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Posts posted by DLock

  1. I left Tiger that night about 30-60 minutes before the fire. It was a relatively slow night for TIger. I'd say abou 60% of what of avarage night. Almost no crowding. This could have been so much worse.

    Next death trap in Bangla is Hollywood. Always crowded. Always difficult to move around.

    Alfa, I think we all know the answer to this question, but was the DJ still playing and they were serving drinks when you left.

    i.e. does the "sheltering from the rain" carry any weight at all, or will some easy investigation show that it was business as usual, beyond the legal opening times?

    I'm interested in why the Lawyer continues this line, and the "lightning struck the generator" line when both as so easy to refute.

  2. O dear...

    Nah, all the talk will be about how awesome the breakfast in the picture looks. I specifically included it in a later edit to deflect some attention and brighten everyone's spirits. So no worries. wink.png

    So ehm.. Where IS the place serving the pictured breakfast? I'd like to know please, it's poetry on a plate. thumbsup.gif

    I must agree Winnie...that breakfast looks dam_n fine...even at 6pm.

  3. This post is probably the best post investment I have seen on TV.

    Josh has 12 posts.

    He has 202 responses.

    That's a 16-times multiple on his posting investment.

    Outstanding work Josh....and given that you are likely a troll, it is even more noteworthy.

  4. I really doubt those girls were tricked into what they were doing.

    I agree they were not tricked into it, they were forced into it.

    99.95% of the white or black women you see in Thailand hooking are forced into it, for them its not a choice.

    One of the reasons Thailand is popular as a sex destination is that the vast majority of Thai women involved in the business is they do it voluntarily and most reasonably guys do care about the trafficked women.

    The decimal point indicates a certain level of detail and statistical accuracy.

    What is your source of "99.95% of the white or black women you see in Thailand hooking are forced into it, for them its not a choice"?

  5. what kind of gems can we buy near Ranong in Myanmar

    The fake kind.

    Semper is right. Fakes abound.

    Even if gems are real, this is not the place to buy them. They will be low quality and over priced.

    JTC in Bangkok is still the safest place to buy gems...or Chanthaburi gem market if you know your stuff.

    ...a little gem knowledge can be a very dangerous thing.

  6. I thought the convention among Thais was to leave the handbrake off when parking so there is no chance of anyone being blocked in, as the car park attendant can simply move the cars around as necessary.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    That's what normally happens.

    But it can REALLY piss you off when they don't and you have to wait for them.

    The person in Phuket with the Honda Jazz who's windows was smashed in with a 9-iron because they blocked me in for over an hour...it was me.

    Poor choice of club.

    Fair call...but it was the first one I grabbed.

    No doubt a driver or possibly a 3-iron would have gotten more distance.

  7. I thought the convention among Thais was to leave the handbrake off when parking so there is no chance of anyone being blocked in, as the car park attendant can simply move the cars around as necessary.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    That's what normally happens.

    But it can REALLY piss you off when they don't and you have to wait for them.

    The person in Phuket with the Honda Jazz who's windows was smashed in with a 9-iron because they blocked me in for over an hour...it was me.

  8. DLock,

    Out of curiosity, did you try playing with a towel shoved in the bell? A quick google search identified this as a possible solution (#3 at http://www.bestsaxop...your-neighbors/). How did that work? Or are we on some sort of a watch list, and even playing recorded music at too loud a volume is likely to get another complaint?

    I am also fortunate enough to have a car to practice in, so that's another option if the towel won't soften the horn down enough.

    Of course, it's #1 on the above link - talk to the neighbors - that was the original reason I posted this. As nice as it would be to get to know my neighbors better, I suspect an unsolicited knock from the neighborhood farang would be almost as offensive as the practicing itself. The mere suggestion sent my significant other into full-on "phuat hua" mode, though she was fine complaining about the complaint up until that point. Although she wouldn't elaborate on any cultural problems with that, I suspect that it would not be well recieved, judging by her reaction.

    That's what I originally posted this topic for, although if any other musicians can give me tips on how to keep up your chops and not get evicted, that would be much appreciated as well.

    Also, SC - I practice for 30 minutes to an hour a day, never play the clarinet after 9, never play the sax after 8. As I said, I've been playing exclusively clarinet for the last month, as the sax has been at the shop for a long time, and didn't get any complaints.

    Yes, I tried various towels and suppressors, a saxophone Mute Bag and tried soundproofing a room...all failed. The car might be interesting idea, if you drive far enough out of town.

    I'm afraid you are fighting a losing battle...so go out with a bang....play Careless Whisper at 3am on your balcony as loud as you can...

    ...and then take up the drums and really piss people off.

  9. Leelas, I had exactly the same problem.

    I live in a condo and playing the sax at any time of the day upset someone.

    I explored lots of ways to reduce the noise, but they didn't work or weren't practice.

    There are some small studios you can rent and I tried that for a while, but it was a hassle. You want to play when you want to play.

    Now the sax makes a great display piece for now.

    Good luck, but your days of playing in the condo are probably over.

    • Like 1
  10. Ignore the clowns that suggest Phuket or Pattaya as a place to find datable girls.

    So you are a tourist believing every woman in Pattaya is a prostitute ?

    Yes, a 15 year tourist.

    Not what I said at all.

    You question says a lot more about you and your insecurities than about me.

    Carry on.

  11. Seems it's all going to be resolved, or at least be seen to be resolved for now.

    But the moment someone touched me, or came at me with a bat, furniture is going to be rearranged.

    A lot of people who got picked last on school rugby teams post here obviously.

  12. The issue is Sukhothai, which is tiny. Most girls with (or who want to get) somewhat of an education and a career would move to bigger places, could be as close as Phitsanulok.

    You need a little bit of a bigger town with a proper middle class, some big city anonymity and so on. After that, the Internet is your friend; just through friends of friends on social networks (Facebook basically) you will soon get to know a ton of people.

    Any reason you need to stay in Sukhothai? Fishing in a bigger pond makes it easier.

    Even though I feel this is a troll, I was going to quote basically the same as Winnie.

    At 24 years old, good looking, travelled all over Thailand and working from home - why would you choose Sukhothai?

    Phitsanulok is the closest University town with the cafes, restaurants and attractions for the age group you are looking for...but Chiang Mai would be the ideal choice.

    Ignore the clowns that suggest Phuket or Pattaya as a place to find datable girls.

  13. Yes, they pay tax.

    But after deductions for equipment (condoms, lube, cell phone, make up, clothes), accommodation (short time hotel), maintenance (boob jobs), medical (HIV tests), entertainment (Climax, alcohol, drugs and food), travel (taxi and BTS), donations (sick buffalo, school fees) and gifts ("brothers" motorcycle and Karaoke bills)...there's really very little left to tax.

    That's why VAT was invented.

    • Like 1
  14. I used to love eating banana pancakes, and I still do if I find a lady cook, who uses plastic gloves and a wooden paddle to make the roti batter flat.

    It was watching the muslim guys in Phuket for a while, and in between pancakes, he'd be picking his nose and ears, and then he'd use his hands to make the roti.

    Still makes me sick thinking about it.

    How often were you sick, before you saw that? Perhaps you'd have been better closing your eyes

    EDIT: Duplication deduplicated

    It's just something I'd rather not seen.

    Maybe it's just me, but eating the boogers and earwax of a man with questionable hygeine is just not for me.

  15. Smokers who litter their buds all around must be one of the lowest life forms there are. The fact that farang are singled out makes my blood boil but they would not have the problems if they did not drop the bud.

    My mother a smoker, you know one of those junkies that can't go long without a ciggarette. She has an ashtray with her one similar to those you saw in a pic earlier. She just puts the bud in there and takes care of the problem. It's so easy its called planning and as a smoker you know this. I wonder if the same people who blame the thais from forsight are smokers who cant even think what to do after they have smoked.

    Here we go, bash the smoker again. Butt droppers are lower than child molesters, rapists and serial killers I suppose?

    I thought you had me blocked for going after oldies. Yes i think smokers who drop their buds are discusting ? Do you consider it normal ? Do you consider littering normal and do you think its too much to ask for you to carry a mobile ashtray ?

    Here' my challenge to you Robblock. Get away from the safety of your keyboard and monitor, walk into a falang frequented bar and loudly proclaim "smokers are the lowest form of life". I'd love to be there to see the results.

    Comprehension is not your strong point.

  16. I used to love eating banana pancakes, and I still do if I find a lady cook, who uses plastic gloves and a wooden paddle to make the roti batter flat.

    It was watching the muslim guys in Phuket for a while, and in between pancakes, he'd be picking his nose and ears, and then he'd use his hands to make the roti.

    Still makes me sick thinking about it.

  17. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

    For sure I feel sad for Larry. He was faced with difficult decisions and I hope he made the right ones.

    But mostly I feel sad that he felt he had no friends and felt so alone. From comments, he clearly had a lot to offer. Perhaps if many of us had known, we would have done something. I believe I would have.

    I also hope he jackhammered some holes in the bottom of that pool he loved so much, but that the garden continues to bloom.

    I have never used an emoticon before...so this ones for you Larry.sad.png

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