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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. What's your view since you obviously support China.
  2. Don't bring me down no no no, don't bring me down, c'mon Bro stop wit da sleestackin and get on with the krumpin while I get another Mad Dog 2020, and a few shots of Hennessy....troll away some more bra,
  3. I borrowed them from a dead friend honest NAAC Prawit said, not guilty of malfeasance and hiding wealth his friendly NAAC said...where's the watche's now. Best to check the local pawn shops....
  4. The meeting of Ma and Pa, she has found her winner winner chicken dinner. You will be hitched in a village ceremony and her Bro will be your Bro, or he will be her main man and hittin yur gurl from behind a'ight, as he is the babies daddy. Time to get krumpin before they all get up in yur grill and they decide to blast you....of course that would be krunk fo sure...
  5. Did she tell you like she told me she now dislikes Backpackers? He kept calling her Bro she said....
  6. True dat homie
  7. You do not teach English by using the ThaI language to explain the word or item being taught. You use props, you use actual items and you instruct on the word using sight pictures as well.
  8. China might just Wag the dog with Taiwan. Another war on the other end of the continent will make things even more of a mess. The little rocket man in N. Korea wants to lob nukes into the South as well...fun times we live in.
  9. Bro, was sup, I feel you, don't axe me ain't my turn at the train.....
  10. Bush lite, I have never observed that beer here...hmmm, you must be elsewhere.
  11. Troll post...do not feed the boasting, baiting Troll....in a few he will say "Mines different"
  12. Why spend 40 million baht on a half of a Rai of land. The land can be bought by a Thai for a very cheap price. This is just another attempt at Dual pricing but to the Nth degree. For that money I can buy 2 to 3 houses in the US and rent them out making me money each month. One could also invest 1/4 of that in another country and obtain citizenship, what is it with these morons.
  13. The basis point hike makes it more expensive to borrow and why rates for mortgages, yes sorry I did not place that in my post, will rise. Let's see what the ex hange rates do. Today the dollar dropped to 36 26 Thb per $1. Down almost a half of a thb.
  14. Looks like the FED upped the basis points by another 75 basis points yesterday, well that's US time, lets see where that takes the USD. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2022/07/27/fed-raises-interest-rates-by-75-basis-points-again-as-investors-brace-for-recession/ At the conclusion of its two-day policy meeting, the Federal Open Markets Committee said Wednesday afternoon it voted unanimously to raise the federal funds rate (the rate at which commercial banks borrow and lend reserves) by 75 basis points, for a second time in a row, to a target range of 2.25% to 2.5%. I know that housing interest rates in the US will now go over 6% if they have not already.
  15. Wow one can become a millionaire quickly at those wages....
  16. The Aetas Lumpini was a very nice 4 Star hotel. Some would say it was 5 star. The restaurants were very good as well. The hotel was built in 2012, so it's not old nor a piece of <deleted>...
  17. Nothing like making a victim feel like a suspect. My now ex-BIL here in Thailand, an RTP Lt. Colonel, always met the people at the house and then off-site, never at the station unless they had turned into suspects for either it being an insurance job or a false report.
  18. However, Centara is in the process of building two new hotels here in Bangkok, one in Sathorn and the other on the other side of Town. Add in the fact that The One Bangkok will also have a hotel on it's grounds as well which is in the process of being built now as well. So many are closed currently like the Aetas Lumpini while next door they are building a brand new hotel and then across the street another one. Makes no sense in reality.
  19. Where? Here in Thailand. I always met people in their houses and took the reports as well as interviewing them, of course all on tape back then. Then If I had any other follow-up questions I would meet them at another location, never at the station. People tend to not be as open and candid when in a facility.....
  20. I reread the article and was astonished to see the fact the victims were taken to the police station for questioning. Why? It is their house, they are victims, I terrier them there. They are not suspects, or were the police searching the house for other items?....
  21. Of this you are 100% sure? I lived in the deep dark recesses of Issan for a few years, Between Non Kung Thapma and Sakon Nakhon, in a small village called Wang Yai. There were a few folks that spoke English, not real well, but had been taught obviously, and they were older folks. A few younger girls with their husbands or boyfriends also spoke English. The big store that housed all of the building supplies in Nong Kung Thapma was run by a lady who also spoke English. I thought I was far off the grid as I needed an air card in order to get internet, as well as use my cell phone. This of course was back in 2009, and 2010. I can not believe that your area has no one that can speak English even the littlest bit. Howver, stranger things have been known to happen. A lot of the older foreign folks I met had stayed in the region after the Vietnam war ended and they left military service.
  22. The residence looks pretty new from the Photo, so unless one buys the mature trees and bushes and has them planted it does take a while. Pinhole cams are very inconspicuous as well and can be added to a server off-site for collecting information and video.
  23. And it is known as the home of Bodybuilding https://www.laparks.org/venice/muscle-beach-venice-outdoor-gym and it is now a total S....hile
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