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Khun Jack

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Posts posted by Khun Jack

  1. Thanks for the updates about pay by ATM's, however I would prefer Internet banking (European Style) and fast Internet as well, yeah I know :o .

    About the E8400, USA price 183$ , and listed for 7,690 at Busitek.com.

    Absolute the processor to go for.

  2. As we live now more than seven years now in Nai Harn, I would say that there is a shortage of good restaurants here for a descent price. The bakery Flin(t)stone is a ripoff compared with the bakery in Carrefour and we never shop at Don's mall but visit that supermarket opposite of Nikita.

  3. Thanni.com is ok, order there all my pc parts. Annoyance is that you have to pay by bank, it takes so much time.

    Today I had to pay at the bangkok bank for another supplier, drive 16 km and back, wait in the cue and pay 600 baht for a part that cannot be bought in Phuket.

    U know you can do this in any ATM? :o

    Any ATM?, tried that a few times (long time ago) without success if the ATM is from another Bank.

    Anyway I use only my Euro ATM card account here, dropped my Thai Bank Account's as worthless.

    For ordering parts online, email or better call them before payment to check if they have things in stock or not.

    Waited weeks last December for a SDRAM module, learned my lesson.

  4. All mail send to smtp.totisp.net disappears in a black hole, the solution that Reimar advised using Port 465 Protocol: SMTPS

    is working for two hosting accounts and one (NetFirms) doesn't accept SSL but alternative for port 25 is port 587 (without SSL) , that works with NetFirms and other hosting providers.

  5. Thanni.com is ok, order there all my pc parts. Annoyance is that you have to pay by bank, it takes so much time.

    Today I had to pay at the bangkok bank for another supplier, drive 16 km and back, wait in the cue and pay 600 baht for a part that cannot be bought in Phuket.

  6. Tried all the pizza bakery's in NaiHarn and Rawai but the M&M's pizza's were so bad that we make after two years still jokes about that place. Never returned there but now when we drive by we see that the place is crowded so maybe we had bad luck what can happen in any restaurant.

    Amalfi was so so, and Da Vinci in B center was ok.

  7. Well preventing computer virus infections by logging in with an user account and not as administrator in the windows OS is the way to go.

    I have cleaned numerous computers now with some tools as Hijack This and Bart's Pe CD, more than a year ago I changed all the administrator accounts to user account and after that no virus infections on 10 computers.

    Installing software is not possible as user ( thats the virus protection) you have to log out and log in as administrator to install software.

  8. With Internet Explorer I can access Hotmail, with Firefox not, I don't know why some believe that Thai ISP's causing this problem, I use True dialup in Phuket but I believe that Microsof makes Hotmail incompatible with other internet browsers.

    The Borg will not rest until the last competition is assimilated.

  9. Since a week or so, after a trying to login, Firefox sends me this message after endless bouncing from one MS server to an other:

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    * This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept


    Cookies are not disabled, but I don't care, ok I agree lets dump the microsoft garbage or is it Firefox f* up again?.

  10. firefox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience

    AppName: firefox.exe AppVer: 1.8.20071.816 ModName: firefox.exe

    ModVer: 1.8.20071.816 Offset: 00240301

    Get this message almost every day now.

    Will try to uninstall and reinstall Java, see if that works.

    And clearing every hour the cache with an average of six windows reloading combined wit my dialup connection!, no don't like to do that.

  11. I am getting confused .

    I have an extension because i am OVER 50 and have a thai child.

    This is the basis of the extension. Nothing to do with support as Khun Jack got his.

    7.17 In the case of a family member of a Thai (applicable only to parents, spouse, child,

    adopted child or child of his/her spouse): Permission will be granted for a period of

    not more than 1 year at a time.

    4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be

    married, must be living with the family, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

    (5) In the case of a parent, the said person must be 50 years of age or over

    so it seems u are confusing the issue here.

    To make some things clear;

    One year ago I applied under the new rule 7.17.5 for one year extension at Phuket Immigration without success.

    I am over 50 and have a child with Thai Nationality.

    I have a NON-O visa

    I am married and do live with my child.

    In Bangkok I received a fews weeks ago for the second time my one year extension.

    As reason for the one year extension: to stay with my child who has Thai Nationality

    Documents :

    Translated birth certificate of my child

    Marriage certificate

    House book with the name of my child listed.

    A copy from the police order (very useful if problems arise)

    Pictures of me and my family taken in the last years (not asked for last time).

    And you have to bring your child with you.

    Now they prefer that you show funds in the bank!.

    Point the rule out.

    Had to prove that my child has Thai Nationality.

    Had to prove that I live with my child.

    The Immigration officer talked for a couple minutes alone with my child.

    My child had to fill in some papers.

    That was all.

    Forget Phuket Immigration, they run their own business.

  12. For years I had trouble to get my one year extension at the Immigration Phuket, unfriendly and rude and create their own rules and always problems with documents, zillions copies, and the next time something else was suddenly wrong.

    I did manage to get a few times my 1Y extension, only after letting me come six times back for 30 days consideration stamps, it was so unpleasant there that I preferred to go to Penang for a multiple entry , buy some good movies and do the boat trips in Ranong.

    Last year things changed so ok lets do Phuket again, yes that same mantra guy, refused even to look in the new police order, its was so clear that they have their own agenda.

    Went to Bangkok and got my second one year visa without hassle.

  13. I went to Phuket immigration for a 90 day report and got a stamp for to report again in 10 days, because my one year extension ended in 10 days, I went to Bangkok a few days later to apply for one year extension, got first a 30 day stamp in consideration and now I got a stamp for stay till September next year. The immigration officer in Bangkok did not fill in a 90 day report stamp so I guess I have start to count from my last visit in Phuket or do I have to get that date stamp again?.

  14. I got my second one year extension under this 7.17 (live with my Thai child) a few weeks ago in Bangkok again without assistance from a lawyer or agent.

    The immigration officer checked his translated birth certificate and was first not 100% convinced about his Thai nationality, I showed the house book where my son's name is listed, no more questions.

    Then the immigration officer did want to see my child and talked with him for a few minutes and he had to fill in a form and that was it.

  15. Having not the red light is a very good sign, but I got after a first boot using the RBJ mod the checkerboard on screen, so problem is the GPU, try first a very light pressure and than tighten the screws bit by bit.

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