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Posts posted by DLock

  1. I have no doubt that a little education will help you identify the gemstones, which could easily be corundum (sapphire or ruby), spinel....or glass.

    But discerning the value from a $5 stone to a $500 stone is something best left to the experts.

    If you are not experienced in the gem world, I recommend you buy cut gems that you can have valued and tested for treatments, rather that rough that really needs an expert eye to see into the gem to determine what it will cut and hence, what it's worth.

    Having said that, if the rough is cheap enough and you believe it to be real, sometimes it's worth a punt.

  2. Why did he headbutt you?

    Did he split you open?

    If you were so concerned why didn't you visit the nearby police...assuming you were cut.

    Otherwise, why didn't you smash a stool over his head?

    I don't understand the relationship with your staff or your wife and the bar.

    ...in fact, I don't really understand why you posted this.

  3. When people ask how do you make a living in Thailand they are often asking how to get a job in Thailand rather than building a business for which one needs capital.

    And when they are asking how to get a job they are often asking from a position of having no technical skills or qualifications.

    In short they are looking to finance their stay in Thailand rather than thinking about building a career.

    It rarely works.

    I agree with Yoshi.

    Many foreigners fall in love with Thailand and are desperate to find any way to make money - hence bars, time share and scamming other foreigners.

    Few have the skills or resources to invest into something over the long term.

    They need quick solutions, and I'm afraid, there really are no easy or quick fixes for foreigners here.

    Unless you have real money and real skills, go home, work hard, save up, and come back for a long holiday.

    She will still be waiting....kind off.

  4. Thai TV news reported last week that the good doctor's brother informed the police of this matter only after they had argued over land and money, implying the brother had already known of this for some time.

    In the meantime...'Police were inspecting 40 guns and home-made bullets found at the home, reportedly used for hunting, to see if they could also be charged for making ammunition without permission.'

    Hunting? Really?

    '...hence the relatives were afraid police might "have difficulty" probing it.'

    Oh yes, and so it begins.

    Well, if they can't prove murders...at least they have the "making ammunition without permission" to fall back on I guess...

    • Like 1
  5. I met Aurelllian last night.

    I had mentioned in an early post that I liked his swagger – his confidence, his high standards and that he has means…and he plays XBOX. We exchanged a few PM’s, had a few things in common and decided to meet up for sushi and mohito’s. Wasn’t looking for free sushi or to check “bonafides” and didn’t really care how much of the myth was true or not, but my gut said he was legit.

    His post got a little of track, so let be bring it back.

    I’ll be the first to admit, my mental image of his girlfriend was a stuck up bitch that was never satisfied. I admit I was wrong. She is 6foot1 in heels. She is very pretty, well spoken and grounded. The photos were of her. She is not a ladyboy and does not look like a Russian hooker. It’s not about money.

    And after meeting her I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. In fact I think she would like to have a normal Thai friend to hang out with sometimes, but so far the Thais see her as a way to advance their status. I’m sure there are Thais or farang out there for her to hang with, but I understand the challenge, and she knows it will take time, and she does try. But I am sure that meeting people in the US or Europe and the locations to do that would be much easier.

    What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

    So, can he back it up?

    In a word, yes. He proved what he does and I’m not sure how much he wants me to say, but he undersold himself here. He is just a confident guy who has every right to be. He was open about what type of girls he likes and he has the game to get them.

    Not sure if he has the XBOX skills I have, however. Sorry, they wouldn’t let him into Koi with the 60” plasma.

    So, that’s it. Not much to say really. Story checked out.


    It was a pleasure to meet you last night. We had a blast. Thanks.

    Your varied experiences are only surpassed in awesomeness by your pet.

    Safe travels back to your county villa and let me know when you want to catch up and grab a beer.

    Just to clarify: I will destroy you in Madden. Tap that a7s 54-0 with Vick at Qb for the niners.

    Thanks. Happy to grab a beer anytime.

    But take my advice on the pet thing...a llama makes a bad condo pet.

    Madden Schmaden.

    Call of Duty is what all the cool kids play.

    ...and sorry. I think I killed the thread.

  6. I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. ... and she does try.

    He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

    Thanks for the effort and the update. I said before, I did not challenge whether he is what he says he is, but I challenged (and will continue to do so if I find the time...) the way he was bragging about it...

    And when you say "she does try"... that definitely was NOT the message the Op brought over about his GF... all he was talking about was that she will never be happy if she does not find other Victoria Secret supermodels to chat with... again a completely different message from what you are giving us...

    I am only going by the conversation and seeing her react with a few Thai girls. Some were very casual and pleasant. Others were all wierd.

    She certainly doesn't look down on anyone, but I did see first hand how Thai girls react to her.

    In a past job I managed pro athletes and I saw how people reacted to them all the time. There is no way these athletes can know who is a good person and who wants to be friends for whatever benefit they can get. It was hard for them to make real friends.

    I saw a bit of that syndrome last night.

  7. I met Aurelllian last night.

    I had mentioned in an early post that I liked his swagger – his confidence, his high standards and that he has means…and he plays XBOX. We exchanged a few PM’s, had a few things in common and decided to meet up for sushi and mohito’s. Wasn’t looking for free sushi or to check “bonafides” and didn’t really care how much of the myth was true or not, but my gut said he was legit.

    His post got a little of track, so let be bring it back.

    I’ll be the first to admit, my mental image of his girlfriend was a stuck up bitch that was never satisfied. I admit I was wrong. She is 6foot1 in heels. She is very pretty, well spoken and grounded. The photos were of her. She is not a ladyboy and does not look like a Russian hooker. It’s not about money.

    And after meeting her I understand her problem. She does not hate Thailand or Thais. In fact I think she would like to have a normal Thai friend to hang out with sometimes, but so far the Thais see her as a way to advance their status. I’m sure there are Thais or farang out there for her to hang with, but I understand the challenge, and she knows it will take time, and she does try. But I am sure that meeting people in the US or Europe and the locations to do that would be much easier.

    What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

    So, can he back it up?

    In a word, yes. He proved what he does and I’m not sure how much he wants me to say, but he undersold himself here. He is just a confident guy who has every right to be. He was open about what type of girls he likes and he has the game to get them.

    Not sure if he has the XBOX skills I have, however. Sorry, they wouldn’t let him into Koi with the 60” plasma.

    So, that’s it. Not much to say really. Story checked out.

  8. Thanks for an entertaining read gents. Looking forward to tomorrows instalment.

    Will the op actually produce his boni fides or a pic of his lady?

    Will Submaniac rise to the bait and convince the op that he lives in a good neigborhood and can everyone agree that vegas has seasons?

    Has the op actually graduated from an ivy league school or did he drop out as stated in post 101?

    Will we see the word 'faux' or 'ilk' worked into a post again?

    Can the op use the word 'moot' in it's proper context?

    Looking forward to tomorrows instalment.

    You need to read dude. I left law school, not college.

    you may be right about moot though. I always mess that one up.

    Pic was posted...ok,,here goes...I will give the lads something to chew on...


    That's some fine 300cc's of perfection.

    Please have them sweater puppies covered up to avoid me having to avert my gaze.

  9. I don't believe you....establish bonafides. I think you are taking a PI&&

    Hey, I should you my degrees. What school is it that you are from? Care to share a pic of your degree?

    How about a pic of the supermodel. smile.png You can blur out her face or something

    I poster her pic yesterday...too slow matey. tongue.png

    Tonight i will meet someone who will establish my bonafides and report back.. No, i will not post a pic of my degree but I will prove to the guy tonight that I attended an Ivy college.

    He will also vouch for my professional bonafides...I will show him a pic of me beefing a Deputy Assistant Secretary of sumptin.

    Yes, but what happens if this 'guy' is one of your alter egos?

    He's not.

  10. Yeah, that frame is actually very beautiful. Should see it in the day time (it's night time for me). Yes the frame was definately extra. They mail the diploma in an envelope. It was the top of the line frame that the school sells for extra $$. (They make some extra cash selling the sweatshirts, the mugs, the watches with the emblem on it.) I didn't actually care what frame I put it in. But my mom wanted it. smile.png

    You Mom has every right to be proud.

    That piece of paper cost her (and probably you) significant coin.

    Congratulations. Impressive.

  11. I doubt you went to an Ivy, Stanford, Amherst, or UChicago. If you did you would not have written what you did.

    Ding ding ding. We have a winner.


    It's precisely because I did that I wrote what I did. The people I was referring to I met at Stanford and at grad school. You would be impressed who I know, who I partied with, who I have dirty little secrets about from their days at college. You would know their names. However, people such as myself don't name drop. We also keep the secrets of our friends.

    You also would be really surprised at who else is actually on this forum. Like really well educated people. Like really fabulously wealthy people. You would never guess because they don't talk about it...and neither will I.

    In regards to your comment about the Las Vegas electricity bill, you are actually right. It can go up to $400 if you crank the electricity. I just wasn't in the house much to use it last month.

    Did you pay extra for the frame? Because that is a beautiful frame.

    I think mine came laminated.

  12. Regardless whether Aurelllian is real, somewhat exaggerating or a complete fabrication...I like his swagger.

    Your choice to make allowances for this woman is a little confusing, especially given your job in "conflict zones" where you put your life on the line every day...and now you pander to her moods and whims of being seen in all the right places. I think your priorities are a little out of whack. We've all had trophy girlfriends at some point in our lives, but after a while you start wondering what contest you actually won.

    I also have a condo in Vegas which I use maybe 3 months a year. Ghost Bar for $500? Possible, but from what you have described, your girlfriend won't be happy with what bottle that gets you or the table way down the back. My tip at The Bank was more than your bottle service a few weeks ago.

    But I understand why she cries at the mere thought of coming to Bangkok after being in Vegas. The 2 do not even compare on any level, except cheap tennis and the sky train, if that's what matters to you. The clubs, bars and restaurants do not even compare to Vegas. Q Bar and Bed? Really? What can you possible like about the pretentious crowd of wannabe's? Wait...I just answered that.

    Dump the girl before she dumps you or she drives you nuts from her depression and sulking. Enjoy what money you earned by putting yourself in harms way and not just on being seen in all the right places with some arm candy. Get a better job.

    ...and most importantly play more XBOX.

  13. I was exactly where you are when i was in Malaysia with my ex-wife.

    She was blonde and blue eyed and she was also stared at and got whistles and comments and was very uncomfortable.

    To make it worse, I travelled 80% of the time and left her alone with few friends.

    She went on a 6 week holiday and never came back.

    Best thing that ever happened to me.

    You know which one you love more - Bangkok or her - so you know already in your heart what to do.

    My bet, is that you leave Thailand and go elsewhere.

    Good luck on whatever decision you make.

  14. Looks out the window

    Nine more to go.

    I was just stuck in that storm for an hour. It was heavy and the drains weren't coping well.

    So Plodprasop, that's 1 storm on day 1. Your batting 1000

    You just need 9 more in the next 29 days. You say "unlikely". I say "probable".

    But we all know you have left plenty of escape clauses in your press release. By being absolute on how many storms, yet vague on water volume per storm or overall water volume, your escape pod is safe.

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