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Posts posted by Tracyb

  1. On 8/16/2019 at 3:48 PM, RJRS1301 said:



    On 9/10/2019 at 4:59 PM, connda said:



    On 9/11/2019 at 2:42 PM, legend49 said:



    3 hours ago, lolex said:

    How long before expiry apply extension.


    I've seen mention of this, but couldn't find anything definitive.


    How many days before expiry can you apply for a new extension of stay?


    Are there any draw backs in applying early?


    Is the O-A and marriage extension the same?


    Any other hints and tips appreciated.




    Chiang Mai Imm accepts TM 7 applications up to 45 days ahead of time.  

  2. 11 hours ago, CMBob said:

    It seems to vary year to year and officer to officer with respect to what documents they want for an extension based on retirement.  While most years they don't ask me for a signed copy of my passport page showing the original Non-O, a few times they've asked for a signed copy of that (which makes some sense as all annual extensions are based on that original Non-O).  A couple of years back, I presented all the normal documents and then the officer asked for a signed copy of every single filled-out page of my passport including pages with stamps from other countries (and the officer was rather surprised when I simply reached into my folder and provided same).


    The safe thing, it seems, is to take along with you a complete signed copy of everything in your passport just in case the given officer requests it.  

    In follow up to my original post......

    Heres a copy of the page that CM IMM handed to me last week when I asked what was needed for a Retirement Extension.


    Note #3.


    Since I take these things quite literally I obliged with every page of my passport.  Others might choose another path and obtain the same outcome I did.  Others may not be so, shall we say, lucky.


  3. 46 minutes ago, Mapguy said:

    Thank you for the "document-by-document" report. A careful report like yours from time to time is useful to stay up-to-date.


    There was one surprise in it for me:


    -A copy of every page in my passport that had information or a stamp on it, as requested.  


    Over the years I have been asked for copies of pages with past extension.! Previous extensions, yes; every page, no. My new passport has the transfer page, but there is no detail of previous activity except for notation of my original entry and the stamps noting the change from Non-OA to NON-RE visa class.  There has been more than five years worth of action since changing to the new passport, but I've not been asked for the subsequent pages recording every action ONLY (and this is as of

    late June)  copies of the pages noting previous extensions.  For those doing a lot of traveling in and out of Thailand, quite a number of pages could result over the years if every page were needed.



    I know, right?!

    The instruction sheet they handed out specifically asked for every page so....I obliged!

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:



    I have just spent 20 minutes composing a post and it vanished.


    TracyB, I hope your visit to immigration went well.


          I have answered all the points you have brought up "bullet point style" to stop me waffling


    *     Wittawatt never mentioned anything about a blood clot, I did pas some bloody urine for a few days

           but that has stopped now


    *     I am taking the tablets for constipation that you were taking, but after 3 days nothing so far


    *     My rectum is giving me a lot of pain as is the catheter, but I suppose that is only to be expected


    *     I am drinking at least 3 litres of water a day, trying to do it all before 4pm so I am not up all night


    *     Wittawat never told me how large my prostate was, wheras Dr. Bunnakit (who trained him) told me it

           was large 3 years ago when i started having mild problems. In fact Wittawat has never done a rectal 

           exam on me, at least not while I have been awake


    *    Lastly the BIG question TracyB...I know that eventually I will more than likely get better but will I be 

          well enough to visit my children, grandchildren and my 90 year old father in 20 days time?




    Thanks for taking the time to read all this, I think again it took me 20 minutes but no matter, it's all for my benefit but my bum has gone numb now so time for the lay-z-boy Downton Abbey and some water


    Thanks very much



    Hi Paul.....  see my message for some discussion.



    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, ThaiPauly said:



    Thank you for posting such a detailed report. There is so much in it I want to discuss with you, but would it be alright if I could get back to you tomorrow,? I am too tired to think straight today, I spent half an hour being worried sick about my 90 year old dad because I could not reach him on the phone...after I phoned my sister in the UK  to get her to find him  she told me it was Tuesday...I call him every WEDNESDAY, he is deaf and only answers the phone at pre-arranged times...what a stupid sod I am !!!

    Contact me anytime!  Tomorrow I’ll be having my annual adventure at CM IMM for my retirement extension.  I’ll answer You as soon as possible after I’m done there, ok?  Keep drinking water!

  6. 2 minutes ago, connda said:

    There is another thread in the CM forum.  Dr. Witawat also performs Thulium laser enucleation surgery.  According to the thread I believe the price was 200K THB.  The Op TracyB had the procedure a couple of months ago and seems to be getting on fine.  I've put off surgery because TURP until recently has been virtually the only option that Thai doctors will perform and I've refused to go with TURP because I keep reading posts like yours.  I feel for you.  I really hope things get better for you soon. 




    Still no regrets having the Thulium laser prostate surgery at BKK hosp. Chiang Mai.  My final bill was 210,000.

    Dr. Wiitawat is the best!

    • Like 2
  7. 45 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    Went Wednesday 28th August at 1.15.pm, received ticket for extension of stay and was the next number. Waited about 15 minutes to be seen.

    Some hassles that were quickly resolved about 20 minutes in all to photo taken.


    The 2 hour 10 minute  wait for the boss to sign off was not appreciated by the many that were waiting particularly as the rest of the office/staff was working as well and as pleasantly as I have ever seen it.

    Thanks for that info.  Sounds encouraging!  ( except for the "big-shot" sign off part.)

  8. Suggest that the OP consider finding and agent....not necessarily to have them process the extension.....but rather to ask them if CM IMM will accept combo method.  Better yet, ask two agencies and compare answers.  Just a thought!

    • Confused 1
  9. 20 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Oh dear, surely not even POTUS could seriously believe that the people would prefer the USA to Denmark.

    They have a stable economy, understand social justice, have world class health care  and education.


    What drugs does the POTUS indulge in when his thumbs stop moving?


    I'm not sure about the drugs he indulges in.... and I certainly don't want to think about where his "thumbs" end up when he's not using them to tweet absurdities.

  10. I think it depends on whether or not your USA card charges international transaction fees were you to use it in the UK.  If your USA bank does NOT charge those fees....then get your GBP in the UK using US dollars on deposit in the USA.  When doing so, if the ATM in the UK allows you to proceed without using their conversion rate, do so.  You’ll probably find that your USA bank system will provide a better exchange rate.


    If you convert your THB to GBP here... you’ll be losing value on those funds for the second time. If you’re planning to come back to Thailand, save the THB for your use when you return.


    Thats my two cents!

  11. 13 minutes ago, cheeryble said:

    Thanks Tracy.


    The insoles I'd need would need to be shaped in 3 dimensions to raise the toes and give a supportive bridge i think.

    Up to the expert.

    You think this chap might be up to that?


    The other thing is if you need orthotic support Ottobock is the number one place, and use carbon fibre for the model shown.......v thin and light.



    Thermoplastic ones are made locally much cheaper might be fine for some purposes.

    I'm not sure about what he offers, exactly.....  I wish I could be more helpful...:-(

    • Like 1
  12. I saw an insole vendor at Central Airport mall.  I'm not remembering the exact location though....although he was not actually inside a store but he did have his equipment set up on the walkway in the mall. He's inside.

    Maybe others will read this and be able to offer more info about his exact location.

    I don't know about the quality, etc, but I was planing to visit again the next time Im there to get more info.  I too have foot problems and have orthotics that I brought with me some years ago but they may need to be replaced.  I wish I had more info for you about the location in the mall.

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