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Posts posted by DLock

  1. My plumber is also a contractor, and he's very good at what he does.

    He is generally fixed price but occasionally he does jobs for free because I use him so often or is a quick repair.

    But sometimes he has had a previous job or was up late last night working, so sometimes he is too tired or doesn't want to come over.

    Often he has other bookings when I need him.

    The other plumbers in my area know I pay very well, and while not as good, they try hard to win my business.

    He also has many other potential clients, but he does prefer to have Clients that treat him well, pay well and pay on time. Sometimes he takes clients he wouldn't normally take because he needs the money, but rarely.

    Like most contractors, it is all about the money...

  2. I had to have a checkup in Thailand and I can assure you there is plenty of video porn to view.

    In fact the nurse that leads you in to the vinyl clad room turns the TV on and shows you how to change the remote to various flavors of porn. Quite a selection.

    It's all a bit embarrassing really, especially when they give you that little plastic cup in the waiting room and lead you away. You know everyone is laughing as you walk out....and when you come back.

    When you finish, you open a little door, put the sample in, close the door and then press a buzzer.

    Fortunately my boys were olympic swimmers, but we had checked out donation just in case. The doctor recommended we get a donation from the US where better screening is done. Thailand was limited in what it checks for. I recall it was less than $1000 to send the sperm inside cryo-tube, and that tube had to be returned.

  3. Why would you tell her?

    What makes someone else the judge of good and bad? Why do people think they are doing someone a favour by being critical of their behaviour?

    If she is happy singing then all power to her I say.

    I have a terrible voice, but I don't mind lighting up a few tunes.laugh.png It makes me happy

    I'm with Bookman. Why do you care how bad she sings unless you were married to her and subjected to her voice 24/7?

    If she is happy and having fun, why mess with that?

    You need to step back and check yourself.

  4. That was well spotted DLock. Waiting for Billy's answer.edit// oh just read it. Pretty lame Billy,

    “Well spotted..” wot do ya mean ‘well-spotted’? It was on the 1st page of the search engine!…I dunno, try to help you guys out and all I get is abuse…coffee1.gif

    Try as you might Billy, you will now always been know as "Billy the Liar".

    ...you **** one goat...

  5. I see a white Panamera almost daily. Not the prettiest/sporty car in the world. Far from it .... bah.gif

    Ghastly Chav Mobile for sad old men, that Bentley.

    Everybody knows that no other car has ever been built that is more beautiful than the Jaguar E-Type - the Aston Martin DB4 a very close second. Here’s my ’66 E-Type...point proven...

    So Billy, that's your E-Type then?

    Wouldn't just happen to be a picture you cut and paste from http://emmaandeckfordetc.blogspot.com/ now would it?

    ..point proven.

    Ha, ha, wot took you turkeys so long?..whistling.gif ..I,

    erm....errr...meant to say my ‘favourite 66’...just a typo...heh, heh...laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

    If you are going to lie, I recommend you do more than do a Google query for "66 E type jag" and take one of the pictures off the first image page.

    Fail and pwned.

  6. Back on topic, I did see a black Bentley yesterday on Vichit and see a nice Panamera almost daily when picking up kids at school.

    I see a white Panamera almost daily. Not the prettiest/sporty car in the world. Far from it .... bah.gif

    Ghastly Chav Mobile for sad old men, that Bentley.

    Everybody knows that no other car has ever been built that is more beautiful than the Jaguar E-Type - the Aston Martin DB4 a very close second. Here’s my ’66 E-Type...point proven...

    So Billy, that's your E-Type then?

    Wouldn't just happen to be a picture you cut and paste from http://emmaandeckfordetc.blogspot.com/ now would it?

    ..point proven.

    • Like 1
  7. It may be a coincidence, but these 2 bald guys and a Lat were telling me that they had to put on their aftershave with a crop-duster because of a stinky guy that they have seen for the 2nd time in the last week propped up at the bar.


    Shame they were different sets of people.

    Yeah, but the constant is you.

    The Baldy telegraph is swift and efficient.

  8. I think I'm with Beetlejuice on this one, but happy to be corrected if someone can prove the incident took place. Given the supposed newspaper articles and photos that "exist", I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to prove.

    Special Forces sitting in a CM bar and telling you they are Special Forces...also highly doubtful.

    You been had...but they enjoyed the free beer.

  9. I agree - the numbers are up but is the quality of holiday still there?

    These young college kids seem to think all of their "Dreams can come true" in Soi Bangla Phuket.

    Awesome filmclip promoting Soi Bangla and Phuket's crazy nightlife.

    There is only one Thailand and with all its flaws and faults it will continue to draw tourists because no other Souteast Asian nation delivers so much "Culture Shock"in one punch. It's a heady mix compared to the stilted experiences on offer in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Seasoned travelers seem drawn back like moths to the flame...

    You can't have the seeming chaos without some real danger... but for some this just adds to the experience.

    This video was pretty funny. Props for the guys for managing to pull it off.

    ...however the rest of this topic bores me.

    • Like 1
  10. I almost lost my dog last year to a tik-borne infection.

    I was away when my dog stopped eating and was extremely weak. My staff took him to the vets for blood tests and said he had the infection.

    He stayed at the vet for 2 days before I got back and when I went to see him he was in a bad way - just laying there, vomiting and diarrhea with blood. I stayed with him a few hours. He was on a saline drip. I left and later that day the Vet called to say he was going into convulsions and that I should come to be with him as he was likely going to die.

    When I got there he looked very bad and I said if he was going to die I would take him home. I kept him on saline all night as well as other antibiotics and orals. He lived the night. He stayed on saline drip for 2 weeks. It regularly came out or got blocked and I had to find new injection sites, or injected him with up to 500cc's behind his neck if the drip stopped during the night and he didn't get enough fluid.

    The vet came twice a day to check him, and soon started bringing students. She said that no one every goes to this much trouble or expense to save a dog, so it was valuable learning for her students.

    Slowly, he got stronger, able to walk and eat small amounts. I slept next to him on the floor for 2 weeks straight.

    But his kidney has suffered quite badly. He was put in a fairly strict diet of boiled chicken and rice in a soup. I still take him regularly to get tested.

    Unfortunately, he suffered 4 large abscesses under the skin that needed to be cut out, and those wounds needed to be cleaned daily and covered, but not stitched. He recovered well. One of the abscesses on his side was cut out without anesthetic. Didn't flinch.

    Last problem was he developed an infection in his testes, so he was desexed as well.

    Today, he is back to his normal self, a little trimmer and much happier.

    He is a large 45kg pitbull and one tough dog.

    The infection came on fairly quickly, but in hindsight, obviously. If your dog gets lethargic, off his food and diarrhea for more than a day or 2, I'd be down the vet for a check.

  11. Yes, ...... the same holds true for every other country on this planet. Nick Romney ... should be replaced by a super model.

    You see ... now you have the right idea. They are all monkeys / puppets. So, may as well may them look good!

    Then we can have a Miss PM World contest.

    My point before .... Thailand is the outright winner right now. Yeah !!!!!

    Why do you think your monkey-puppet Yingluck looks good?

    Do you get out much?

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