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Posts posted by Plutojames88

  1. Thailand and its methods are hardly the intoxification of mind altering drugs - especially where the guessing of "what happens next "?

    You have to count just it's coups on fingers and toes and still run out.

    You have leaders ""high "" on power and ""dealing"" with issues in ways that might not be """straight "" down the line.

    Really , whacking a powerful foe isn't so extrodinary in this climate .

    Attitude adjustments and bans on free speech .

    Do they really care about her?

    If anything these guys are looking for a quick fix

  2. They might try assassination from the inferences in their double speak .

    Lets hope nothing happens , and she isn't mysteriously a victim of a crazy killer or angry mob in black.

    But nothing would surprise me , especially after reading the title of another thread saying the embattled military leader wants her in court to fight charges.

    This would be as helpful to him politically as a Pattaya Jet ski operator is to tourist seeking a good trusting day out riding the waves there.

    I smell a rat ....

    Her demise might be too tempting to long term solutions and saving of face .

    And the ""two birds with one stone narrative"" the unrest immediately following any sudden demise of her mortal coil could be used to further their claims that military rule is needed.

    So many outcomes in the air at present.

    One thing is certain Thailand is swiftly moving towards a China future

  3. To The Nation: You said "Yingluck will be tried and judged while Thailand is under military rule."

    This is just one issue. The international community sees the military rule as not only illegal, but appalling. The international community does not see where the junta has standing to try anyone for anything. It's not about guilt or innocence.

    Additionally it could be argued that the junta is attacking a political opponent.

    As for a country being concerned about financial consequences, Western countries don't put money before human rights or democracy and any money will be as a pimple on a butt. If anyone got hurt by financial consequences it would be Thailand.

    This statement has nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of Yingluck. The junta simply is seen as illegitimate and won't be supported in any way.

    "Western countries don't put money before human rights or democracy" Thanks, I needed a good laugh after a rough day at work!!

    A nice illustration from a couple of days ago. Abbot the Australian PM said on national TV in relation to the Australians facing execution in Bali.

    " I most sincerely hope the executions do not go ahead but we will not allow this issue to stand in the way of our relationship with Indonesia"

    Here's what he said two days ago

    "We will be finding ways to make our displeasure felt," Abbott told Australia's Channel Ten on Sunday. "Millions of Australians are feeling sickened by what might be about to happen in Indonesia."

    End quote

    Today he mentioned we had previously given a billion in support after the tsunami and that our relationship would come into question were the executions go ahead.

    Clearly , people here might be selective in thinking countries pander to third world countries when they don't exactly .

    Why would the military leaders be banned by Australian government if we respected them?

    Do the idiots here think for a second any western country would hand over YS ?

    This site is getting so dumbed down its handly worth the effort.

    • Like 2
  4. Australia bans the Junta as it is , and would not care or bother with Thai complaints from a military Government.

    This might not sit well with their propaganda machine of booming tourism and 96% pols .

    But reality bites.

    Non sensical statements that we need Thailand ( the west is at best shallow)

    Try jailing her....go right ahead ..I hope they do.

    Watch what happens .

    • Like 1
  5. The Americans have most likely already said ""just walk into our embassy"" given comments being made by UN and the American representative - and YS saying democracy is dead in Thailand .

    Given American sensitivities to their Embassy being preached , were she to be given refuge there ( At the American embassy)

    What would the Thais do?

    A rationale leader would not dare transgress and arrest her on American Soil ( which Embassies are deemed to be)

    However , we all know that this guy thinks differently, and doesn't like loosing face .

    And the elites might back such a move.

    But that would be the beginning of the end this Government were it to do so.

    Sure it's hypothetical but very much now within the realm of possibilities.

    Even a smart move on her part.

    Passive but highly political

    Legal and internationally supported.

    Not to mention popular domestically .

    It would raise the stakes to ""all in""

    Thais marching into the American Embassy to arrest her would be horrendous for this general .

    Lets see if this goes down.

    I for one envision it could.

    Certainly all sides are speculating it could

    • Like 1
  6. Boy that's one hell of a headline .

    How do you think the Americans and Europeans view such comments?

    The Australians already have bans on the junta so their position is clear.

    But no less than an armed force replacing democracy now cleverly boasting their control over an elected leader who is female and regarded kindly internationally and domestically?

    She will have supporters rush to Bangkok to protest (if she does not make it into the American Embassy )

    Precisely what the General wants to justify his extended stay in power.

    It's clear to players ( including China ) democracy won't be returned in the short term.

    The Americans appear to be cutting the Thais free to some extent.

    And are focusing to other asian countries.

    With so many coups its in the too hard basket.

    With regard to the intensely personal leader , he appears to be moving even far right mouth pieces like the Nation into printing observations that don't mince words.

    Clearly sanctions loom by years end if the political skies darken and YS is jailed, and no democracy returned.

    China looks set to slowly make it presence felt and will frantically be making sure Thailand stays in its web.

    In a way this might suit American policy in the region where expanded presence and rationale is concerned.

    Certainly investors are quickly reconsidering commitments long term.

    Smart westerners selling up, and tourism companies seeking out new beaches in safer countries to recommend .

    It's really now no longer looking like Thailand will recover from this situation.

    Words like the above will certainly make a female tourist resent the Pm who claims his power by force.

    America might refuse to hand YS over should she walk into their embassy.

    And if the Thais trespass then we all know what happens next.

  7. A. Junta can do as it pleases.

    By definition .

    Australia bans them from its soil .( for that reason )

    It's not based in civil laws internationally.

    This latest rationale will only further make western nations move further away.

    The Americans could well allow China to devour it.

    The Thais are way out of their depth.

    And may not make the swim back to shore once they realise they are being taken over.

    Few are interested in their plight now

  8. The idea is to jail YS and attract Red action on Bangkok and elsewhere ( but mainly Bangkok)

    This will justify the military rule being extended.

    China will benefit from observing many influences like Europe and America move further away from their positions on tolerating Thailand .

    TS may contact barracks in Chiang Mai where generals who like his sister control the regiment stationed there .

    He could make substantial offers to apply pressure for her release .

    This well could be a trigger for civil war according to many outside sources . ( observers)

    Jailing a democratically elected leader by non elected forces anti - democracy it may seem is really more than an internal matter.

    Internationally YS was popular .

    This junta is not .

    • Like 1
  9. I can't. See countries where democracy and free speech exist complying.

    Australia bans the current unelected Thai government from its shores.

    America is never going to go against such basic human rights.

    The reality is this is for domestic consumption.

    A means of convincing Thais that they are respected and a real force internationally.

    Meanwhile the Chinese see an opportunity .

    Eventually the Thais will see that their Government can't in fact do much of what they claim on a world stage.

    It's a very silly claim in this instance

  10. Need to settle the square head once and for all. Eventually he will still haunt thailand when election starts. Everyone know there is no real peace as long he is around.

    And when he is gone and the people still elect left of centre populist governments that serve all of the people in all of the country equally what will you want then? To kill off whoever picks up where Thaksin leaves off? You can't keep overthrowing elected governments, forcing leaders and intellectuals into exile and censoring an entire nation forever - it's over, the era of serfdom has finished and the era of democracy and equality is beginning. It is irrelevant whether Thaksin is alive or not, Thailand has changed forever.

    Refreshing to hear the truth .

    Death brings change.

    They know that .

    Fear that .

    This is the Amber's of a long fire flickering

  11. Seems Fred is well connected .

    I agree in principle a great deal of information posted on this site is designed to give false impressions the Thai government is not just accepted by many western Nations .

    But it also has their co operation .

    As for students owning up to deluded leaders that they disagree ?

    Sorry , that's as stupid as the polls

  12. Absolutely True -

    You get approval its great!

    Mass coverage thousands heart of Sydney - it goes global .

    The ABC rally was about Australian Government cuts to The ABC TV the TV media on all channels ran with it.

    Print Media - Twitter - Facebook.

    Gough Whitam's state funeral was fantastic there.

    Yes i think its a marvellous venue for Freedom of speech and its Great To live in such a country-

    The American Government have approved of ""Free Thai Movement "" run by Thais.

    So again more freedom of expression .

    I am sure the Germans - French - and British , as well as New zealand , Italy , Swiss , Norway , all have similar views on freedom of speech and appropriate places to conduct it.

    Its what makes us Great !

    Apart from the VOA article from 2014-06-25 with

    "Jarupong tells VOA that true victory to rid Thailand of its latest military government may take a long time but he will pursue it through non-violent means just like Gandhi and the Dalai Lama."


    I haven't heard or read much about the FT-HD. I certainly missed the American 'approval'. A quick search fails me. Any pointer on this, Fred ?

    It is a foolish dream to think that the UN or any democratic nations in the west will provide meaningful support , But it is worth countering the lies of the military and telling the truth about the political situation in the world media. This can be an important task for those Thais who live abroad. It sort many approvals to conduct Home- soil activities , similar to grass roots movements in Australia and UK.

    You Tube will help you if you Type in the required name.

    Whats being said clearly is State departments there or Australia "must" approve Government buildings being used for legal purposes .

    So when it claims its approved it means "to preach "

    Land of the Free *(after all)

    I think given Junta sensitivities further discussion isn't best done here.

    However, its clear Governments in the West are not co-operating with the muzzling of such groups.

    It's more a tolerance than approval Fred.

    But you make the most important point that they are certainly allowing it .

    The poster who misleadingly claims for his Propaganda pro Junta stance that no points of law are needed before extradition is plain wrong .

    I challenge him to name one country that would send anyone back to Thailand ? ( western )

    It's plain silly to pretend a western state gives a damm about Thai sensitivities .

    Let alone agree to punish someone for what is not a crime in the host country.

    Nor would it be permitted under human rights laws.

    The facts are I can get a licence in Australia and stand up in the Hall after advertising it ( if I so wished ) and say whatever I want about anyone in Thailand without the slightest fear of consequence as Fred mentioned.

    The only point of difference is tolerated is not approval Fred.

  13. I would assume all law abiding, respectful citizens in any country would respect these values.

    In fact one Thai teenager is a glowing example of these values, especially value 7 (correct understanding of democracy) and value 8 (respect for law). She has been recognized for showing these values by being a forum speaker at the "one young world" forum in Ireland. It is a preeminent global forum for young leaders aged 18-30 that gather the brightest young leaders from around the world.

    She is a beacon of hope for Thailand showing that the youth will make Thailand a strong democratic country in the future. She shows all these values and more. Of course some will denounce her because it does not suit an agenda of hate. They are the ones that don't respect the values that she so highly upholds.

    in the introduction,

    "but she kept on going, supporting the movements that were ongoing until the government was turned over (sic) and replaced by the military at the present time."

    "so really you can see why it is my privilege and pleasure to introduce this wonderful, courageous lady, who in the midst of her studies, has already shown her interest in going back to her country and help them repeal democracy for the development of the Thailandaise (sic) people".

    wow, that is a ringing endorsement for an anti-democratic, traditional-elite young lady. It's the kind of fake logic that is nothing more than the non-democratic lies which robbed my family of their votes.

    She is not the beacon of hope, but hopefully the last dying ember of the traditional elites and their archaic feudal system of domination.

    The fact that she has the nerve to begin her talk with a quote from Thomas Jefferson is the best example of misappropriating the true ideas of democracy, self-governance, and a real social contract in a society for the purposes of tyrannical, unjust, and undemocratic control of a country.

    Your absolutely right , it shows poor educational standards ,if this person stoops to insidious misrepresentations of American historical statements .

    Not even fathoming the paradox of doing so to justify an ideal far removed from the said person she is quoting.

    Namely , to attempt to give credence to non elected states and anti democratic means .

    To pretend in any context it's liberty is self governed and ordained by some unseen elitist appointment to rule by gun.

    That it even has moral grounds to dictate is at best a stupid presentation of obscene arrogance and at was pathetic propaganda that will resemble a North Korean dribble on a platform that she should never have been allowed to stand on

    I would assume all law abiding, respectful citizens in any country would respect these values.

    In fact one Thai teenager is a glowing example of these values, especially value 7 (correct understanding of democracy) and value 8 (respect for law). She has been recognized for showing these values by being a forum speaker at the "one young world" forum in Ireland. It is a preeminent global forum for young leaders aged 18-30 that gather the brightest young leaders from around the world.

    She is a beacon of hope for Thailand showing that the youth will make Thailand a strong democratic country in the future. She shows all these values and more. Of course some will denounce her because it does not suit an agenda of hate. They are the ones that don't respect the values that she so highly upholds.

    in the introduction,

    "but she kept on going, supporting the movements that were ongoing until the government was turned over (sic) and replaced by the military at the present time."

    "so really you can see why it is my privilege and pleasure to introduce this wonderful, courageous lady, who in the midst of her studies, has already shown her interest in going back to her country and help them repeal democracy for the development of the Thailandaise (sic) people".

    wow, that is a ringing endorsement for an anti-democratic, traditional-elite young lady. It's the kind of fake logic that is nothing more than the non-democratic lies which robbed my family of their votes.

    She is not the beacon of hope, but hopefully the last dying ember of the traditional elites and their archaic feudal system of domination.

    The fact that she has the nerve to begin her talk with a quote from Thomas Jefferson is the best example of misappropriating the true ideas of democracy, self-governance, and a real social contract in a society for the purposes of tyrannical, unjust, and undemocratic control of a country.

    Your absolutely right , it shows poor educational standards if this person stoops to insidious misrepresentations of American historical statements without knowingly understanding the paradox of doing so to justify an ideal far removed from the said person she is quoting.

    Namely , to attempt to give credence to non elected states and by anti democratic means .

    To pretend in any context it's liberty is self governed and ordained by some unseen elitist appointment to rule by gun.

    That it even has moral grounds to dictate is at best a stupid presentation of obscene arrogance .

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