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Posts posted by Tracyb

  1. 2 hours ago, new2here said:


    I agree. So long as the case was handled in accordance with current Japanese law and relevant case law, then I support the decision.

    I do have empathy for him, largely because his "issue" was largely not of his own doing or really controllable by him either.

    So, to that extent I have empathy... however, regardless of how Thailand handles theses issues, so long as the law was followed, then I support the outcome.

    Additionally, I think the notion of being born in a country where you are the child of two (or even one) non-citizens, and then being entitled to citizenship in that foreign country, it is understandable to me that the government would want to have controls/regulations in place to insure only those who are properly/legally in country at the time of birth, can then be entitled to citizenship of that foreign based on that birth from one/two non-citizens.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    tell that to the USA!


  2. I am a US citizen and reside here in LOS.  I've been here for four years now.  I use a mail service in Seattle (Wanderer's Mail Service on Pike Place in Seattle - they have a web site)  as my address and I use a friend's address in a nearby city for my Washington State driver's license.  Even the Drivers license people accept a different mailing address from my residence address)  The credit cards and my bank all have my Seattle address.  I take no statements by mail and choose instead to have everything emailed.  When a new credit card is issued it is sent to the mail service and they forward it to me.  I also have a bi-monthly mailing done from Seattle to  LOS to get anything that happens to arrive in the mail for me.


    This particular mail service has been in business since the days of the Gold Rush in Alaska and they are reputable, efficient, easy to communicate with and VERY customer friendly.  You don't have to have any type of permanent address in Washington State to use them.


    I had an inquiry from a card issuer (AMEX) who wanted a residence address when they found that my mailing address was "a business."  I gave them my driver's license address to fulfill their requirement for a "permanent address to which they will not send mail,  and used my Seattle mail service address as my mailing address for anything they need to send to me that cannot be done via email.... new cards for example.  This works out quite well.  When this happened I learned that almost every institution will allow a mailing address that differs from a residence address just so long as they have both on file in their institution.


    I NEVER tell my LOS banks about my USA address.  They have no need to know.

    I have a Thai drivers license and I own a condo here.  Everything works out quite well. If you want more information, please feel free to sed me a message here on the forum site.

  3. I recommend that you get your visa in LA.  Check with them directly about using your savings in a US bank.  I used that method when I did mine in LA a couple of years ago, but....things may have changed.  Getting the non Imm O-A multiple entry visa before you leave makes life a LOT simpler once you get to Thailand.  It sounds like you have the time for the police check ( which actually is done via the CA Attorney Generals office and can be handled for you by many agents in CA who process fingerprints.  Th medical form is easy breezy.  Be sure to get all reports and documents copied and get them all notarized as being actual, real copies of the original documents.  ( no need to bring a notary to your doctors office to witness his signature, for example).  If you are near LA, go to the consulate and speak to the man there who handles all this.  He is wonderfully easy to communicate with and is very helpful.  If you're not close by, try calling.

    You can then time your entry date on your visa to coincide with the time of your departure in order to get the full amount of time in Thailand before you need to apply for an extension of stay.  Best wishes!  

  4. Forget Riverside Condo in Chiang Mai.  Overpriced units there and the building is run down, poorly maintained and not aging gracefully.  Many owners are upgrading their units and the constant din of construction noise may drive you mad.  

  5. Transfers using SWiFT codes are for International transactions, e.g.; USA bank to Bangkok Bank in Thailand.  USA banks usually require you to be at the bank in person to sign the SWIFT transfer order.  This helps reduce money laundering schemes of various types.


    Perhaps you could find a new USA bank that allows ACH transactions to be initiated by account holders using the banks on-line services.  It's a LOT easier and cheaper.


    Best of luck!

  6. I'll add to the previous comments by saying:


    It's best to arrive in line well before the office opens in the morning, say... before 7:00 AM to secure a place up front in the line.  You want to get a low queue number at the desk inside for the extension and be done early so you can get the photocopy and come back for the next queue number to get your multi-entry permit.  This will pretty much guarantee that you can get both done on the same day; or as I experienced two weeks ago... both done in the morning before lunch.   Cheers!

    • Like 1
  7. Hope this helps.  I am a U.S. citizen condo owner in Bangkok.  I just went in for my 2nd, one year extension of stay based on retirement, (Not Married) and re-entry permit here in BKK at Chaeng Wattana.  I've been in and out of the country several times in the past two years and have never filed a TM-30.  No one asked about it at CW.  I'll admit,  I was holding my breath in case the subject came up.  

  8. Trump should stay in the race...if only to guarantee the demise of the Republican Party.  Once the Grand Old Party collapses, it can rebuild and re-establish credibility for the 2020 election cycle.  In the meantime perhaps, some of the diehard Republicans may see the light in regards to social injustice and get on board to support individual rights of all citizens of the USA.  ...and those Republicans who just could not, under any circumstances, support a black man as President may die off.  In the meantime, nominating Supreme Court Justices will be undertaken by a Democratic administration and the USA will continue on its way towards towards having a functioning Supreme Court after having been denied as much by the current Republican majority in the Senate. 

  9. 3 hours ago, partington said:


    There are no individual customer accounts at Bangkok Bank in New York. It is not a retail bank and does not offer this service, though it does operate as a correspondent bank as part of its commercial activities.

    As I mentioned, the Bangkok Bank in New York is used IN CONJUNCTION with a Bangkok Bank account one opens in Thailand.  You may use the New York Branch routing number to send funds directly to your account at Bangkok Bank in Thailand.... any branch in the country.  See their website for detailed information.  Cheers!

  10. On 10/1/2016 at 10:07 AM, Macthehat said:


    I didn't move in to save a few bucks ...Im  here because I actually want to be with my new born and my GF.  I just can't get my head around this p**ck stealing from someone who has been more than good to him and all his family.  And for them to do nothing apart from talk to him and him to do the same again is frustrating to say the least ... 


    Chalk up to his use of drugs.  He has no respect for himself...  How can he respect you?


  11. Last Thursday I arrived at Chaengwattana around 7:30 and found myself somewhere around #50 in line.  When the doors opened at 8:30 the line had grown to wind around on itself two or three times.  The 8:30 opening was orderly with an officer standing at the door helping to assure no one cut in the line... a welcome departure from previous "free-for-all" experiences with lots of people shoving their way in from the right hand side of the doorway. The line moved quickly and I rec'd queue a number in the mid-teens for the extension of stay.


    I sat in a location where I could watch two of the female officers processing the extension applications while I waited.  I watched them, sitting across from one another, stop work, get up with their phones, compare photos of some recent events while conversing and laughing.  They were having a good old time while all of us were waiting outside to be called.  This went on for about 30 minutes until approximately 9:00 Am when numbers were finally called to their respective lines.  The other 3 lines had begun processing applicants already and had gone through eight to nine numbers.  Then, when the two party girls finally began processing some applicants, one of their phones would ring and they would stop, began a conversation on their phone and inexplicably get up from their desk and begin sharing the conversation with the other officer while holding the phone up between them, laughing, carrying on, having a triple big time!  My mind wandered back to the days when I was managing people in business and I thought of all the reasons why these two people should be reprimanded, disciplined, demoted, or released from their jobs. Then I remembered where I was and I settled in for the long haul of waiting so I could move on for a re-entry permit.  I finally had my number called at 9:45 AM.  Surprisingly, I got my passport back within 15 minutes.


    I was in line for the re-entry permit at 10:15 after making the required copy of my new extension.  I drew queue number 85 for the permit.  # 57 was being called to hand in applications when I sat down.   At the same time....#37 was being called for the return of passports after processing.  I was called at 10:45 to turn in my papers and  my passport was processed and returned to me by 11:25.  They processed all applications from #37 to # 85,  a total of 48 passports, in an hour and ten minutes.  I didn't see anyone at the re-entry permit section chatting on their phones or passing around phone-photos for all to share and  I considered myself pretty lucky to be out before lunch time.


    I also want to note that I was asked for the "Foreigners Information" form when I handed in my extension of stay paperwork.  I was NOT asked for it when I turned in the application for my re-entry permit.  I had brought along two completed sets of the form with picture attached so I could help speed things up a bit if I was asked for it.  I left with one un-needed form that I shall save for my next visit.  I was not asked for anything beyond my passport photocopies and US Embassy income document when I handed in papers for the retirement extension, although I was prepared with an armload of documents proving condo ownership and residence just in case.


    I have not done a 90 day report for over nine months due to a number of overseas journeys that occurred before I had been in the country long enough to require a report of my address. Even though I check into a hotel each time I return to Thailand after a journey before returning home to my condo in Bangkok, no one asked for any address information. No one asked whether I or anyone else had reported my residence on a TM-30 form.  I was not asked to fill out a TM-30 form.  I was not fined for any reason.  (The hotel stays, in case you're wondering,  allow me to decompress a bit while a service cleans and preps my condo for me before I move back in.)


    That's my report!  I hope it helps readers as they prepare for their Chaengwattana adventure!  Oh, and don't get too upset when the women start talking on their phones and passing them around to share pictures while you're kept waiting for your number to be called.  Keep calm and remember where you are!

    • Like 2
  12. Hi,

    Well, I need to print the TM-7 form and want to know if it should be printed on two separate pages, or will they accept it as a double sided print job.  I recall seeing something about this on a previous post, but for the life of me I can't find it again.  Also, any info on what else is needed for ( Chaeng Wattana ) retirement extension of Non O-A not based on marriage.  I have the U.S. embassy letter with my income certified, a letter from my Condo Juristic Person stating that I'm co-owner, I have a copy of my deed from the land office and my passport.  What pages do I need to copy from the passport. Anything else you can think of that I might need?  Thanks in advance for your help.


  13. My partner is kind, thoughtful, and loving.

    Food bills get checked over at restaurants.

    Shopping for bargains has now become a staple of my life.

    I'm always asked how I feel and if everything is ok...and when not....positive things come my way!

    My life has new meaning since we've been together....for over ten years now.

    I'm appreciative and try my best to love back as much love as I feel.


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