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Posts posted by DLock

  1. I am just in awe at the talent in the Shinawatra family.

    To have one person in the family as the best candidate to be Prime Minister is impressive.

    But to have your Sister be considered the very best candidate and elected PM.

    ...and then if she has to step aside, your other Sister is the next best candidate to be PM.

    ...and then if she steps aside, your Son is being considered as a fast-track MP to be a future PM.

    The Thaksin family are phenoms.

    • Like 1
  2. I bought a 2013 Colorado because of the delays in the Ford Wildtrak 3.2.

    To me it's just a truck and performs as I expect a truck would.

    No idea what inferior electronics mean, but I have had no issues with the truck at all.

    I bought from the main Dealer inside the moat. Good service and delivered as promised.

  3. Went to tops today and it reminded me of an old TV series Happy Days.

    In it a hip slicking cool guy (Henry Winkler) the Fonz was telling Ritchie (Ron Howard) a really good place to meet chicks is the super market.

    You might want to work on your hello I am a nice guy interested only in meeting normal (a setting on a washing machine) Thai women.

    Try a couple of variations on that in front of a mirror. I have faith in you. Remember if at first you don't succeed try try again there will be another bus along be there to meet it when it comes in.

    I remember that episode. Man, I loved that show....came on just after Gilligans Island. Ginger was hot.


    One of my favorite places to meet girls was the make-up counters at malls. It was easy to approach feigning interest in perfume or a gift for my Mom and then strike up conversation and ask for a number. It was a target rich environment and I was batting high numbers. It felt somewhat legit.

    But then I started noticing more and more ladyboys working at make-up counters and it kind of lost it's appeal.

    Similar results can be had in the underwear and bra sections. However, the shoe, kitchenware and whitegoods sections should be avoided at all costs.

    Priceless... cheesy.gif what was your "reason" to be in the bra section if I may ask?

    The cosmetics counters I couldn't do... I hate those department stores with a passion and the cosmetics counters are the worst of all. Can't stand the smell, can't stand the product, the pretense, the "you're not good enough" mantra, all of it makes me want to throw up. Irreconcilable differences I am afraid wink.png


    Not to mention what the creatures really look like under all the paint and glitter.

    Actually, it wasn't all the paint and glitter that bothered me at the time.

    ...but the facial imprint on the pillow from the Mac forcefield the next morning was defiantly a turn off.

  4. Went to tops today and it reminded me of an old TV series Happy Days.

    In it a hip slicking cool guy (Henry Winkler) the Fonz was telling Ritchie (Ron Howard) a really good place to meet chicks is the super market.

    You might want to work on your hello I am a nice guy interested only in meeting normal (a setting on a washing machine) Thai women.

    Try a couple of variations on that in front of a mirror. I have faith in you. Remember if at first you don't succeed try try again there will be another bus along be there to meet it when it comes in.

    I remember that episode. Man, I loved that show....came on just after Gilligans Island. Ginger was hot.


    One of my favorite places to meet girls was the make-up counters at malls. It was easy to approach feigning interest in perfume or a gift for my Mom and then strike up conversation and ask for a number. It was a target rich environment and I was batting high numbers. It felt somewhat legit.

    But then I started noticing more and more ladyboys working at make-up counters and it kind of lost it's appeal.

    Similar results can be had in the underwear and bra sections. However, the shoe, kitchenware and whitegoods sections should be avoided at all costs.

    • Like 1
  5. ...but the Farmers are spending like this scheme will go on forever, or at least rice exports will be back to where they were.

    They are wrong on both points.

    When the Government does pull the plug, the demand for rice will slow because of stored rice sold at a loss and the cheaper rice from India and Vietnam - the price will be low as a result...a double whammy for rice farmers.

    ...so enjoy the good times boys...because your world is about to come crashing down soon.

  6. OP, I am sorry that you have not had any helpful replies, par for the course  in this General Topics forum though.


    You asked a perfectly valid question and got, for the most part, opinionated, pointless drivel in reply. Just to reassure you that not everyone on T.V. is anti-gun ownership.


    The countries in Europe have become so highly regulated, and the people micro-managed, that nearly everything is illegal unless expressly permitted.


    One of the pleasures of living here, apart from the weather, is the sense of freedom and lack of over-arching government control.


    So the answer is probably you can do what you want on your property, as long as you do not endanger or annoy your neighbours.


    If you asked this question in the Farming forum you may have had more helpful replies, as many of the posters there have large plots of land,and no doubt similar problems with rats.


    Good shooting!


    This is called irony.

    • Like 1
  7. And to practice with your shotgun pop over to Cambodia, pay a bit extra they let you fire a bazooka at live cows if you like

    Nooooooooooooo! I saw that on the internet, that is terrible!!! Shooting cows with grenade launchers and the like, no, not what I am into, I simply wanted to buy a gun, put up a few beer bottles/ cans/cats Thais and have a bit of fun, I am not doing the Brinks Mat!


    If I wanted to kill defenceless animals, I would simply put them in the 800 watt Sharp microwave - I like wildlife, I just need to pop off a few rats now and again as the cats I have are too damn lazy to kill them and the rat piss they leave leads to disease, and the wife brought home this white dog that looks like a rat or a large white squirrel that attacks people on motorbikes and can run too quick for me to catch and hang!


    I already have one of those Thai made air rifles, the pump up thing that looks like something from the American Civil War - 5 foot long and takes half an hour to load - effective...YES if you only need to get one shot off, useless in poaching rats - they can hear you pumping it up for ten minutes beforehand and roll on their asses laughing!


    We had a problem with dogs a few months back - they were in here stealing food and looking for one of the bitches - By the time you pumped the gun up and loaded the steel BB - the dogs were 500 yards away giving you the finger!


    That's funny.


    I also have a metal, semi auto C02 pistol from japan that was originally at about 400fps and with some upgrades (springs and firing pin) is over 500fps firing ball bearings.


    It breaks the skin. How do I know this? I let my wife try and shoot me from about 15m. She thought it was hilarious. Me...not so much.


    Maybe one of those will give you a fighting chance against those disrespectful rats.

    • Like 1
  8. I have licensed handguns in my name because of where I live and what I do.


    However, I am not permitted to fire the handgun anywhere except a gun range or in self defense on my property.


    Even transporting guns to the range the gun must be in a locked gun case and the magazines must be empty and in separate locked box.


    Popping rats with a 12-gauge seems a bit excessive. I recommend the range for practice.

    • Like 1
  9. You sound like you have minimal game.

    What you need is a quality Wingman to bounce off.

    My strategy was always to be myself and just have fun with my buddies. Girls are attracted to fun guys - guys who are laughing and joking, ignoring everyone else and not surveying the room for prey.

    Whilst I agree that banks and malls may be a target rich environment, flying solo will limit your success...and you will look like a bit like a stalker.

    So, find a comparable wingman, be yourself, have fun and they will come to you.

    Never chase...ever.

    • Like 1
  10. That fish has been there for ages I dont know what's the life expectancy.

    No. I wasn't joking--the fish do get replaced-

    here is a photo from 2008,

    with a scared looking sightseer [ actually, it's my daughter, who felt, like myself that it shouldn't be in the tank but, at home in the sea.]

    and then it became another Grouper........a year or 2 later.

    Cute picture Haybilly.

    It shows the water quality was much better a few years ago.

    Sad to see the condition of the tank recently.

  11. Since the meeting is gonna be held on Langkawi, which by the way has duty free

    status in Malaysia (read...cheap booze) I'd love to be a fly on the wall during this

    so called "meeting"....Two morons having a discussion...there's gotta be some

    laughs in there somewhere....along with all that cheap booze. Oh...wait!!! Mahathir

    is a Muslim & supposedly can't drink plus he's also supposed to be "retired" from

    political office/powers....Hah!...more laughs!

    Please call alcohol by the correct name...."Ear medicine".

    • Like 2
  12. ...perhaps if Abhisit had correctly applied an arrest warrant for Thaksin via Interpol when he was in office, things would be different now...

    What could have been.

    My understanding was the case did not meet the qualifications needed for Interpol to interfere.

    It would have been nice if they could and did.

    Yes, that is my understanding.

    But the Dems weren't totally honest on the Thaksin Interpol issues.

    Once the case was rejected from Interpol the first time, it was never resubmitted with updated information...it just fell to the bottom of the pile.

    If only they had made this a priority, things would be different. Sliding doors.

  13. No one likes corruption...until it benefits them.

    I'm not sure Mr. Barrow intended this to take on a life of its own, and would not be surprised if he regrets his decision to post that photo.

    So, where will this go from here?

    Either Mr. Barrow will be forced to apologize for the "misunderstanding", or the official has no option but to file defamation against him. Perhaps Mr. Barrow has an audio recording or a witness to support his claim, otherwise, the 740 baht will barely contribute to his legal fees.

    Good luck Sir. I feel you may need it.

  14. oh by the way you may want to get tested as well...you know....not for pregnancy mind you...maybe worse! A lot worse.

    this ....

    and OP in my line of work we call people like you " fish or donkey "


    ...and she just bluffed with a 9 2 off...and may just get paid.

  15. ...or just whack the first guy in the face with a pool cue.

    Yeh ... right. You will be banged up in jail, after you get released from the hospital.

    I received three pieces of advice upon original LOS arrival. from one of those well-meaning grizzled old expats one might chance to meet at Cheap Charlies' in BKK. To be followed in this order of importance, as you just not likely to come out ahead, beginning with this no-brainer.

    1) Do not get into a physical altercation with a Thai

    2) Do not buy a house to be registered in a a womans name.

    3) Do not open a business.

    Bugger. I'm batting 666.

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