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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. The attached article, if you wish to read it, explains all of the other plaques and pandemics that have killed millions and more than Covid has. Politicized is not a correct word to use, but "Information Campaign" explains it best, Those who have a distaste for politicians meddling in their life want to claim it is politicized. Mass Media coverage of this Pandemic can be laid upon the facts that Media is more relevant today, be it social media, twitter, e-mail or news. Imagine if the same mediums of notifications were available back when the other major pandemics hit, you can sure bet it would be just as big as Covid with the continual flow of information. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200325-covid-19-the-history-of-pandemics Just a small clip: "it’s because today epidemics are rarely discussed in history classes, while in the not so distant past, they were simply a terrible fact of life. There are few memorials to the victims of disease." "Pathogens make such effective mass killers because they are self-replicating. This sets them apart from other major threats to humanity. Each bullet that kills in a war must be fired and must find its target. Most natural disasters are constrained by area: an earthquake that strikes in China can’t directly hurt you in the UK."
  2. So lead your life, as I have stated time and time again. Again you revert to name calling which is uncalled for as well as a personal attack. If you wish to stop hearing what people post then may I suggest you switch to a different OP. However, you seem to seek out these OP types to air your frustrations with others who have a different view. No one is forcing you to do anything, common sense and safety precautions are always needed by those who think rationally. Heading warnings or at least reading through the new rise in case locations, and updated regulations being discussed in many countries, just makes good sense and is also food for thought, it does not mean you need to agree with it, but calling folks names is never appropriate and is rather childish.
  3. Now your going off on a tangent and belittling people who have no "great fear or if you simply like obeying the leaders". You can spout all of the nonsensical info on how wearing a mask is dangerous, worn by the fearful, or Obeying the Leaders you want, for the many of us who still do wear masks when in crowds or in stores, it is called being safer than sorry. I too am vaccinated, boosted and have had Covid, Their is still a lot we do not know, and your quote earlier about Natural immunity after having Covid is not playing out with the new sub variants of Omicron, as folks are getting Covid for a second time. Living a healthy lifestyle helps, exercising helps, but in the end everyone is still susceptible to any type of virus on any given day. Being safe is not being fearful, or scared, but being just that safe. As some others like to say, well then just stay home and hide while the rest of us go out and live, well I live life to the fullest, travel, eat out, go to the parks, malls, temples, and market places daily here in BKK. Being safe does not mean one is scared or fearful. I also respect others who want to wear the mask, and if those around me are wearing one I will put one on as well. No I don't walk in the park wearing a mask unless approaching a larger group of folks. Enjoy your view's, and I will agree to disagree.
  4. Are the pressure washers being talked about too much pressure for washing a car. Dont want to peel the paint just the bugs.
  5. Not in the least. Read his posts he is adamant about how he feels his own rights have been trampled. Worries me when someone can't find the middle ground as each country is different in its regulations as well as how folks in Thailand have worn masks prior to covid. To each his own...
  6. Exactly, my first ex wife ended up with 33% of my finalized pension. Luckily I kept the house as she moved in with here new partner she had found after we split. I ended up with the kids as she had no time for them due to work and starting her new relationship, and she was an American, so sometimes things are identical in all countries it appears.
  7. No bother to me brother, just worried about your mental health with the summations and things you write...enjoy.
  8. Then ignore all of the MSM, the other alt left media and anything Covid related including the forums herein if it bothers you so much that you need to call people names. Alas, Covid will be with us for a long time, and surely we can agree to disagree like when folks argued about the other viruses and even the flu strains that circled the globe, and the pneumonia and the dengue fever. It is never a bad thing to have such discussions and keep folks informed, or do you consider it fearmongering and such....
  9. It happens and who knows how big the issue truly is. Always trying to get ahead, even though they are ahead and set, they just do not see it. When I ran around with my ex-wife and her friends they would always discuss getting more than they had already, I just was to stupid to see it would be mine who wanted more. What is it with Thai women and the always telling others they need more. Relationships get destroyed but at the end of the day I know I am much happier now. Removing the girl from the bar, her family, and friends never seems to make a difference. My ex worked for a sugar processor as an accountant before we moved to the US. She just did not want to work anymore at the age of 30. Just glad I have a good relationship with my half Thai/American daughter who is now 15 and in the US thriving. Her stepfather does a good job funding her mother......
  10. You are observant like a few of us, and not blind like some including the poster. Cases the world over are rising again, yet Covid fatigue has started to wear on people's minds much like the poster you responded to. It seems that a depressive state has begun for many and the mask issue is now a "Me too movement" https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
  11. I hope you have been paying attention to the numbers of cases world wide. The west has moved on but cases have been rising to high numbers again. The WHO came out and said folks need to be aware this is still a pandemic no matter what folks think. It's called covid fatigue and everyone is moving on because they are tired of it, yet it still is a bigger issue than many think. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
  12. One can only try and prepare for their future, however feces happens and things change sometimes in the blink of an eye. For the folks I know and have met the new future we live is more than what we could ever have imagined. In my 20's I never ever dreamed of living in Asia. I have wat he'd from near and far as folks try to play "Captain save a ho", or be a Knight in shiny Armor, only to fall on their sword at the end and admit defeat. Some have been very successful with the girls they pulled from the bars while others were played. Even then very few of the girls/women actually managed to hold it together and many destroyed what was built for them. How many folks involved with bar girls or former bar girls ever learn 100% or even 50% of the secrets the women still carry. My buddy in the Phils was just contacted by a gal in Thailand he dated 25 years ago, seems she was tossed aside or was she, and she wanted to know if he would be interested in her again...what a twisted world these women live in.
  13. I played two seasons while in College, it was a club sport at the time and not a team sport like it is today.
  14. Some of the foreigners up in Issan never had a visa problem because some of them forgot to re-do them every year and were on massive overstays. I remember some that were on few year up to 5 or 6 years of overstays when they were caught. Additionally Big Joke took the privilege of showing a few of the overstayers when he cracked down on the visa scofflaws. I do remember a Hungarian lady was caught on Koh Samui after a 10 year overstay.
  15. Yes. She is the exception. Has obtained a Schegen Visa good for i have no idea long and lived in Italy off and on for 3 years while setting up a yoga business there as well, before returning after breaking up with that individual. I think she might have married him. Seems all of my now ex wife's friends have been married and divorced. For them it was always about the money. Only one of the 4 worked the bars.....
  16. 8k is what I spend at Makro at the beginning of the month to stock the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Then add about another 4k during the month as we eat out and buy fresh veggies. Hoping this goes down when we relocate on a permanent basis to PKK. We spent 155thb last week buying 11kg of pineapples, a few mangos, papaya's, and dragon fruit before we returned to BKK. The prices on fruit and local veggies alone will save us more than a few baht. A GF of my now ex-wife works in the trade in Pattaya, she has managed to have 2 houses built in Nong Saeng for her and has a Fortuner, and a Hi-lux courtesy of a few paramours. At 38 she is pretty much set, and has learned from the mistakes of others, but then I am sure the now ex BF's see it otherly.
  17. I wish they still used the Immigration office in Sathorn right next to the Tungmahamek RTP station as I only live across Sathorn Thai Rd. Instead its the trip to CW for everything including the COR. One day maybe Things may change with an LTR visa, but then it is only a question of will it be created for those that qualify. If not back to CW for the Annual extension of stay...........
  18. During maybe but after when it truly hit them one wonders how they felt....
  19. But did they have a great evening out? You have some vetted links of happy campers.
  20. I just use my US Banking app and scan the check using the app and deposit it back in the US and then transfer it here to my bank. Do the UK banks not have apps that can be used to deposit checks on-line? I guess many do not have a bank back home anymore.
  21. Give the Police long holidays, hell they don't work for the most part as it is. When you join a service oriented agency your not going to get weekends and holidays off, who the hell's going to work those days. Is this PM a tool or what.
  22. Some people just have no concept of how others live there lives and just throw out blatant false narratives. Many of us retired here who qualify, some folks just think we are all on SS and Sexpats.
  23. Hi-Lo Anyone. Had a friend in Wang Sam Mo, who went to visit his sick mother in the UK, upon his return 2 months later the house had someone new living in it. When he tracked down his Thai Wife, village ceremony only. she told him she lost the house in a Hi-Lo game. Your home is not really your home in a village he found out. His Thai Wife then went back to Phuket and back to the bar he had found her in, but as you said her sell by date was past due, and instead she became the cashier, and second to the mamasan, owner, as she had worked for 20 years in the bar prior to leaving the business. My friend, who now did not have anything left in Thailand, as he always rented a car here, moved to the Phils. He is a happy man now, but still gets ticked off at the thought of loosing a house, well large bungalow, he paid for.
  24. Why is that Sir. You think we don't watch or follow Football as you EU UK folks call it. Your leading a sheltered life. Guess we do not follow Rugby either.
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