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Posts posted by Tracyb

  1. 1 hour ago, muffy said:

    Where do you buy Flomax am in bkk

    Flomax is sold under a different name here in Thailand.  It’s called Harnal.  Tamsulosin is the generic name for this drug.  Available without a prescription and most pharmacies carry it.   Just ask for Harnal!


    • Like 1
  2. I faced the same issue in Los Angeles at the Thai Consulate.  I took everything to a Notary and had them certified as true copies.  The notary has me sign a statement that said, in so many words, this is a true copy of the original document.  She stamped it, signed it and attached it tot the documents.  When I went back to the Consulate with the documents that told me that what I had done was exactly what they wanted!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

    I've had similar issues as the OP when viewing videos attached to Yahoo articles, Fox News etc. several times over the last 2 months.  The first time, I updated the drivers which didn't resolve the issues. Running HP Diagnostics couldn't find a problem. After restarting the laptop everything was back to normal. So now I just restart.

    Maybe those Fox News videos were hacked by Russians and now, your computer is infected with right leaning malware!  ;-)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million indeed, and 4 out of these 3 million were coming from just one state: California! 


    Which means that Trump won the popular vote in 49 out of 50 states... that is if one considers the "Mexican" state of California as part of the Union... 


    Having said that, a Trump impeachment would send the Second Coming fanatic Pence in the driver's seat, and together with the angels of death Pompeo and Bolton, we could get WWIII before the 2020 elections... yet with Trump we will have to wait until after the elections, which will leave us a little more time to prepare... 

    I'm not taking sides...because I don't really care, BUT

    In an attempt to inject a fact or two I offer the following:

    Here's the map showing the outcome of the 2016 Election demonstrating the Trump(red)/Clinton(blue) States.  The numbers = Electoral Votes by State.


    So no, Trump did not win the popular vote in 49 of 50 States.  Just sayin' !


  5. 4 hours ago, atyclb said:


    this forum is not the place for understanding


    7 hours ago, bubba45 said:

    You obviously don't understand how the constitution works!  The people are the electoral college.

    There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states. Some states, however, require Electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories—Electors bound by state law and those bound by pledges to political parties.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million indeed, and 4 out of these 3 million were coming from just one state: California! 


    Which means that Trump won the popular vote in 49 out of 50 states... that is if one considers the "Mexican" state of California as part of the Union... 


    Having said that, a Trump impeachment would send the Second Coming fanatic Pence in the driver's seat, and together with the angels of death Pompeo and Bolton, we could get WWIII before the 2020 elections... yet with Trump we will have to wait until after the elections, which will leave us a little more time to prepare... 

    What do you mean by 4 out of 3 million?

  7. 50 minutes ago, berrec said:

    OMG the American people had their day in 2016 and voted for a candidate that was not of the typical Washington DC establishment to get the country moving again and take on the swamp and all those blood sucking politicians.


    He has done what the Americans voters wanted him to do in spite of the deep state attempts to take him out.


    Facts will always Trump fiction and fake news.


    Give the guy some credit for his achievements.


    Mueller’s investigation, a complete hoax fabricated on the insurance policy from the deep state... 

    Except for the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by over 3 million.  So one should say that he was put in office by the Electoral College.....but he lost the popular vote.  That’s all I’m sayin’!  ;-)


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. i'm switching from the "monthly income method" to the "800K in the bank method" for my upcoming extension of stay - retirement.  I have concluded that it's easier than tracking all the monthly deposits from overseas, getting statements and, well, just the annoyance of managing all the details of transferring funds every month.  


    I'm in Chiang Mai and have done past extensions here using the income affidavit.  


    Will I need to show where the money is coming from, or is it just required to have the funds in the bank for the appropriate time before I apply for the extension again ( September 15 this year)?  Im transferring the bulk of it from overseas and other funds are coming from another bank account on which I am joint owner.  (The fund are mine. I'm not borrowing anything!) The account holding the 800K is in my name only.



  9. 1 minute ago, rumak said:

    Has your body had any side effects from this antibiotic ?    One other poster said he was cured of his problems by taking it (against drs  recommendations)......  and BritMan is also taking it.   I was going to try ciprofloxacin for a month as it is similar and I did take it long time ago for stomach pain.   There is a possibility for some (like myself) that the problem is bacterial prostatitis that is the real issue.  Difficult to

    diagnose and doctors don't like to go that route it seems.

    I haven’t had any side effects from levofloxacin.  I’ve only been on it for 10 days with five more days to go.  I’m not happy about taking any antibiotics for a long term because they may lose effectiveness for me in the future.  Bacterial prostatitis can be diagnosed in a lab.  At least it was for me many years ago.  See what Wittawat has to say.......


  10. 15 minutes ago, avvocato said:

    WalkingOrders ... Uh no. I am perfectly fine with my SSA money coming directly to my Bangkok account no. 1 (restricted) which I then transfer into my Bangkok Bank account 2 (unrestricted).  Thank U anyway.

    My comment deals with Bangkok Bank's new alternative to the old ACH transfer to its New York Branch, called "Thai Baht Remittance Service"  which allows transfers without the IAT transfer protocol.  I have sent them an email but was wondering if anyone has already investigated this process for transferring from my (any) US banks to my Bangkok Bank account.  You should have received a letter (see ref above) with the details and status of their (private not gov't.) transfer options.

    Please keep us posted on how this is working out for you.  Thanks!

  11. 2 hours ago, jmr123 said:

    Yer, there did used to be. But then i think it got rolled into your ticket - so you still pay it, just dont need to go hunting around for money when you think you successfully cleared out your last satang.... departure tax.

    So i guess this is just - well everyone forgot that so we will start again ! if they do it the old way it  just causes delays and extra bureaucracy. you are not allowed to stay, but you are not allowed to leave.

    “There were voices down the corridor,

    I thought I heard them say....

    Welcome to the Hotel California, 

    Such a lovely place..............”

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