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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Re-entry permit needed. You can pick one up at the airport immigration desk after check-in, or go to immigration first before you leave where you live.
  2. Plenty of closed down large Hotels around my Area in Sathorn. Been shuttered for over 2 years.....one wonders what the plans are. Yet they keep building new ones next to the closed ones....go figure.
  3. So far as of July just over 3 million tourists/travelers have entered Thailand, and they are still hoping for 10 million. My bet is no more than 6 million for the year.
  4. So you speak in grunts Lao Style, or do you use Cambodian gestures. Thais speak Thai, with different dialects....it is still the Thai language.
  5. One can only hope. We pulled the GFs daughter from school and I sucked up the cost for an International school.
  6. So the F35 purchase money which was scrapped, was moved to build a Zoo...what in Buddha's name is wrong with this government. The money needs to be spent on Indastructure projects to widen highways, make roads safer etc...but no they need another zoo after all those that have been mismanaged have been closed. For feces sake.
  7. Your saying all of Thailands beaches are dirty and overused? Your a little lost I think.
  8. That easy you make a left down Rama 4 to the express way not a right up towards Surawong....lol
  9. Had a great experience today at CW. Left the house at 12:30 pm for the 24km drive to Building B. Arrived at 12:55pm. Walked into building B, but prior had to fill out the Covid screening sheet. I had all of my paperwork in hand, the COR application completed and copies in hand for the COR's (Passport pages, TM-30, and last 90 day receipt). At the Que ticket counter, at 1:05pm, and my paperwork was checked, since it was all in order I was given a Q#, which was Q#47 for the B counter section. A few folks in front of me trying to get a Que # were redirected to get the proper copies made. I then Walked the 10 feet to the B counters and my number was called at 1:10pm. I was in and out in 5 Minutes after paying the required monies for 2 COR's. Was given the EMS tracking number and told that because of the upcoming Holidays it might take 2 weeks until the COR will be in hand. Walked back to the car, hit the expressway and was home here in Lumpini at 1:40pm. Total time of over just 1 hour door to door. I was Quite impressed with the speed to get in an out, and it is very important to ensure you have all of the paperwork and copies completed and in hand. This is why so many of us post our experiences herein these pages and OP's to pass on the info to others as far as what is needed. BTW if you are getting both licenses you only need just one set of copies and the COR application needed for those two letters. I asked if that would be the same if I was buying vehicles as well, and the I/O stated that you can circle all of the boxes shown on just 1 Application, and they will do as many letters as you indicated, as long as you pay the 200 Thb for each one.
  10. Had a great experience today at CW. Left the house at 12:30 pm for the 24km drive to Building B. Arrived at 12:55pm. Walked into building B, but prior had to fill out the Covid screening sheet. I had all of my paperwork in hand, the COR application completed and copies in hand for the COR's needed, which is always needed (Passport pages, TM-30, and last 90 day receipt). At the Que ticket counter, at 1:05pm, and my paperwork was checked, since it was all in order I was given a Q#, which was Q#47 for the B counter section. A few folks in front of me trying to get a Que # were redirected to get the proper copies made. I then Walked the 10 feet to the B counters and my number was called at 1:10pm. I was in and out in 5 Minutes after paying the required monies for 2 COR's. Was given the EMS racking number and told because of the upcoming Holidays it might take 2 weeks until the COR will be in hand. Walked back to the car, hit the expressway and was home here in Lumpini at 1:40pm. Total time of over just 1 hour door to door. I was Quite impressed with the speed to get in an out, and it is very important to ensure you have all of the paperwork and copies completed and in hand. This is why so many of us post our experiences herein these pages and OP's to pass on the info to others as far as what is needed. BTW if you are getting both licenses you only need just one set of copies and the COR application needed for those two letters. I asked if that would be the same if I was buying vehicles as well, and the I/O stated that you can circle all of the boxes shown on just 1 Application, and they will do as many letters as you indicated, as long as you pay the 200 Thb for each one.
  11. What is it with people using derogatory terms to describe individuals, Students are not Sheeple and neither is anyone else...
  12. Are the Residence Certificates now back to being done at CW. I need to renew my DL for both the car and MC. Wish it could be done on-line like a 90 day report can be done now.....
  13. So they will be teaching common sense approaches to situations, and no such thing as a loss of FACE since that is one of the major issues that creates a learning blockage. Without loosing FACE as an issue students will start to open up and try even if they fail. Pick them up, dust them off and send them forward to try again without the criticism FACE creates......
  14. Yes sir a brick can do wonders for a persons wellbeing if used correctly either as a tool or for crushing those meds up....
  15. Marijuana for Wellness tourism, I think I may have just returned to my days visiting Jamaica........................who makes up this garbage, Has Amsterdam become a Wellness hub as well throughout the decades?....asking for Cheech and Chong.
  16. Your exactly right it is not the same as being treated in the Philippines. It is where I registered through the office there and obtained my FMP benefits for a service connected disability, and how I obtain services here in Thailand. Thank you for the correction, but you still can be treated here in Thailand based upon being a Veteran who qualifies.
  17. Can you drop 800K Thb into a Thai bank account, your name only. If so then that is all thats needed along with the paperwork they require with the Application.
  18. Of course that would be needed if the OP is under 50, he would need to do as your post indicated.
  19. Just a question? Is he perhaps a Veteran of a Military branch. If so he might qualify through the VA program by registering in the Philippines which can be done online, and then once accepted can obtain services here in Thailand. If not then BNH as another poster mentioned has a good program.
  20. Could this be a friend or acquaintance of the Nigerian man or someone who has been in contact with whomever else he may have visited with. Lots of contract tracing needed....
  21. Once back in the country on a 30 day exempt you can apply for the Non Imm O based upon retirement if your over 50, and then turn it into an annual extension. You can always get yourself a ME Re-entry permit and come and go during that year without killing off the extension of stay.
  22. https://www.wweek.com/news/dr-know/2022/06/03/i-got-a-smallpox-vaccination-as-a-child-am-i-safe-from-monkeypox/ Since the smallpox vaccine also conferred immunity for monkeypox, the push that eradicated smallpox also kept the monkey version at bay—until all the folks like you (and, ahem, me) old enough to have had that smallpox shot started dying off, leaving behind a population increasingly vulnerable to whatever ambitious young pox virus might come along next. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/who-is-protected-against-monkeypox-that-decades-old-smallpox-vaccination-may-be-of-help/ “The bottom line is that even those that were vaccinated many decades before maintain a very, very high level of antibodies and the ability to neutralize the virus,” said Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, scientific director of the National Institute on Aging. “Even if they were vaccinated 50 years ago, that protection should still be there,” he said.
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