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Posts posted by Tracyb

  1. Buy Nestles condensed milk.

    Can you actually buy Nestles Condensed Milk in thailand now.....I know you can get their brands but not Nestles itself that I have seen. I think they stopped putting their name on things after the baby food problem and the bear logo.

    Where can I find Nestle brand Condensed Milk? Is it available in Bangkok??

  2. It's true that Carnation Brand Condensed Milk contains over 10% palm oil. It has about 48% sugar, and a combination of dry milk powder, skim milk powder, and part skim milk powder. The rest, I guess, is water.

    For a few weeks now I've been making my own condensed milk. It's easy and doesn't take hours but usually only about 30 minutes.. I use 500 ML of whole milk from the dairy case and 180 ML of granulated (amber) sugar. Bring the milk to a boil in a large, heavy bottom skillet ( not a saucepan). Add the sugar, stir in well until dissolved, and reduce the heat to a simmer. Continue simmering and stir occasionally with a small whip or spatula. Remove from the heat when the liguid is reduced by 1/2. You'll get great results and will have no palm oil or powdered milk in your product. The trick here is to use a heavy bottom skillet so the product doesn't scorch while cooking. The large surface area increases the rate of evaporation tremendously. Occasional stirring keeps everything well mixed as the reduction continues. Store it in the refrigerator if you don't use it right away.

    Give it a try. Its more expensive than the canned palm oil sweetened with sugar that has powdered milk added....but think about your health!

    God luck!

  3. I generally exercise at the gym every other day. I concentrate on cardio and do some limited free weights. My cardio consists of spending 30 minutes on an elliptical then 15 minutes on a recumbent bike. Then do some bicep curls and play with weights to varying degrees.

    I usually go around noon to 1pm and I'm finished in an hour or so.

    When I fall outside of this routine I begin to feel sluggish later in the day. I believe that the regular exercise improves my mood and aids my sleep.

  4. Thanks for all the replies and info, it's a great help.

    Seems like using any wifi is fine then, as long as my banks (Barclays) encryption is good. I don't intend to use a public computer for any of this, and i think i've found a way around the need to print anything so i should be set.

    The comment about getting a thai sim card is interesting though. I'm currently with EE in the UK and will be keeping the same number while i'm in Thailand, I can make calls using wifi with EE but i'm not sure if it's free yet, they're saying there could be a local network charge added so i won't know until i've made a few calls with it. I'm getting my iPhone 6 unlocked with EE before i go, so i can put in a thai sim card if needed. Is there any thai networks that people recommend, and is 4G available yet?

    4G is available in most urban areas. Most of Bangkok for sure as we use it here. We use "True" for our phone and 3G &4G. works well, never had a problem myself, but I'm sure you'll hear more from others. As for internet connections. if you get a wireless router in your home/apartment/abode.... see if you can connect directly to it with an ethernet cable and avoid the wireless connection. As others have said, if your bank encryption is good, probably no worries. I just like to be "wired" to the net and not sending my signals through the vapor around my condo. Best of luck!

  5. I'm getting the felling that even though it may involve a bit more effort to begin with, there are several circumstances where the OP will be thankful he has a Thai licence.

    True! Obtaining the driver's license is easy enough and... it puts you on the right side of the law (even though we may joke about the ineffectiveness and/or lack of enforcement of laws here in the LOS). The time when having the correct license matters most is that time when you least expect it. When an accident occurs you're able to show that, at least, you have the undisputed consent of the Thai government to drive in Thailand.

  6. it is an international driving PERMIT, not an international drivers license!!

    think that was established a while back.

    Actually, one does not need to bring any documentation to the Embassy to 'prove" where one lives. Just show up, fill out their form, swear the information you provided is accurate, pay your fifty bucks, and walk out the door with your form for the DL office.

  7. I quit drinking about 15 years ago after waking up in a hotel in a city 65 miles from where I lived and having no recollection of how I got there. My car was parked outside and showed no damage so I guessed that I didn't run into anything or...thank God...any BODY! I went to AA for about three months and then slowly drifted away from the regular meetings having conquered my addiction. I consider myself lucky to have been able to do so. When I see other drinking to the point of intoxication I speak softy to myself and remind myself that "there, but for the grace of God, go I."

  8. Don't understand the "residency" rom the US embassy - I showed my address in Thailand and I think Thai immigration certified that.

    make sure any insurance is happy with an IDP

    There are some posts saying that certain Immigration offices (such as Chiang Mai) used to supply Residency Certificates, but no longer do. Now one must get them from the US Embassy (for Americans). I'm assuming the same holds true of Jomtiem, as a post or two mentioned certificates only being available at the US Embassy on the Pattaya Forum.

    And yes, I suppose I ought to check on the insurance with that provider.

    How can the US embassy be expected to say where you live in Thailand?

    "residency" is a legal immigration status - I'm sure what they mean is proof of address.

    The US Embassy and Consulate in Chiang Mai will notarize a form (which the Embassy/Consulate provides for this very purpose) on which one swears one live at the address shown. This costs US$50.00 at the Embassy/Consulate and it is this form that the Drivers License authorities will accept as proof of residence.

  9. my neighbor had his meter taken months ago, since than he is running a two core cable from the supply of next doors - unoccupied - property to power up his home. he seems to have got away with it since june 2015...

    not suggesting you should do the same wink.png

    the best thing about it is that it crosses a public pathway so he has propped the cable up on bamboo sticks and an old iron gate. it is in full view of everyone passing through.

    Yup, it's all fun and games until someone gets electrocuted!

  10. The "Floral" condo discussed here earlier is a good place. Close to town, etc.

    Please, at all costs, stay away from the "Riverside" condo. It is an old building, bad water, looks a little like a soviet era housing unit in the interior hallways. Elevators are jumpy, there is constant renovation noise.... and not just a little noise, but almost daily pounding and grinding Monday through Friday. The rents may look attractive but the premises are certainly not!

    I would advise your friend to think about going to Smith's Suites for a short stay while scoping out the city and surrounds. They have short term rentals that are quite nice and would serve him well until he finds a bigger place.

    Best of luck!

  11. I once rented a condo with a one year lease for what I thought was a guaranteed rent amount. Eight months in the landlord gave me a 30 day notice of a 20% rent hike. When I refused to accept the rent increase and gave 30 days notice to vacate he went ballistic accusing me of breaking my lease. What the.....? He broke the lease when he raised the rent!!

    So, you see, there are LANDLORDS who are full of bulls**it, too!

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