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Classic Ray

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Everything posted by Classic Ray

  1. Could at least there not be insistence that all pickups carrying passengers in the bed are fitted with enclosures like songtaews? This would reduce the risk of ejection of people during travel or collisions, whilst still allowing for materials to be carried as well as people.
  2. Jaw jaw rather than war war is the only solution. Lessons from the Blair negotiation and accord over the Northern Ireland situation should be considered in the Thai approach to the insurrection in the South. No territory changed hands but the level of violence and quality of life improved greatly by negotiation and compromise by all parties.
  3. I am interested to see what will happen with the 3 Airports project that they control. Whether they actually complete it or sell it off to companies with better rail experience and ability remains to be seen.
  4. Road safety depends on education, legislation and enforcement. If any one of these is weak, it will fail. Road design and construction has an influence, but less than the previous 3. Unfortunately whilst there is an abundance of legislation, the other factors are very primitive.
  5. I lost my ARL Elder card and they will not sell me a new one as I am not Thai. They even said they had no stock for Thais. My MRT Elder card still works with the discounted fare.
  6. Usual procedure is to identify the unruly passengers and have the police meet the plane to offload and deal with the offenders by arrest and deportation. Don't the Thai and Indian airlines use this procedure?
  7. I look forward to seeing the result of his court case and the punishment he receives. I will not be holding my breath for this as these results are rarely published, leading me to suspect that justice is also rarely served.
  8. Show her the report of the British woman who had a BBL in Turkey and died due to an infection and poor post op care.
  9. Firstly, if she had done nothing wrong, why did she think she was under suspicion? Secondly, why didn’t she immediately contact a lawyer? They would have been able to get the details of any legitimate accusation and represent her in her defence. Did she have a guilty conscience about the Stark Corporation?
  10. This is Thailand where any safety measures, the cost of which reduce profit, are ignored.
  11. Having spent two hours yesterday afternoon in a taxi from Sukhumvit to Sathorn Pier, the traffic is something to be considered in Bangkok. BTS on the way back much quicker, but with two babies in pushchairs and no escalators or lifts at some stations, still not a pleasant experience.
  12. The difference is she can get free hospital treatment and does not need a repatriation flight. No details of why his travel insurance did not cover the costs, but good luck to him anyway.
  13. “This arrest is part of a broader initiative spearheaded by the Commander of Immigration Division 5, aimed at clamping down on immigration violations throughout the region.” No, the arrest was as a result of a tipoff, following years of failure to detect his overstay through the cumbersome system of renewals, 90 day reports etc.
  14. The problem would be easily solved if the responsible authorities got off their a@&ses and dealt with it. The irrational attitude of not culling them is just an excuse for inaction, supported by pseudo religion. Have to wait for Poo Yai Baan’s relatives to be bitten then see how quickly something gets done.
  15. Only if you take the time to really expand the image, Dave!
  16. Driver already said he had no car or accident insurance in OP.
  17. I support microchipping for dogs and cats, to ensure owners can be traced, but cats pose little nuisance to anyone compared to dogs. It would be better if the feral cat population was controlled to avoid their horrible lifestyles.
  18. It is not clear if the jet skis were returned to their operators after the 10000 baht fines were imposed.
  19. They will be shared with the consumers who will pay more.
  20. Follow the money. If the loan was paid back in cash, what was the source of the cash? Would need to be a big mattress to hide all those “savings”. The Revenue Dept should also be involved to show his declarations of income.
  21. Has there been an update on the school bus fire tragedy, or will that join the list of inactive investigations? By now I would expect all CNG and NGV buses to have been inspected and certified safe, those responsible to have been charged to court, and a stiffer inspection regime to have been introduced to prevent a recurrence. But as someone said above TIT.
  22. They should really compare the pollution from asthma inhalers with the output of one Chinese coal fired power station or EV battery mining/production facility.
  23. My mother was an immigrant refugee to the UK after WW2, and her only socio political activity was membership of the IFL, International Friendship League, a body set up to foster relations between immigrants and the indigenous population. I can’t understand why some refugees enjoying the hospitality of the UK don’t try to assimilate to the local community instead of forming enclaves that try to establish little islands of their home countries, without adapting. Their behaviour promotes discrimination and lack of acceptance. If they wish to protest against the regimes in their home countries, they should do it without attacking the police and communities who actually keep them safe.
  24. Could be if there were leaking CNG cylinders in the area of the fire source, like in the recent school bus tragedy.
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