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Posts posted by DLock

  1. Follow these simple steps.

    Step 1. Go to pharmacy and buy a couple of pregnancy tests. Cost maybe 200 baht.

    Step 2. Pee on the pregnancy test - important she pees, and not you

    Step 3. Check pregnancy test with results on box - there will be 2 options - positive (congratulations) or negative (phew)

    Step 4. If she is pregnant, get expert medical advice and make an informed decision and do things correctly and safely. Ignore myths.

    Step 5. If she is not pregnant, you know you have been scammed and it's time to move on.

    If she refuses step 1, 2 or 3, you have been scammed. Move on.

    Yeah, that is what I should have done, the problem is, she already said she "took it out". So there is no way I can check if she is pregnant or not.

    Only you know the girl and her character and can decide if she is telling the truth or playing you.

    2 month off work sounds excessive. What does she do exactly?

    I'm sure you had a couple of sleepless nights. Good news is she is no longer pregnant (or is she?) and you have learnt a lesson.

  2. Throwing in a 10-year job and the career he has built, to chance it in Thailand, is a bad decision in my opinion.

    It is very hard to get a decent, well paying job from within Thailand. The competition is deep and the opportunities far between...and from an Employers side, the quality of candidates is generally low and quite desperate to apply for anything.

    Think carefully. This is one of those forks in the roads that he may be taking the wrong turn.

    I wish you both good luck in chasing the dream.

    • Like 1
  3. Between this and that crazy German guys thread about someone stealing 200 Euro he left in easy reach (and plain view) of the hired help, I am beginning to see the whole Thailand expat gig as one of attrition - you don't have to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you do have to be sharper than the bottom 20%.

    It's natural selection, and I guess I owe a certain psycho Thai woman a perverse debt of gratitude - until you see that madness for yourself, secondhand accounts seem embellished. Thai men must be very quick on their feet. wink.png

    You keep mentioning the nutcase chasing you with the knife. Tell us how it went down. I like stories like that...as long as I'm not in them.

  4. ...or just whack the first guy in the face with a pool cue.

    Yeh ... right. You will be banged up in jail, after you get released from the hospital.

    Though tempting and certainly warranted, it's pretty obvious that last part was said in jest. He makes some good points.

    Thanks Jack. You are correct.

    The off-handed comment was sarcasm and meant to illustrate that you can either make an effort and do the best you can, OR, if you may as well smack them in the head instead, and do nothing.

    I just think there is much more the bars could do to protect themselves, and even if they still get stung, they will have some awesome Youtube videos to help combat these scum.

  5. I would be concerned if it was me.

    You could own a motorbike, new car, condo and have 5 new credit cards as well as Premium UBC and a new AIS International phone number.

    She can also sign up for a lot of stuff using your passport copy, copy of your lease, utility bill, work permit and a forged signature.

    ...or she was just making sure she had a bargaining chip or her insurance policy for when you kick her to the curb.

    The smashed iPhone thing was awesome. Wish I'd seen it.

    • Like 1
  6. "In a nutshell, the rough patch in Thai politics is persisting because

    Thaksin wants the game to bend to him instead of playing the game like

    everyone else."

    Nothing else to say it is all there.

    There seems to be some similarity between Lance Armstrong and Thaksin in their lying and cheating ways. Is there a possibility that they are BOTH sociopaths?

    But clearly, only one of them is on performance enhancing drugs...

    • Like 1
  7. Harada, today I stopped to have a look at a second hand ATV that was on the side of Samoeng Road, about 2km from the Canal Rd intersection. It is on the left hand side and he sells a few other Suzuki Jeeps as well.

    It was a Chinese brand (forgot name), 4 stroke, 250 and was in good condition. It is orange in color and seemed quite rugged. I have ridden plenty but never owned one. I considered it, but then I have so many toys that I don't have time to play with, I decided against it.

    He is asking 85,000 and says new they are 140-150,000.

    I know the guy who is selling it as I have bought a car from him in the past. His name is Khun Bo.
  8. I guess the kind of have you over a barrel, so to speak.

    They know it will be expensive and prohibitive to send it all back just to remove the motorcycle and try again. They figure you won't do that.

    It is now a Poker game. They think they are holding Aces...and in reality, they are. They don't want the bike. They have plenty. They want the cash.

    They will come back with a new number, probably 100k, and you will counter at 40k, and you will agree at around 70k.

    You are hold and 8,2 off suite...not a time to bluff.

    Negotiate....and congratulations. You just paid for your MBA in the intricacies of Thai customs.

    Good luck.

    if i can get it for 70k,i will bite their arm off!

    You may have to be patient, or at least appear that way. Don't appear overly agitated and desperate. Look like you may send it all back and they get nothing.

    Not sure how the motorcycle thing will play out though as they really have you here.

    Might be a hybrid solution that they keep the bike and you pay 50k.

    Good Luck...and remember your table image. Cool and stable.

  9. I guess the kind of have you over a barrel, so to speak.

    They know it will be expensive and prohibitive to send it all back just to remove the motorcycle and try again. They figure you won't do that.

    It is now a Poker game. They think they are holding Aces...and in reality, they are. They don't want the bike. They have plenty. They want the cash.

    They will come back with a new number, probably 100k, and you will counter at 40k, and you will agree at around 70k.

    You are hold and 8,2 off suite...not a time to bluff.

    Negotiate....and congratulations. You just paid for your MBA in the intricacies of Thai customs.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  10. Wow, I guess this didn't go exactly as the OP expected. ThaiVisa can be a tough crowd.

    Just as a matter of interest, what were you expecting the work required when you purchased a hotel in a major tourist destination in Thailand? Do you or your Husband have experience with a Hotel in this kind of market?

    Thailand is a tough place to make money. The rules, officials and locals stack the deck in their favor. It's hard to win here and I can imagine that a small hotel in Sukhumvit would be very price sensitive and attracts questionable Guests. Not a criticism. Just a fact. Some win. Many don't.

    If you have only recently purchased it, I think your frustrations have only just begun.

    Regardless, I wish you success and that your Hotel becomes the business you hope it to be.

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