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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. But he has been vaccinated 6 times.....but then we know you can still be Infected by the virus, and it helps keep the symptoms at a minimum, as well as the chance of hospitalization. Maybe it will now cause him to have a moment of sentient reality and stop his rhetoric. Probably became infected by sharing a Bong.
  2. My post was full of sarcasm unfortunately. The BOT plays with exchange rates daily, that much I know.
  3. It was a sarcastic point in my post.
  4. Why have we dropped .27 baht per USD since Friday. There is no reason unless some type of manipulation is at hand. We'll now it's only a drop of .16 baht per USD, but still what's affecting this and whose playing with exchange rates by purchasing Thb with the USD in the reserves, is it the BOT?
  5. Expectations are like assumptions. This country assumes a lot when it comes to tourism......
  6. You get it, you have seen it, and it has been the way for many many years prior to Covid in Asia. Many never even gave it a thought and it never registered in their minds that folks were wearing masks as they were to self absorbed in their own daily going and doing. Mask wearing is now a personal choice as far as being outdoors, but it will be some time before certain venues drop the mask wearing in their establishments. Many folks seem to have a problem with that, and the "I will take my money elsewhere group" are failing to understand the society here in Asia/Thailand in general. They deride those folks who wear masks using derogatory names and bashing others for wearing them or because of the alt view they have to their own. If someone can not see the forest through the tree's then their moral compass is very skewed, and as we all know they create issues for the rest of us.
  7. You do know my posting habits. Everything you said is pretty much spot on in my view, I only know of 2 Thais who never shirked their responsibilities, and that was my now ex-FIL, and ex-BIL, they are true family men and are still friends of mine today as they did not agree with what my now ex-wife did, but they still reap those benefits......
  8. Girls with Daddy issues, how I love this country..
  9. Yep he will follow the rest of the lemmings over the cliff.
  10. Only 4 States have no Motorcycle Helmet laws currently in place, while some have helmet laws for certain ages and give riders over 18 or 19 the ability to choose to not wear one https://motorcyclehelmetlawsbystate.com/motorcycle-helmet-law-map/
  11. Same with my Government Pension from the US, COLA raise given just once in May of each year....not keeping up with the true inflation there, but thankfully with the current exchange rate its keeping me ahead of the curve here.
  12. Showed up for an appointment just a few ago in a optical Clinic here in BKK, was told my mask must be worn the entire time inside the shop. No issues, but I asked why and the eye doctor indicated we would be face to face during the exam and then on top of that he stated he still has concerns. His shop his rules.....live by them......
  13. Good answer, and neither is the PM 2 5.
  14. Until the day she can no longer get be made happy when the baht returns to being Teflon and our USD goes back to 29 baht per $1.........That will be the time I let the housekeeper go....which won't make my GF happy...
  15. Just derogatory now with people calling others names like Sheep. Be respectful of individual decisions. It is not fact it is supposition and bias on your part.
  16. You will find Government offices, Post Offices, hospitals, schools, and malls being the last place that stop mask wearing. Large crowds etc....read the posted Gazette new rules on Mask wearing.
  17. Schools, Concert Venues, and Areas with large crowds are still required to have mask wearing undertaken. People do not read the full updated information.
  18. His view on it being a heard mentality instead of his true understanding of why masks have always been worn is one issue he has wrong. The mask removal posting also did not remove mask wearing 100%, and that is where people like the man producing the video are still trying to impose their own views. When you do not look at the totality of the gazette postings, like schools still required, concert goers still required and Areas with large groups still required, people make the wrong assumption.....
  19. Sheeple mentality, really now. Try again. Folks in Asia have been wearing masks since way before Covid, and it was not because they were forced to wear a mask. I wore masks here in BKK prior to covid on the bad PM 2.5 days, and so on. The masks will always be worn to some degree and extent, but as usual you like to bash on the way people live life and use derogatory terms to describe them.
  20. The citizens of this country need to stand up and start playing whack a mole with these greedy trough feeders......ugh, however its not only Thailand that has this problem. Think Nancy Pelosi etc... even Biden in the US. Lifetime political lives....
  21. They are praying that the FED does not uncork another .5 to .75 basis hike coming up after the G7 summit. Prices are rising globally and that goes for everything imports and exports.
  22. Dude give your conspiracy theories a rest and take a chill pill to relax yourself. Your stress level must be out of this world as you seem to be wrapped tightly around the axels of the gurus you follow. Guess MSM is not your cup of tea, but the Rogan type of people are the ones you follow. BTW, maybe you should sue Zuckerberg and Gates for making the world such a terrible place to live in, as it seems you believe alt stream media.
  23. Market manipulation it would seem, as nothing has changed since last Friday. Maybe the BOT has used their USD surplus to buy more Baht....
  24. You seem to believe what you read no matter where it comes from so here I will tell you 'The Sky is falling and the vaccines will turn you into a three eyed Raven", how's that do you believe me, or if it was written by the sites you frequent Would you believe them. Try again, your tin foil hat has a dent in it and must be replaced. Glad I own stock in Reynolds, your keeping my earnings up.
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