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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 5 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    Again, if they didn't help with her exit they must be...?  INCOMPETENT


    which is it?


    and her flying to London after Dubai has NO relevance on where the Junta 'knew' or were just 'stupid'. Your dedication to the Junta proves that there really is 'love' in the world and I'm just an old cynic  lol

    Incompetence is your claim without proof. The only evidence of her location so far is a claim by a Dubai source, possible repeated by PTP. How competent are they when they can't keep track of their own criminals?

    Until there is a public sighting, I don't believe any of it, least of all what gets posted by angry, bitter Shin sycophants who have seen another of their "democratic" heroes revealed as a criminal.

  2. 4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    Exit Passport controls?  goodness.  People come and go all the time.  I would not put much faith in any Thai information database or computer system

    After I reported a passport stolen, I had at least a 15 minute delay EVERY time I attempted to leave the country with a new passport. Situation lasted best part of 2 years and I was doing 3 monthly border runs using 3 different border crossing points and a trip back to Oz.

  3. 3 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Did you not know the wiki can be edited by anyone

    try reading the UK court files


    Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva ordered scientific tests of the GT200 in February 2010 to verify its claimed effectiveness. "


    And your hero said they worked but his men where either too tired to use them or badly trained, that info is available here on TV if you look. FACT On Record


    he and your hero got a mention but not in good terms in the court


    Why did they cost so much, was it because the idiots who purchased them got backhanders


    I did not see Thai try to get their money back under the compensation plan, was that because of the difference in price paid to price said to be paid


    But what do you expect in Asia's 3rd most corrupt country Fact Again by Forbes.


    I do get so fed up with people who try and pull wool over peoples eyes.


    “If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth – politics.”...


    Very Very True around here, but only with those who have low intelligence.

    Keep repeating then, and whatever you do, don't supply links to back your claims.

  4. 9 hours ago, balo said:

    You can ask one of the survivors of flight 571 that crashed in the Andes. The passengers had to eat the flesh of the dead people.  


    The survivors had little food and no source of heat in the harsh conditions at over 3,600 metres (11,800 ft) altitude. Faced with starvation and radio news reports that the search for them had been abandoned, the survivors fed on the bodies of dead passengers that had been preserved in the snow.

    It was reported that after the bodies were eaten they were forced by desperation to eat the airline meals.

  5. 43 minutes ago, binjalin said:

    She's nowhere near Dubai actually so Halloween's puppet master got it wrong again.

    One Dubai source has stated this, followed by a PTP statement possibly quoting the same source. Are you forgetting that earlier in this thread the claims were that the Junta are in contact with her (due to a misreading of the OP) and that is proof they helped her exit?

    How wrong can your red sycophants be?

  6. Just now, sjaak327 said:

    So what, are you claiming these sources are less reliable than the Junta ? 


    Priceless humour. 

    Yes. For weeks both have said they are unaware of her location. Until there is a positive sighting, I don't take anybody's statements as fact. Of course the bias which you deny allows you to accept the PTP statement without question. I however remember that PTP have a tendency to lie.

  7. 3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    How fast you forgotten this headlines "Coup plot hatched in 2010 says PDRC Chief Suthep". 

    Still in power was never in the plans of the plotters. She has as much chance as a snowflake in hell to stay in power.  

    Are you seriously basing a conspiracy theory on the credibility of Suthep? Don't you remember how many of his statements from the same period you have discounted as lies?

  8. 1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

    Sorry Abhisit, Korn where implicate in the GT200 scam, you know the one where your hero said the GT200's worked but his men where either too tired or badly trained. Yet across the globe the UK Gov and MOD proved they where a load of rubbish and did not work. The UK courts convicted Mr Gary Bolton for selling bogus equipment based on novelty golf ball finder. He got 10 years for that did he not. But you have to smile as his sales here where a lot more and at a higher price that he obtained in Iraq. So Thais had to pay almost twice the price as a few back pockets had to be filled, I think that is corruption at work don,t you?


    If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth – politics


    A new pair of blinkers for xmas then.

    Do you think Thaksin was implicated in the GT200 scam? Or do you mindlessly repeat the red propaganda without thinking ?

    ".... some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004. "

    ".... the Royal Thai Air Force first procured the GT200 to detect explosives and drugs at airports, followed by the army in 2006."


    " Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva ordered scientific tests of the GT200 in February 2010 to verify its claimed effectiveness. "


  9. 1 hour ago, Becker said:

    Here he goes again bleating on about the attempted amnesty of the legally elected government when the military junta who took power and suspended basic human rights gave themselves the mother of all such things.

    I must admit it's kind of fascinating to read the rantings of someone so completely blind to his own hypocrisy.

    No comment on the other points?

  10. 35 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Those former 2 will never be charged although they have been accused of corruption in the 42B strong Thailand projects. Korn have to resign to avoid those allegations. Sudarat still has a outstanding corruption case with NACC. Don't spend too much time as there are no clean politicians, period. 

    Why don't you give us some links, then we can decide the credibility of your claims?

    Would this be one of them?http://pattayatoday.net/news/thailand-news/nacc-finds-no-evidence-to-act-on-sudarat/

  11. 37 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    At least she had to take the law into consideration..........


    Why don't you guys stop talking about the law ? it does not apply to everyone involved. It becomes very annoying having to read your ramblings about how (insert Shinawatra) didn't follow the law, yet never actually complain about how the current regime is well above the law, because they abolished the law and replaced it with their own. These people are far worse criminals than the Shinawatras. And without any checks and balances or even a way to send them packing.



    When you are supporting criminals, there is nothing left to but to denigrate the justice system.

  12. 41 minutes ago, jonclark said:

    Absolutely, But corruption in Thailand is as endemic as ice in your beer, its the proverbial grease that makes the cogs of power turn.  Remove the ice and the beer becomes unpalatable and flat, remove corruption and things will grind to a halt. That is just the way it works. 


    The aim was to raise the living standards of the poor, those who have been overlooked for so many years by the ruling classes - lest we forget they too have been happily skimming from the top for many, many decades without any moral qualms whatsoever over the  guilt or innocence of their actions, cause that' show it works here. - in itself she was right to pursue that policy which was effectively a large agricultural subsidy. The principle was subsiding the cost of the rice so farmers got a better price. Certainly not unique and a well proven way to rack up huge losses to the taxpayer. In the EU, CAP accounts for somewhere in the region of 30% of the entire annual EU budget. UK farms get somewhere like $300 per hectare for cultivated land. Agricultural subsidies are a great way to lose money...but they keep farmers viable and happy(ish).


    Yinglucks downfall, imo, was she also wasn't experienced enough to be PM - before she was PM she was a complete political novice with no experience whatsoever - kinda like Trump. As such she was entirely dependent on those around her for advice and support and when all and sundry jumped on the bandwagon to get their nose in the trough of corruption, well that was her undoing coupled with the establishments dislike of those pesky outsiders taking a bigger slice of the corruption pie than they were able to.


    In 5, 10,  15 years down the line it will be a new name..more corruption from a failed subsidy policy and the same old machinations. 


    Anyway, I'm off to put some ice in my beer now. Enjoy.   



    Let me correct you. The STATED aim was to help the poorest farmers, but it did no such thing. The poorest farmers EAT the rice they grow. Less poor farmers suffered from the lack of a rent freeze and price increases which nullified any gain they may have made. OTOH the lack of input limits meant that those wealthy farmers with large farms got most of the small percentage that went to actual farmers.

    I don't care what they di in the EU, this was an electoral bribe and a scam in Thailand.

    Yingluk was a puppet fro a criminal. Tell me why I should have sympathy for someone whose purpose is to enable crime to flourish?

    Enjoy your beer.

  13. 16 minutes ago, sangtip2 said:

    If you intend to jail every corrupt Thai politician / cop  / government official  there would be none left.

     Yingluck's prosecution is nothing more than a political witch hunt.    The government which was not elected  has to make sure that no Shinawatra is ever elected again.

    IMHO not having any corrupt Thai politician / cop  / government official left would be a great idea. To do that you would have to make sure that no Shinawatra is ever elected again.

  14. 58 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Even a blind man can see this was political. Why stage a coup if not for political excuses to rid political enemies. It is about exerting the amount of pressure on the justice system to take care of business. Negligence was just the excuse needed. You see mountain of negligence in the military and their political allies that not prosecuted. 

    Some of us it was to stop criminals pillaging the country, borrowing so there would be more to steal, suborning the police, reducing funding for independent agencies, ignoring parliamentary procedure, and trying to write amnesty for their criminal behaviour.

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