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Posts posted by Tracyb

  1. 35 minutes ago, curtklay said:

    I also have asked Kasikorn about appointing my stepdaughter as beneficiary to my 800K account, but can't get an answer. Someone said they can add a name to the passbook that is only visible under a blacklight, but I can't find out if that's true.

    I added my Thai partner as my beneficiary on my 800k account at Bangkok Bank.  Filled out paperwork, they issued a new passbook with the same account number showing only my Na,e printed on the front page and then he signed the passbook in the back under my own signature where they are both only visible under a black light.  I’ve been using that passbook every year for my extensions of stay with no problem.

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  2. 5 hours ago, gt162 said:

    Antigen test on arrival at the airport should take 5-10 minutes. Eliminating the 1 night expensive quarantine hotel for test results should improve the tourism.

    I wonder how long the lines will be for those waiting for the ATK test….  And where will they wait for the results?  …and what happens if they test positive?   So many question…..so few answers.  Maybe they’ll just fly by the seats of their pants……. Oh wait!  That’s what they’re doing now!

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I see this "covid insurance"  term posted in several posts in this thread. Is it covid insurance that they require? or is it general health insurance that also covers covid? 

    Covid insurance is required by Thailand Pass to gain reentry to the country right now.  It’s over and above the insurance required for an extension of stay on an OA visa.

  4. 4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Every child should have a mother who cares about the child. A father is good to have but in a way optional.

    I think one of the problems is that many laws were written (decades ago) with female/male couples in mind. If i.e. there is a law about adoption I am sure in most countries the lawmakers had married female/male couples in mind. But in the law is probably only written "married couples".

    So if now a new law allows not only male/female couples to marry that has a lot of consequences for other laws.

    Maybe first all existing laws should be amended to refer to married male/female couples. After that then a law can allow other couples to marry each other - without having automatically also the right to adopt children, etc.. 

    thanks for the reply.  I respect your opinion!

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    They didn't allow same sex marriages. But same sex relationships are allowed and common. What's the problem?

    Personally I have no problem with people of all shades of LBGT+/- whatever. Live and let live and all that.


    But why do many people pretend those relationships are just as normal as male/female relationships? I.e. when two gay guys adopt children. Who is the mother? How about breast feeding and all those natural things? It seems some people think all people should be allowed to do anything. Really?


    What's next? Can I marry my favorite pet? Can we adopt children? You might think I am crazy and that has nothing to do with reality. But think twice. Not long ago nobody would have imagined gay guys marrying and adopting children. Now it's not just described as normal. Now people who don't think it is normal are attacked for their position.


    How about accepting people like they are. Hetero people can accept that LBGT exist. And LBGT should also accept that not everybody wants to support anything what they want.

    How do you feel about two women marrying?   Both of them could possibly breast feed.  Oh wait, was either of them pregnant or did they adopt?

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  6. Test kits are available in pharmacies and…….I saw them for sale at TOPS in Central Festival.  They’re cheap, easy to take(follow the instructions) and IF you should get a positive result you can retake the test to be sure you didn’t get a false positives and save yourself from being carted off to no mans land until you “recover.”

  7. 8 hours ago, DoctorB said:

    Also, another issue regarding the pre-flight test: on the Uk Thai Embassy site it says "Please note that your test result must be in hard copy and in Thai or English language only." (note 14 under "Registration and Approval Process", link below). Why does it have to be hard copy? Most labs send the result by email; the last thing you need when rushing round to get away is having to fart around looking for a printer. Does anyone know if this nonsense is being strictly enforced? And if you are leaving from France, Germany etc. does it still have to be in Thai or English only?



    Just print your email and carry it…and a few copies with you.

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