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Posts posted by Tracyb

  1. I replaced both of my Aircons with Daikin inverter units last year.   I have had no problems with them.  They are quiet, efficient, and cost effective.  I run one unit all day in our "living area" and the second unit all night in the bedroom.  Compared to the York systems I replaced, I am saving up to 40% off my electric bill.  Inverters are great.  I'd buy Daikin again.


    We have the units serviced/cleaned once every six months by Daikin technicians.  The pricing is about the same as others we had used on our York units.  

  2. On 9/13/2017 at 5:21 PM, dansbkk said:

    I am not sure why anyone would use Airbnb except in an attempt to try and save a few dollars?  You rent a truly unseen room, only have limited resource to get your money back if the place turns out to be a dump or in a bad location.  The room may not be cleaned properly between customers or ever for that matter, and then you have to deal with refund policies if you aren't satisfied.

    Airbnb offers some great guarantees but it seems to get a lot of really bad press.  Good luck.

    The reviews posted by previous AirBnB users provide excellent insight as to the condition of the accommodations.  We never book places that have bad reviews.... 

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  3. We use AirBnB exclusively whenever we travel to Europe/UK from Bangkok.  Better than hotels, less expensive than other options. We always choose locations with kitchens, washer and dryer, etc. to maximize the convenience factors.  I think we've booked over 35 stays ranging from 4 to 12 days each, in seven or eight countries over the past four years.  We have never been asked to pay outside the normal channels for "other" costs.  Always check the owner's cancellation policies which must conform to AirBnB standards.  If you ever experience a problem during check-in, contact AirBnB for immediate resolution including full refunds.

  4. 48 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

    I think the bluffing is over.  Kim is being forced to be aggressive. Soon he will have no choice but to send an armed missiles. It has passed the point of settling any other way. Pass Us governments did not deal with it just shrugged it off and now they have a major problem. Kim is in the position now of put up or shut up  and being Asian he will put up rather than lose face.and he wants his legacy of bombing the US also.

    Perhaps the "Fat Boy" should take a minute and contemplate Hirohito's legacy.  


  5. 3 hours ago, Unify said:

    I've heard this clinic is cheap, but I haven't confirmed it, myself.



    $13 USD here -- https://www.thaitravelclinic.com/cost.html





    Just now, Tracyb said:

    I just got my flu shot at the Travel Clinic at Mahidol University here in Bangkok.  (Hospital for Tropical Diseases.)  I paid just over 500 baht  for vaccine, doctor charge, hospital charge and injection fee.  NOW is the time!


  6. Today I went to Big C Rat Burana to "do" my 90 Day report.  When I entered and handed in my paperwork the man on the desk told me this would be the last time I could do this here.  He advised that I will have to go to Chaeng Wattana in the future. I was able to complete my task there today and I guess I will file by mail or chug on over to CW in the future.


    I'm wondering if anyone else has been informed of the change in services offered at Big C or.......



  7. On 8/13/2017 at 10:20 AM, Rancid said:

    Can't see your opinion being popular here...


    I've noticed lately on western TV shows there seems to be a lot of pushing the gay meme, guys kissing each other and generally gay themes. Personally I find guys kissing guys offensive, not intellectually but as a gut reaction. I am pro gay marriage and my brother is gay and I've worked with gays all my life in the arts, however I still find having it rammed down my throat unpleasant, and so do my kids. So sue me...

    Pun intended??

  8. 11 hours ago, greenchair said:

    I certainly support gay rights,equal rights, but unfortunately that has morphed into the promotion of homsexuality in children. Not only is my little 11 year being told how great male male relationships are, he's been informed that hiv is no big deal and can be controlled. All this by his gay male teachers. In efforts to help hiv victims be accepted, the schools have downplayed the seriousNess of the disease. I would not tell my child that getting a venereal disease is ok, so I also would not tell him getting hiv is ok. I accept that he might smoke/drink /do drugs when he is 18, but I would not promote it to him as a youth so that he feels accepted when he has made that choice. The promotion of homsexuality to children and society has gone too far. 

    Oh, please....


  9. 11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    After you broached the prostate-anti-histamine issue above, I did some reading up on the subject, and as if often the case, the guidance is not always clear.


    I found some U.S. government medical and medical organization websites where they pretty much blanketly advise that people with prostate issues should not take EITHER anti-histamines or OTC decongestatants, including the now-restricted pseudoephedrine. And that advice does NOT distinguish between the different types of anti-histamines. It's just broad, blanket statements to avoid.


    However, in other places, the guidance said that the newer anti-histamines (by which they mean second-generations products such as fexofenadine and cetirizine) do not have as much impact on prostate issues as their predecessors (first-generation anti-histamines). However, those same sites don't say that fexofenadine and cetirizine have NO impact on prostate issues.  Yet, apparently neither of those two newer medications have been required to have prostate warnings on their data sheets, unlike their predecessors.


    So I'm left wondering whether the first type of advice above is simply too generic and hasn't been updated to reflect the newer anti-histamines. Or, while the newer anti-histamines may have much less prostate-related side effects than their predecessors, that's not the same as saying they won't have any effect on people with prostate issues.

    Those with prostate issues typically understand how meds, alcohol, various food additives such as MSG and other chemicals affect them if they experience urinary problems associated with BPH.  I have to absolutely stay away from Benadryl and Pseudophedrine (first generation drugs) as they each have negative effects for me. Fexofenadine (second generation drug) is my choice when I have allergic reactions because it does not affect me in a negative way.  I think everyone reacts differently and each person should try to recognize how various drugs react with their body.

  10. 15 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Thanks for clarifying that. I also remove and wash out the built-in filters on our bedroom aircon about  every two weeks. At that point, they've got a pretty good coating of dust and whatever on the front surface.


    I wonder, how much more effective the Filtrete cloth is going to be when laid on top  vs. the built-in filters alone?  Do you notice any discernable difference in the room?



    I find that the Filtrete cloth removes more particulate matter than the air-con filters themselves.  I feel more comfortable because my allergies don't act up when I use the filters and there is less dust settling on furniture, shelves, etc.



  11. On 7/9/2017 at 3:22 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Can you clarify a bit directionally about that... I have a split level unit with the plastic, removable screen filters that fit on the front. Just in front of the removable filters is the front lid of the air con. Just behind the removable filters is the metal compressor fins.  Which side are you saying to place the Filtrete filters on?


    Also, on that score, I was wondering about the issue of impeding air flow beyond what already occurs with the unit's own removable filters.. And then Oliver I believe posted an item above talking about only covering about 75% of the filter area with the Filtrete material, though I'm not sure whether that approach would really help or not.


    I guess it all comes back to the issue of whether entirely covering the built-in filter with a covering of Filtrete is going to place any problematic strain on the AC unit itself.


    Hi,  placement of the filter cloth should be directly on the removable filters..... on the side that faces outward and away from the metal fins.  So, whiny open the cover and look at the filters you will see the Filtrete cloth on top of the removable filters.  


    I always try to cover 100% of the filter area.  Sometimes there is a small strip, perhaps a half inch wide that is not covered because the filters are a tiny bit wider than the filter cloth.    When I remove the filters to change the cloth ( about every two weeks) I wash that part of the removable filter to clear the dust and dirt from that area that was not covered completely.


    I've been using this method for several years now and have not experienced any problems.  Hope this helps.  Let me know.


  12. On 7/2/2017 at 2:42 PM, Dante99 said:

    Most of us have eyes and have long been well advised to use them.   "Look both ways before crossing the street" remember? Tuktuks are not the only things going the wrong way.


    Of course if you assume it is just fine for pedestrians to be about without using common sense then you do encounter a variety of issues.



    Some of those "quality tourists" in town from our northern bordering country are oblivious to just about everything around them, so...  We may end up with fewer of them walking the streets, standing in the middle of intersections with cameras pointed to some unknown point of interest, if they can't hear the tuk-tuks coming.  Maybe those "boomerangs" their recording can be used to show them repeatedly bouncing their heads off the pavement!

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