experience of a person trying to skip out on a sizeable payment. It took my lawyers only one phone call to get him in the immigration system, and the person was able to confirm that he was. He paid, but it did take 2 weeks before he was removed again. So, I never tested the system fully, but my belief is that it works.

  11. I was caught leaving Thailand on a business trip without paying company VAT a few years back.

    My accountant was at fault as he had no paid the VAT on income above 1.8million baht and had not informed me of my requirements.

    Bottom line, I was caught at immigration, taken by Officers to a back room, informed of the issue and told that I cannot leave the country and because it was late at night on a Friday, could not leave the airport. I was in the airport lockup for the weekend. No big deal.

    On the Monday it was explained that I was Blacklisted from leaving Thailand, had to deposit 1million baht as guarantee for the VAT and had to wait on an official Government audit to clear everything up. I was allowed to leave on business, but required special permission and documents - that was a hassle, but doable. It took 1 year.

    So, I believe that if the landlady has sufficient evidence (contracts) then she could stop you leaving the country until payment of the debt.

    My advice would be to settle the debts and not risk the detention and costs that will come with that. She may be all smiles to your face and then straight to the police after you tell her...unless you do it from transit in Korea.

    I will not comment on situation...because it would get ugly.

  12. OP, you state that this attack wasn't to do with jealous boyfriends etc., but you're are certain it was premeditated attack within a crowd of thousands.

    Do you bear scars of permanent disfigurement? If it was a strong acid you would have obvious scars whether you were quickly hosed down or not.

    You further state that this was an attack simply because you were farang. How can you be certain?

    The OP has nothing to back up his story.

    Also, prefers to continue to post negativity throughout the board.

    Wooloomooloo and DLock, best move on, major troll in da house.

    Agree...never happened.

  13. nice friends she has, trying to hook up with you behind her back.

    you can judge a girl by the company she keeps


    In fact, I like the quote "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future".

    It has served me well in judging people.

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