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Posts posted by DLock

  1. So, the whore goes the long game, you spoil her plans, and now she wants recompense?

    Spend the 20k on improving your security, adding wifi cameras and lodging a Police report - give her a copy of the report and tell her to leave you alone.

    Her husband brother is a low-life POS that won't bother getting up his couch to do anything. She will replace his whiskey money in a day or 2.

    Seriously, the amount of guys on here afraid of their own shadow is astounding. These girls have learnt this behavior because of the "shadow puppet" fools that pay the money. Do you think a Thai guy would put up with this crap? Hell no.

    • Like 1
  2. So, the Thai Military is aware of a group of "unidentified armed forces" that are clearly armed and trained to kill 13 Myanmar soldiers without sustaining and injury? And they cannot identify them and need to ask the "Myanmar side" who they were? And tries to blame Thai Villagers?


    Dear Yingluck,

    You know that gas pipeline that you need for Thailand's electrical needs?

    Well, consider it closed indefinitely.

    Set your aircon to whatever you want. It wont work.


    Myanmar Government.

    • Like 2
  3. What do your wife's family think about this? Are they leading the case or supporting you, or just watching from a distance?

    Whilst I applaud anyone standing up to Thai's in situations like this, I am surprised that you are going to so much trouble for 2500 baht when you were not the victim or the building owner.

    I know it's the principle of the matter, but my time is worth more than 2500. But I wish you luck.

  4. I got Blacklisted for non payment of VAT a few years back.

    I was leaving the country and must have been on the computer system for non payment. I was led away by Immigration Officers to a special interview room and told that I had not paid tax. I remember asking how much it was and could I pay by credit card? Idiot.

    They could not let me leave Thailand, but they did not know whether they could let me leave the airport as it was a late night flight, so I spent the night in the airport cells.

    Was let out the next day, I had to deposit 1million baht as surety for the VAT and wait on an official audit. That audit took over a year to do which meant every time I left or came back I had to get a letter signed by Immigration and then processed through the Blacklist backroom at the airport (which took about 1 hour each time). Some officers knew how to process the documentation and passport, others didn't, but my passport was definitely flagged on the computer as every time I got the stink eye, the phone call and the Officer came to lead me away. Embarrassing.

    Once the audit was complete a year later, the tax paid, I was finally given the all clear by Immigration and removed from the Blacklist.

    So, lesson learned. My Accountant was at fault. Once you earn over 1.8million baht (if I recall correctly) you have to start paying VAT. I earned way more than that and did not pay VAT, hence my problem. Worth double checking your accountant and your statements.

    • Like 1
  5. Firstly, thinking all diamonds are equal is going to get you in a world of trouble. They aren't. However, diamond buying is reasonably formulaic. If you can find a Rapaport diamond pricing report online, that will tell you what diamonds cost, by size(carat), color, clarity and cut. Then you will be armed with what the diamond you are looking at should really cost at wholesale.

    Second, forget Chanthaburi. That's a gemstone town. Not diamonds and not jewelry and unless you know your gems, speak fluent Thai, then you are in trouble.

    Lastly, never buy a diamond without a certificate from a credible lab (not from Somchai's Diamond labs). Ever. Credible diamonds will have certs. If they don't insist on a cert from a credible lab and make the sale contingent that the cert matches what they are claiming the diamond as. This does take time however.

    Armed with your diamond pricing guide and roughly what you want to pay, head to Bangkok and look around for a design you like and then use your newfound knowledge to get the best deal you can and hopefully feel confident in your decision.

    Good Luck.

  6. kind of related question.

    At the barber shops sometimes I see the people getting their ear wax cleaned out.

    Is this a good idea? do people get that done?

    I imagine there are risks if the person does it wrong.

    From an objective health point of view, it is a VERY BAD idea. If you have impacted wax, see a doctor.

    From the subjective side: True! I have a big earwax problem and had an earclean in bangkok once. They where very clean!

    6 months later though i was picking my wax(I dont know how else i can put it) and low and behold: An entire cotton bud came out of my ear! And i could hear much better all of a suddon.

    Damaging the ear drums is one of the grave dangers when doing it yourself.

    And about the hair: Just let them surprise you everytime. Works for methumbsup.gif

    Dancealot, I don't know why but your comment reminded me of this classic Friends clip.

    Chandler to Joey "...you have to stop the Q Tip when there's resistance".

  7. People don't always buy the cheapest. Maybe some people can buy for a higher price and still make money. When I had a business back in the UK, I bought from suppliers that I considered reliable and trustworthy. I wouldn't have changed to a another supplier just because they were cheaper. Thais abroad probably prefer to buy Thai rice, even if it is more expensive. So lots of reasons why they can still sell at a higher price. But I think the whole scheme is flawed.

    Besides the US, I doubt that there is significant Thai population in Iraq, Benin, South Africa and the Congo to make your idea valid.

    However, if you look a little closer at what those countries may have to "trade" for this rice, it may make more sense why these countries are prepared to "pay" $180 per tone in value more than rice from other countries.

    The numbers are bunk anyway. I'd say a decimal point jumped a place and the number is 1.05million tons and not 10.5million...

    • Like 1
  8. "Ms Yingluck's official visit to New Zealand is aimed to strengthen bilateral relations on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Thailand and New Zealand."

    Translation - "You wanna buy some rice?".

    And thinking Thailand has any chance of elbowing their way into mining and energy in P&G ahead of Australia and China is confused.

    • Like 1
  9. Thais with some sort of authority are very good at being selective, subjective and arbitrary.

    This move reeks of giving the Government the ability to stem the flow of rice in...and money out...when it suits them, or to be selective on which rice and farmers (and provinces) measures up and which do not, without having to give any reasons or be accountable.

    What does a farmer do when it is determined that his crop is below the standard (when it isn't) and he has nowhere to sell it because the pantry is already full, the middlemen are already fat and happy and the Government has killed the market for his Thai rice?

    Whilst the rice-pledging scheme was a disaster from the beginning, this decision is spineless and weak. Yingluck should be ashamed.

  10. So, 168million baht to hold "as many as 108 sessions of public deliberations across the country".

    That's 1.5million baht per "public deliberation"...whatever that really means.

    But before these "public deliberations" they will invite 440 noted "Guest Speakers" to discuss how these deliberations should be organized.

    Is it just me, but does this sound half-assed and poorly thought through?

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