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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 15 minutes ago, binjalin said:

    It's the international standard. Democratically elected Ministers cannot be hounded for decisions made in office UNLESS it's illegal (i.e. corruption).


    In the annals of governmental history many Ministers were incompetent  (WMD? Poll Tax?  Iraq?  and 1000s other examples). Anyway we are off-topic.

    That's nice, but the charge isn't incompetence, though she had plenty of that, it is negligence. To wit " to find negligence proved, there must be a duty of care, the defendant must have breached that duty, and that breach must have caused the loss or damage sustained by the plaintiff. "


  2. 23 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    Sounds like a nice thing to do. Great! All is waiting for the help.


    Oppps! It had to do with marketing and selling thier products?? Ok, not much help there I suppose. Just wanted to be first in line for the contract.

    Sorry not "all" 

    There was also a whining mob complaining about a new power station that would burn coal and biomass, can't find it.

    BTW biomass has a very low energy out/energy in ratio, and tends to be seasonal/variable in supply.

  3. 3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    The SSC and the NBO are the bodies set up to oversee the temples and their activities.


    The story mentions 23 temples and 140 million baht, and both those numbers are sure to rise (if investigated).


    How is this NOT criminal negligence on the part of the SSC and NBO?


    Try to keep up. 6 senior officers and ex-officers of NBO have already been charged, they are not negligent they are complicit.

  4. 4 minutes ago, binjalin said:

    Complete nonsense of course. No one I know blames her for escaping the dangers of a Military Junta court and jail. Seems to me that you support the unelected and, of course, that's your right but its surprising. PTP won every election for decades, you might not like democracy, but that's the way it works!


    I see a few 'farangs' twist history and a few more laud the Military Junta but I expected more from you. The case against Y should never have been brought it's a political farce, whatever you think of Y, it's just wrong ethically.

    Ignoring the irrelevant and inaccurate  "PTP won every election for decades" BS, are you claiming she is innocent of negligence, or just trying to skip that detail?

  5. 7 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    So you're carrying your gun in your hand or hands? Not in a case? I don't even know why I'm bothering to ask. 


    I'll be as clear as I can. 'Openly carrying arms while wearing a mask in public' will get you into a world or trouble. This isn't Texas. I'm pretty sure the Thai constitution, whatever that might be right now, doesn't state the right to bear arms. You know, that right that was created to be able to protect yourself from your government in the States. 


    Stop digressing from the original poster's meaning by making up nonsense hypotheticals about scenarios or people carrying guns to gun shops. The poster meant men getting out of a car with guns in their hands and masks on their faces. That is illegal. 

    Again, you refuse to accept reality because it suits you, and unable to supply any logical argument to support your case. Twice in 2 days is enough. Goodbye.

  6. 2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Right. Now you're carrying your rifle in a carry case to a gun shop next to a bank. Are you still wearing a little mask? Is there a mask shop next to the gun shop?


    This was the post you commented on;


    "Ah, so next time 3 men get out of a pick up wearing masks and carrying guns, and walk towards a bank the police can do nothing because the men have not robbed the bank yet"


    I must have been really obtuse not to infer that the poster meant three men carrying rifles in carry cases to a gun shop next to a bank (maybe also next to a fancy dress shop - who knows?) Maybe the poster can clear up what he meant. I somehow doubt he meant a bunch of burly men carrying guns in cases who have a penchant for cute little face masks. 

    Yes, you are. How did you get to "carrying your rifle in a carry case" when I said I was going to get a carry case made? Something I have done on several occasions, without a mask and without being arrested.

    Carrying a gun with a permit is not an offence, wearing a mask is not an offence, being in company of other men (who have suddenly put on weight) is not an offence. All 3 acts combined is still not an offence.

  7. 36 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    It is a combination of sentencing for more than one charge. It is two years for one offense and 16 months on a second. While I agree that tallying it all to give a more logical and less confusing total would help, it is not how it is done here. The lawyer I work for had a client a couple of years back got 5 years and 54 months. The reduction on sentences in amnesties is where it becomes important, as sentences of months receives a better reduction percentage than those in years apparently.

    Adding the sentences might erroneous if they are to be served concurrently. I don't know if they do that here, or if all sentences are consecutive.


    And the 2 terms are far too confusing for a Thai reporter.

  8. Just now, rkidlad said:

    Off the top of my head, a public order offence. You don't think the public (also any police officers in the area sitting around on their as*** too) might be a little nonplussed to see people carrying arms and wearing masks?


    "Nothing to see here, everyone. We have permits for these guns and the masks are purely for artistic and aesthetic purposes'

    It might as well have come out your Rs, because it is BS. If I want to take my rifle to have a carry case made, should I be arrested because the shop is next to a bank? They, and I, might well be stopped and asked for ID and intentions, but that is the extent of it because no crime has been committed.

  9. 1 minute ago, oxo1947 said:

    That's very good bangrak--thank you for the history of oxo---


    However I do think you may have missed my point a little, This line

    "if the lady really believes in what she stands for-- then go to jail, the world would be on your side."

    Ergo -: the lady does not believe what she says she stands for , but after many promises to her deluded followers that she would stay and fight, she would rather give the government 30 million in bail money and go live in luxury in Dubai.

    The people I listed took the harder more principled  stance, than the run-away Yingluck and her brother.


    But wouldn't that make her brother look (more) like a complete AH and coward?

  10. 11 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    But but those traveling by her don't include close companions that have nothing to do with the nature of the trip. 


    59 units of GT 200 was first bought during Surayud tenure. The bulk of 500+ bought during Ahbisit. Porky pies again. 

    The trip? Yingluk visited 42 countries, with a full retinue, just about a full time job on it's own, which explains her rare appearances in parliament.



    ".... some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004."

    ".... the Royal Thai Air Force first procured the GT200 to detect explosives and drugs at airports, followed by the army in 2006."


    " Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva ordered scientific tests of the GT200 in February 2010 to verify its claimed effectiveness. The tests found that the GT200's detection rate was no more effective than random chance "


  11. 2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Yes, the police suck so just accept it, right? But you made it out like the police were actually being dutiful in their approach.


    What part of a clearly drunk guy calling the police saying he's had difficulties parking his car gave you the illusion the police's response was measured?

    Police have limited resources, and they set priorities so as not to waste them, not just here , but everywhere. A drunk backing into a wall at 3am has a priority lower than a snake's bum unless someone is hurt.

    I have limited time and set priorities also, so I won't be explaining reality to you again.

  12. 10 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Start with your own brother corruptions and then move over to the corruption in military purchases of the blimp and GT2000 while investigate the OTT spending on luxury travelling. If you have time, some self retrospecting of your unusual wealth and those of your fellow generals. 

    Didn't you get the memo, OTT spending on luxury traveling is off the agenda after Yingluk's VIP World Tour. and try to remember the first GT200 units were bought in 2004.

  13. 3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Yeap, that's the job of the police. Dismiss people's calls as not being important as you can safely assume it's all just a little bit of drunken horseplay. 


    Thanks for that. 

    You have expectations that exceed reality, and only someone in Fantasyland would expect an immediate police reaction to a drunk who backed into a wall. If you don't believe me, pick up a phone and try it on the locals, wherever you may be.

  14. Hmmm......I assume it was the dummy spitting drunk who called the BIB, slurring his words and claiming he had just backed into a wall, it was all the security guard's fault, and he wanted him arrested. And I find it quite reasonable that the BIB, knowing there were responsible sober adults on the scene, and being highly unlikely anyone was injured, told him to sleep it off and call back tomorrow.

  15. 25 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    I can't argue with any of that, and won't even try. I have no problem with people who dislike the Shin family, but if you are going to go after one group, you should apply the same principles to every group. That doesn't happen, and it is deeply hypocritical.


    That said, I still think it is time for the Shin family to take a big step back from the party. Yes, they will continue to be a major voice for the immediate and near future, but it is time to step back from day to day things for a while. More specifically, I think that the next leader of the party should be someone from outside the family. Every political party needs renewal, and few parties manage to maintain their "freshness" beyond ten years. 


    I want to see the people in the N and NE have a voice, a STRONG voice. For that to happen, the PTP/Reds need to renew a bit, get some new faces in and think about some new policies. Now is not the time to try to govern.



    Let us assume your wish has come true and the Shinawatras have abandoned politics and PTP, do you expect them to continue to be the major contributors now that they no longer set policy? Very unlikely.

    So now PTP needs funding. Let us assume the wealthy people of BKK are not amused at being demonised for political purposes, and they have to appeal to their grass roots supporters. First, you have to convince them that they will get value for money. How do you explain to a farmer lucky if he makes B10,000/m that he should contribute to a SECOND salary of B50,000 or B100,000 for an MP whose government paycheck is already substantial (couldn't get figures, a TV thread on the subject is banned)? http://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/pheu-thai-mps-still-unhappy-with-their-salaries-6548

    What happens when dues paying party members decide they want a say in who represents them, and a chance at the big salaries? How many MPs will you have left if you cancel the second salaries, because the only thing holding them together is greed.


  16. 8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Here's the first meaning of infiltration:

    The action of entering or gaining access to an organization or place surreptitiously, especially in order to acquire secret information or cause damage.


    And since the article said that this was a Nazi way of describing immigration, or having what they called foreigners in their midst, such as Jews, I suspect there are less pejorative words that can be used.

    And whatever the case may be of the anti-semitism of these immigrants, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand which is


    Jews around world concerned by far-right breakthrough in German election

    And how would you describe ISIS fighters posing as refugees to enter Europe and carry out attacks?

  17. 6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I like the way you're avoiding her reference to WWII allies and the allegation that she was given the task of limiting the population of the German "volk". Who but a neo-nazi would make reference to WW2 as evidence to bolster her case. What happened to the constrain refrain of the AfD that WWII is a thing of the past?

    Don't mention the war, they'll call you a nazi.

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