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Posts posted by Howiehotspur

  1. 33 minutes ago, blix99 said:

    Odd, been living here two years: never attacked, spat on, or run off the road. Restaurant staff either polite or in too many cases disinterested. Never hassled by the police, in fact found them helpful. Most Thais still seem friendly enough and give back what they receive has been my experience. 

    Ditto .. been coming here 27 years , lived here now 5 years ( retired ) .. never have I had an issue every Thai I’ve had dealings with have been friendly enough , the only altercation I ever had and that’s why it’s so vivid was when I Sat on my life jacket ( brand new jacket ) .. and what I assume was the captain ( going to koh larn ) ripped it out from under me and told me ‘ it’s for wearing ‘ , well I think that’s what he said ... my ( Thai wife ) is a different story ofcourse ????

    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, Jacobi Barnes said:

    The numbers are accurate. April is the month that will be brutal. January through March, we saw a massive increase in tourists in Northern Phuket compared to years prior. It was our best tourist season, possibly ever. We mainly get Russian and American families in Northern Phuket and they were still flocking to Phuket up until March 28th, right before the draconian lock down in Phuket. Russians and Americans have excellent genetics so it's no surprise that they weren't worried about Covid-19, a virus that will prove to be no more deadly than the seasonal flu. 80,000 people died from the seasonal flu in the USA in Winter 2018. It's doubtful that 80,000 will die from Covid-19 in the USA at current death rates.


    Sadly, most countries have been betrayed into panic by the Mainstream Marxist Media that is largely controlled by the CCP. It's truly sad to watch as so many have been so easily fooled into economic decimation, all for nothing. Stock market is going to go straight back up ( DOW 40,000 EOY ) so the rich will be just fine. It's Main Street that gets screwed in all this. Main Street's businesses have been permanently decimated and will never recover. Unemployment around the world will skyrocket. Main Street doesn't understand the politico limbo going on right now, "panic sells" their 401ks and stocks when they're down 30%, only to watch the market return to all time highs 6 months later when they're finally feeling comfortable to wet their beak again. It's cruel and brutal and the Mainstream Marxist Media should be ashamed of what they have done to the Average Joe.


    "Back in the 1950s our parents and grandparents were able to pick up The Times newspaper with some confidence that they would read well-researched articles based largely on facts.


    The BBC was also considered largely non-biased and factual. A decade later with the so-called Swinging Sixties, the social revolution saw a simultaneous decline in education and its dependency, journalism. Following WW11, Communists were invading the world militarily and with tactics of debauching economies in preparation for a takeover and institutional infiltration.


    While the Berlin Wall was brought down in 1989, and two years later in 1991 communism was considered to have met its demise. But it feigned death and went underground. Lowering education standards and imposing political correctness, PC, around the globe to achieve sameness and compliance replaced economic aggression, force of arms and blatant political infiltration. This Marxist culture now controls mainstream world media with PC having destroyed freedom of expression. Similarly, as we see with uncontrolled immigration, self-destructive altruism in the name of human rights has now blinded people to common sense reasoning. The result is a partisan mainstream media indoctrinated by Marxist culture supporting the globalist movement for one world government – 21st century communism.


    It is sad that we now have to trawl small independent media outlets, that are derided by the mainstream as conspiracy theorists, in an attempt to find some semblance of the truth. Nowhere is this more apparent than it is in the USA with the reporting of the race to the White House.


    Edward Bernay, the father of modern propaganda, said, “The conscious manipulation of the opinion of the masses is an important element in democratic society.”  A controlled media is the best tool for this purpose and democracy with a subdued, apathetic electorate, lacking in awareness, is easy to manipulate."


    JC Wilcox

    Excellent write up ???????? 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Mmmm firstly the reason for this is large grouping of people , so the bar owners  are solely to blame for this , not the people going in there to drink , they are on holiday probably, and say there’s 2-3 of them , and being told it’s ok obviously by the bar.. and only yesterday there was a queue of Thai people all standing next to each other right around the villa market queuing for free face masks about 300 all grouped together .. why was that allowed , and I don’t blame them either .. 

    • Like 1
  4. I live on Pratumnak hill ( Pattaya ) in the past 3 years they’ve built 3 condo blocks , 2 opposite and 1 to the left .. 2 are finished completed months ago , 1 finished within the past 2-3 weeks .. all are completely empty as far as I can tell , certainly no lights on at night . Forecourts etc empty .. 

    I don’t know how many rooms that accounts for but I’d wager well over 200 at least ..Annoying because I had a lovely view previously , which no doubt has reduced a sale price if I ever considered selling which would be pointless anyway . 

  5. 2 hours ago, FiveStarVagabond said:

    I have never seen Pattaya so quiet, I love it. It's easy to check on Pattaya beach simply by looking at my webcam here; http://fivestarvagabond.com/best-pattaya-beach-thailand-webcam/

    Pattaya Beach Feb 16.jpg

    That’s very early in the morning , you can tell by where the sun is .... I jog Pattaya beach and jontiem beach roads alternate days , both are fairly busy by midday , certainly jontiem beach very busy , and next to my home in Pratumnak, ( cozy beach ) very busy from 10 am til about 2pm mainly Russians ofcourse , but they are still customers no ? 

  6. 5 hours ago, smedly said:

    you know what is funny 


    Chinese are not well travelled people - they are brought here on very well fine tuned packages - plane - bus - hotel - bus - eating - bus - hotel - rinse repeat, being ripped off at every opportunity possible - they think it is all normal because they don't know any better - they are herded everywhere - charged a fortune and after 10 days shipped off home thinking - well that is what a holiday is...……..they have no concept of travel 


    we from the west are always well travelled - it is very hard for us to understand what exactly is going on with these Chinese (so called) tourists - they just don't know any better and are being taken advantage of - very sad really and is just massive exploitation of people that don't know any better or different


    and no it isn't really funny at all

    Couldn’t of put it better myself ... ????????


    • Haha 1
  7. In less than 20 years Thailand will be part of China anyway .. just like Cambodia will be in 10 years .. 

    you reap what you sowc

    as for the Indians the locals would rather they weren’t here , as to what they get out of them financially..  example just this morning when I was trying to park my bike ( Pattaya ) they are arguing with a bath bus driver regarding the 10 bht travel cost , to go up the road .. insisting for that price and as there were 6 of them the driver should take them ‘ off route ‘ to their hotel ( I think that was the jist of it anyway ... 

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, Don Mega said:

    " First year, all applicants can buy health insurance from insurance companies in their owned countries or authorized insurance company in Thailand. When the applicants want to renew the visa, the applicants must buy insurance from authorized insurance companies in Thailand only. "





    Say for example your currently on a years extension and your out of the country with a re entry permit ...you won’t be able to get that ‘ THAI ‘ companies insurance until you get back into the country surely , so how do you get passed immigration on arrival ? .. 

  9. 9 hours ago, poohy said:

    Your condo maybe, i suspect other are different

    In my quiet seaside town (Foreign retirement pop maybe about 150)  as far as i personally know about 15 people are using agents

    Agreed , I’m on a ‘ long stay ‘ retired visa and on my 5th extension 

    i know about 13-15 guys on the same visa , and EVERY one of them use agencies for their yearly extensions , as they never originally did it the ‘ correct ‘ way . 

    Which I must say I originally was pissed about seeing as though I did it all the correct way , though thai embassy in London etc .


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