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Classic Ray

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Everything posted by Classic Ray

  1. Non-light controlled crossings are poorly defined here. Road markings rarely include zig zag markings to denote no stopping either side and no overtaking on the approach side, or have spotlights to illuminate pedestrians who are crossing, and make up for the poor street lighting in most urban areas. They also have no Belisha beacons, the oversized flashing orange globes that give drivers warning they are approaching a crossing. Along with proper enforcement (a dream I know), and driver and pedestrian education, these economical measures would greatly increase pedestrian safety. But because most of the victims are poor, this does not seem a priority for the Government.
  2. So a woman hands over money obviously intended to pay off corrupt officials then complains when it doesn’t work. I’m not feeling very sympathetic, it’s just another symptom of how broken the system is where people try to game it with bribery.
  3. Thailand has more than enough laws but enforcement is based on corrupt payments or absent.
  4. No, even voluntary unpaid work needs a work permit. Mad but true.
  5. I am surprised (not really) at the lack of implementation of flood prevention schemes in Thailand. This is a country with an annual rainy season and many talented civil engineers. The Asian Development Bank offers funds at low rates of interest for worthwhile projects like these. Instead of platitudes and relief packages, time to stimulate employment and construct proper diversionary measures to prevent further disasters. They could also make sure current drains are properly maintained and kept free flowing.
  6. You can understand the reluctance of most motorists to offer assistance at collision scenes if this is the possible result.
  7. If they have already been named elsewhere, why aren’t their names published to prevent further crimes?
  8. Can I ask the journalists to stop using the word “accident” which implies an unavoidable incident with no blame, and instead use “collision” or “crash”? ”Accident” sends the wrong message to road users and is inaccurate. Thanks
  9. Maybe authorities could look after the trees, felling the ones that are becoming weak. i know there is cultural reluctance to fell these holy trees, but that should not come before protecting human life and property. I remember one in Chiang Mai falling onto a motorcycle narrowly missing killing the rider. There are many of these dangerous holy trees in Thailand not being cared for. The taboo of maintenance again.
  10. Paying for pilot training is no different to the Student Loan schemes offered in many countries, as long as they don’t demand full upfront payment. Pilots should be able to pay back the training costs from their future earnings, as should those who don’t complete or fail the course. But with this many unemployed qualified pilots I don’t see why they need to recruit more. Students should be encouraged to enter other industries instead.
  11. Just had call from scammer trying to buy my mobile phone number Obviously Government crackdown on ID verification for phone numbers is hitting the cheats hard. Told them to do one. My wife also had similar call, beware.
  12. My wife has a Government job that pays for my healthcare, and has already started a side business to maintain a better income when I’m gone. The house is paid off and she will get a good proportion of my pension for life or until she marries again. Our kids will have a good start in life as a result, even though we are not millionaires. My previous kids have also been well looked after. She better look after me!
  13. This may be time for the Red Bull family to step up and pay some money to this family to atone for the lack of responsibility they have shown for their member who is evading punishment for the death of a police officer killed in a collision many years ago. With a gesture like that, I may remove my boycott of Red Bull products.
  14. Wise (formerly TransferWise) operates in Australia, cheaper than a bank transfer, and importantly in my, and thousands of others, experience, 100% reliable.
  15. Any sign of an Interpol Red Notice or initiation of extradition proceedings to help close this case? If not, why not?
  16. The ATR 72-500 is the same model of aircraft that was involved in the recent fatal air crash in Brazil. But that was a passenger rather than freight aircraft. Initial reports are tending to suggest high altitude icing could have been a factor in the crash. i hope this does not affect the Pattaya Airways aircraft.
  17. Girls? These are 36 year old women.
  18. UK Coroner can hold an inquest on a British citizen no matter where the death took place. Drowning is not the cause of death, it’s the inability to breathe air due to the inhalation of water, ie asphyxiation, that is the cause.
  19. I became age-related short-sighted when I was about 50, and started with reading glasses, but for ten years or so I have gone with varifocals which I wear all the time. Tell the optician to slow down until you get it exactly right.
  20. In the UK the employer is fined up to £60,000 (over 2,400,000 baht) for each illegal employee. https://www.gov.uk/penalties-for-employing-illegal-workers
  21. All modern vehicles have dual circuit braking systems with each circuit activating the brake on two wheels. Only if one circuit fails and the driver ignores the big red light on his dash would he be left with no brakes if the remaining circuit fails. Overloading and/or lack of maintenance could affect brake performance and his ability to stop in time, but that is not brake failure but operator failure.
  22. Similar problems due to deforestation affect the Philippines as well as many other countries. But people don’t learn and think of long term consequences when there is quick money to be made.
  23. If the tour bus was properly insured, surely the insurance company should be paying any award, that’s why you have insurance? No party should need to sell assets to settle any dispute regarding the effects of a collision. That should be paid from the insurer’s funds.
  24. They do name it as Yala Hospital?
  25. Has anyone done a comparison of the available makes/models secondhand values? I would like to see what you can get selling one, or purchasing one on the secondhand market before considering a purchase.
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