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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Why would I be happy. Your confused once again. It's common sense really with what the doctors have been saying, the Omicron cases slowly growing and it being the middle of a 5 day weekend with crowds. Surely it will disappear again in a few weeks and you can continue on berating mask wearers.
  2. Your fighting an uphill battle here in Thailand. Do as you want, but from what I am starting to see around my part of Bangkok masks are going back on in many places.
  3. As we left our condo tonight there were new signs indicating masks must be worn inside the common Areas as well as the elevators. The front door and desk security pointed it out to a few foreigners who were entering maskless. The foreigners stepped back outside, put masks on and entered. Still using the thermoscan face temp machine as well. Looks like private places are going back to the way it was.
  4. Just came from Central Rama 9. New signs for wearing masks inside, social distancing and temperature checks are back in place. Everyone I saw including foreigners were wearing them. Same on the MRT.
  5. Have things really changed over that period of time with the funding and so on of the Lifeguards?
  6. Call it a mask, because that is what it is. You and others keep on using derogatory terms to describe a mask and call it what it isn't. Why is a mask a "Stupid Thing" as you put it. A mask is a mask, if one wants to where it why decry it and complain, I sure do not complain about folks not wearing one. If you want to go mask less then that is your right, except where it is still being required. Even then you would chastise those for wearing them in a Government office, and so on which still have signs indicating mask wearing is needed.
  7. Of course I do, never said I did not. My comments have always been about respecting those that do wear them and to not make salacious comments or call them derogatory names. Enjoy.
  8. I do remember a very large sign at Kata Beach which showed what all of the warning flag sign colors meant, and on each side of the large sign would be the flags flying. You could not miss this as you walked down the stairs from the road above to get to the beach. That of course was 10 years ago, and the last time I was in Kata, as I mainly stayed in Nai Harn for beach enjoyment. I wonder if the sign is still there.
  9. Your classic put down of mask wearing before covid can be found many times over in many studies and stories, but believe what you want. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culture-shocked/202005/why-was-mask-wearing-popular-in-asia-even-covid-19 Fast forward to 2010 when I lived in Tokyo again. Right away, I noticed that medical masks had become ubiquitous. And when I traveled to other countries in Asia, such as South Korea, China, Thailand, and Malaysia, it seemed that many more people were wearing them than decades before. When I asked, I was again told that people wore them when they were sick, to protect others. One was expected to wear them, and it was considered extremely selfish not to. People also wore them to protect themselves from air pollution,
  10. I can see it now a special location on the 4th floor of Suvarnabhumi next to the VAT collection refund station.
  11. So as the poster wrote This section from above: "which also can be inferred by other Thais that the de-masker considers themselves special or superior." If you can, please explain if there Is any truth in that statement or have my observations been done through rose colored glasses?
  12. When I did my annual road tax for the car this past April the DLT wanted an e-mail address, as well as needing one when registering with the DLT e-learning program.
  13. Wow, a true Thai bashing comment has appeared. You really believe what you write? I guess if you tell yourself over and over the same thing it becomes a truth for you. You might want to rethink your views and find middle ground. I will agree with your critical thinking comment but the rest pure baloney. More food for thought from a virologist https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-07-11/never-had-covid-omicron-ba-4-and-ba-5-may-end-your-luck "she’s remained uninfected by wearing high quality masks when warranted"
  14. What happens if the Photo enforced camera citation is never received at the individuals residence. I understand they will send them by certified mail, but sometimes items never truly arrive.
  15. Your extension of stay will only be given up until the date of your passports expiration unfortunately.
  16. Exactly, but on some days there are fewer. There have been articles on the past regarding this.
  17. Very bad Riptides. As a strong swimmer I was ok at first, 15 years ago when i lived in Phuket, while body surfing on top of the waves, but once I was crushed by a wave and under the water it was a fight and I had to remember my own lifeguard training to get out....sucked and then I never swam or body surfed on red flag days again.
  18. More food for thought from a virologist https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-07-11/never-had-covid-omicron-ba-4-and-ba-5-may-end-your-luck "she’s remained uninfected by wearing high quality masks when warranted"
  19. It however only covers a traveler for 30 days. Expats etc. who stay longer than 30 days have no use for it.
  20. That is food for thought. When you buy a ticket does it ask for nationality? If it does why not put Thai in the drop down box.....is that how they will be charging the extra 300 Thb, or will every traveler pay it regardless.....
  21. As @ezzra said make sure you have the doctors prescription and keep the injection pens in the same packaging if possible, If not lace them in a Ziplock and cut the front of the box out to show what the pens are. I did this with my insulin pens I returned with in February, brought in 9 months worth as my insurance re-imburses my meds in the US, while if I buy them here they do not.....good travels.
  22. I currently wash the car and motorbike by hand, but with the bugs it takes a lot of bending over at the front to scrub them away, and with a triple fusion in the neck and low back it takes it's toll, that's why I was asking. Thank you for the information.
  23. As said a rowing machine is good, but because of having a triple discectomy and fusion in my back I went with a recumbent seated exercise bike. https://www.yanrefitness.com/product/eb3000-recumbent-bike/
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