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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. At 57 I Think I need my teeth for another 30 years....lol. Don't need Monkey Pox either, but then it is getting to be a concern worldwide as it seems to have traveled further to countries it has not before, but it is something that having been vaccinated already for smallpox few of us need to be concerned with.
  2. Again more misinformation....please stop
  3. Stress levels in the body kicked in last week after I had the lower front gum line reduced in order to place my front 4 implants in a few weeks.........ugh
  4. Guess I will have people running screaming away from me since I have Plaque Psoriasis that comes and goes depending upon stress levels as It is one of my autoimmune disorders. Folks might think I have the Pox....
  5. Well no Feces, where else would he have obtained it since he had been here for over 9 months........An alien must have beamed down and infected him....what is wrong with these folks, did they not do a good job at checking his contacts.......
  6. He was, was being the constructive term, and is now a former MM, thanks to the crashes of the Cryptos and stocks.....
  7. Unlike the Brinks Armored car robbers of today or the Well Fargo Stagecoach Robberies of yesterday, and the Bonny and Clydes of their day.......new ways are always created to rip off people. China has banks that have just done that....... https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/10/china/china-henan-bank-depositors-protest-mic-intl-hnk/index.html
  8. Not Common slap just another major slap in Prayuts face as he stared down the recent vote of no confidence hearings.....Ego's are being bruised the country over with election losses and looming protests.....
  9. It sure was cheaper for me many years ago and others I know who were registered in the provincial hospitals data base. Treated just as a Thai would be, but then definitely not the 30 Thb scheme, but still a lot cheaper than at one of the private big name hospitals.
  10. To that one has to wonder how that would affect treatment in a provincial hospital now versus a few years back.
  11. In Udon Thani, when I needed some medical care in the Nong Saeng district back in 2014, due to some food poisoning , I had my Yellow Book and Pink ID already, and the local Government hospital admitted me with my information and treated me. I stayed in the government hospital in a semi-private room with two others, both Thai's, and when discharged my fee was less than 4k Thb. Had the family taken me into Udon and to BKK Hospital the cost would have surely been more than 20k Thb. Of course I had my own HI from the US which would of paid, but being treated in the local provincial hospital ended up being cheaper, and I just surmised it was by having the Yellow Book and Pink ID. I have a Friend who has had a few surgical procedures done in the provincial hospital there in Nong Saeng, and the cost was very cheap.
  12. Are they all Bent? I know a few that are as honest as anyone I have ever met, and because of that are still low level folks after 20 years.....no payments for the elephant list and still a non commissioned officer even though they have degrees from Universities here along with extensive schooling. Live modest lives no flash, wives are nurses.
  13. Look up Yellow Book, after you obtain the Yellow Book you can then apply for a Non Immigrant Pink ID Card. Many threads running on this.
  14. And that has what to do with cases here in Thailand? Asking for my Nigerian friend who is on overstay.....
  15. Quote end quote, said the Raven Nevermore, as he lined his pockets himself while fingering others......kind of two faced now, well that's how I view his billions that he has gained in 8 years....
  16. Does the subject upset you....it is a politicaly sensitive topic.......
  17. Who's bribing anyone? It's an agreed upon service....
  18. And is exactly why the over 2 million migrant foreign workers use an agent to do the paperwork needed for them as well, moneu making company but not illegal.
  19. Ponzi is a very strong term to use, have you ever seen a Ponzi Scheme listed on the Stock Market like some of the exchanges are? Well except Bernie Madoff's ......but then he collected and never used the funds as intended, just like some real-estate developers.....
  20. When this all shakes out there will be but a few exchanges left and only a handful of Coins that will be worth anything.
  21. Yet Crypto sold allowed investment in property worth more than the initial investment in crypto, well for some who were not greedy and expecting millions. 3rd Child is in the process of buying a house, the money pulled from crypto prior to the slide and invested in fuel type stocks like XLE which bloomed from $58 to 90+ and was pulled out before the energy sector started to decline, adding another 30%. Life is good for those that understand sectors, of course she is a CPA as well.
  22. You did not buy the SnuffedOut coin, well nuff said.......
  23. That is not completely truthful. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/troubled-crypto-exchange-zipmex-says-065825167.html On Friday, Zipmex tweeted it would resume allowing withdrawals but only from Trade wallet “until further notice.”
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