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Posts posted by DLock

  1. Thaksin's got a whole pile of passports anyway, some of them very expensive, so he doesn't need his Thai one to travel the world running the country and avoiding assassination attempts.

    You missed the point completely.


    If you believe that Yingluck is the real PM and everything PT does is held to account by checks and balances then fine.

    If you believe the BB is the de facto boss running the country then his Thai PP is a side issue.

    What is a BB?

    Apart from that your post has no context to the article.

  2. Do they really have king cobras? Maybe it's a silly question, but it wouldn't surprise me that much if they did.

    As for petting the puppies, I know it's nice, but the animals there must be pretty stressed already.

    Yes, they have King Cobras and many other snakes and reptiles. Try taking a photo and they get really pissed....not the snakes, but the shop Owner guy.

    I was going to buy 2 small Crocodiles for my lake because I'm stupid like that. It would have been wicked cool.

    But small Crocodiles will eventually become big Crocodiles so in a moment of clarity I passed. Probably a smart decision.

  3. I cringe when I think of Yingluck discussing anything with senior Government officials from other countries.

    She is so inexperienced in these matters and a poor communicator. What must they think of her?

    I always imagine it would be like a low level admin suddenly being thrust into the CEO position of a major corporation.

    Sorry to dis-agree, but even a low level administrator would have some idea of what their corporation actually does..


    Either you are a Yingluck supporter trying to rationalize her position...or you have never worked in a major corporation at a high level.

    "We grow rice and stuff...want to buy some?".


  4. On one occasion in Chiang Mai it was after Midnight and we had seen this 10/11 year old a few times that evening. i said to my missus "time she was in bed" and promptly gave the girl 300 Baht for all the flowers she had left.

    My missus was touched by my display of humanitarianism and gave me a warm smile.

    It may have been a 'knowing' smile because an hour later we moved to another bar and the girl was there with a new bunch of flowers !!

    Fell for that trick myself a few years ago.

    You so much want to do the right thing, but there is no easy answer.

    Now, when i see beggars I just walk by. If I thought my money would help, I'd be dropping money into plastic cups everywhere.

  5. Gerd, really sorry to hear about Max.

    I lost my dog over Xmas. I was at the Veterinary Hospital every day for 5 days. I would have slept there if they let me, but they wouldn't. My dog eventually lost the fight to kidney disease after a heroic fight. I took him home and buried him where i would past him every day.

    I still talk to the mound of dirt as if he could hear me.

    It's been a while, so I hope it's getting easier.

  6. Nice shiny things around Soap Dodgers is just asking for trouble.

    I would try the Tourist Police as a last resort, but if the Soap Dodger has already checked out, he, and your phone, could be a long way away or possibly on the shelves of a second hand phone shop already.

    Buy a 500baht phone and consider you just got your MBA is the social ethics of Soap Dodgers.

  7. So, your buddy parks his car at "The Avenue" and flies home. 6 months later he flies back to Thailand, catches a taxi to "The Avenue", buys his shopping to re-stock the fridge, conveniently loses the ticket that showed he owed 47,000baht and then pays 240baht for a lost ticket and enjoyed 6 months secure parking.

    Do you see where I'm going with this?

    There are a thousand scams in the naked city...this was just one of them.

    Tell your buddy he's a dick.

    • Like 1
  8. So this rating is based on a review of a country's laws. It seems to me that they should base it on the realities. A stroll around Pantip Plaza and Chatuchak by US trade officials might prove illuminating.

    They have those. But they require 2 weeks of notice to Pantip, advance visits and carefully planned routes. A Puppet show.

    1 hour inside Pantip with a buttonhole camera and I will expose the scam for what it is.

    The US are well aware of this.

  9. There is a World of difference... If you could make more money being a male prostitute, sleeping with older, perhaps fat and ugly women... Would you ????

    If it was that or watch your kids starve. Would you?

    If it was that or be homeless Would you?

    If it was that or be abused at home, Would you?

    It easy to judge from your AC'd condo and your pension.

    I think you mean

    If you could party and get drunk every night? Would you?

    If you could buy the latest fashions and phones? Would you?

    If you didn't have to do a lowly paid respectable job but could sleep all day? Would you?

    First rule of being a Punter...don't believe a word they say.

    You sir...drank the cool aid.

    • Like 2
  10. Sorry if this has been posted, but does anyone have a 2012 ER6N and has a Tidy Tail that fits Thai number plates?

    There are a few available online but they all look like they will not fit Thai plates properly.

    Appreciate the brand if someone has one that works.

    Hi DLock,all the tail tidy can fit a Thai number plate.It depends on where to drill the holes on the plate itself.

    Thanks Mervyn. That made my choice easier.

  11. You would think that a militant attack on an army base of this size would be on the front page of world news. It's amazing how the Thais can muzzle the Thai press and smoke out the foreign press.

    Correct.....the world media should be onto this in a flash...

    Do you think this attack really happened?.......

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Whilst not on the scale of some of the bigger conflicts worldwide, the southern conflict is constant and has been over many years...and maybe that's the problem. It's boring and no longer newsworthy.

    I'm sure Thailand does their best to limit coverage...it's not that far from the southern resorts. I'm still surprised there have been no bombings in Phuket or a tourist destination. That would change things and bring attention.

  12. I have been in several situations where I really thought that was my last moment on this earth.

    It's easy to say in hindsight or in the third person what you would do, or what you should have done. Things happen fast.

    Not sure how you kept running when you saw he had a gun, but it was probably because you didn't know what else you should do. Your brain mentally seized up and your body just kept running. I bet you picked up your pace a little once you'd passed and then when you knew you were safe, you realized how lucky you were.

    As IceT would say "Today was a good day".

  13. I watched your movie.

    Unfortunately I did not like it.

    The Actors delivered cringeworthy performances. The editing was weak. The sound quality was bad and the story was poor.

    I tell you this because I want you to improve and create good short films and not to deter you from doing more movies. I admire your attitude to create movies and put them out there for criticism. It's more than I could do, and probably better than most us could do, so well done for your effort.

    BTW, your car and tuk tuk driving scenes were good because of the music. It reminded me of a clip by Spiller that was filmed in Bangkok.

    I hope you stick at it and create more videos and Good Luck.

  14. Sorry if this has been posted, but does anyone have a 2012 ER6N and has a Tidy Tail that fits Thai number plates?

    There are a few available online but they all look like they will not fit Thai plates properly.

    Appreciate the brand if someone has one that works.

  15. I suggest what the OP is describing would be fairly mormal reactions for many young women in many countries.

    I think scorecard nailed it. I suspect that the OP and her boyfriend are both in their twenties, and both are attractive. When I was in my teens and early twenties I saw lots of jealousy between young women competing for the same guy. That is more likely to happen in the young socializing Thai clubs. As someone pointed out, it seldom happens in the hooker bars where the working girls are looking for a paycheque and know the young handsome guys can get all the free love they want from the backpacker crowd.

    All I can suggest is enjoy it while it lasts. It doesn't last forever and when you are a middle age gal in Thailand you'll be competing with lots of pretty, young and attractive Thai women.

    Rene is right.

    In a few years the pretty young things will start catching his attention.

    Enjoy the moment...for it is fleeting.

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