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Everything posted by GanDoonToonPet

  1. In the vast majority of Bangkok pubs I go to, the advertised / menu price is what you pay. The only place I remember that pulls that crap is the Irish bar at the end of KSR whereas all the British / Irish pubs I go to on Suk don't.
  2. The missus saw similar sofas available on some 'TikTok Shops' for 10-20k. The construction looked sturdy from the pictures but we didn't buy one in the end. It's one way to go if you want to save a significant amount but better to have a Thai wife / friend contact them re the quality.
  3. We live on the west bank of the Chao Phraya just South of Thonburi. We just bought a house with minimart attached and have invested a few 100k on new fridges and stock etc. The wife is panicking and the locals speak of little else apart fron 'nam too-am'; fingers crossed it won't be a repeat of 2011. 🥲
  4. The 'Gender Pay Gap' is the most stupid statistic in the universe. It simply adds up what men earn, adds up what women earn then compares them. It doesn't even take into consideration the of type of job or level of seniority.
  5. It's a well known fact that if you press the lift buttons in the Fibonacci Sequence, it changes the Universal Gravitational Constant...then you float to the ground. If you don't believe me, try it
  6. I think you mean according to Newton. Falling 17 floors, assuming 5m per floor, would give t = 3s If you want to invoke Einstein, she didn't actually move 😀
  7. I used to laugh when my 70 year old grandmother did the same thing 😁
  8. Sure and try flapping your arms like a bird to slow your descent. It still amazes me, after almost 50 years on this planet, that people think that the lift will arrive faster if you press the button more frequently; maybe it's conditioned reflex, like a rat in a cage. If only people could think logically as they hurtle toward the ground in freefall when they think they're about to die. Why didn't I think of that?
  9. I was strangely intrigued as I watched S1. It's like a sandwich with all the wrong ingredients that somehow hits your tastebuds in a delicious way. The acting is terrible and the story is hackneyed and predictable but, like the sandwich, it just works. Also, I like the bird with big tits 😀 Thanks for the heads up on S2 as I didn't know it had started yet
  10. Kenneth Williams & the rest of the 'Carry On' team. We'll never see such a diverse range of interesting characters again 😇
  11. This is the beginning of the end. Say goodbye to your freedom to criticize the government. Welcome to China v2
  12. Any complaints about his comments on Israel-Palestine? www.holyrood.com How about ignoring officials' advice and 'donating' 250k GBP to UNRWA, the day before his wife's parents were evacuated from Gaza? Sky News UK
  13. Strange how Humza Yousef is constantly bleating about the oppression of muslims (mostly himself) in the UK but not a peep about the horrendous treatment of Christians in Pakistan. Persecution of Christians in Pakistan
  14. He's been charged with 'encouraging violent disorder'...quite a step down from 'encouraging murder' 🤔 Sky News UK
  15. Christians arrested, and convicted, for praying silently in their own head but screaming 'Allahu Akbar' is racist...welcome to the multicultural UK in 2024. BTW saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ in quiet prayer is perfectly acceptable but when groups of young Muslim men are screaming it on the streets...it's a warcry.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 35 seconds  
  17. It's been widely reported that the tests conducted by the IBA proved that they were both genetically male (XY). To deny that at this point would be pure solipsism or gaslighting. Maybe I'm a bit thick but I surmise the reason that we have segregation in toilets, changing rooms, prisons and sports is due to biology, not how people feel, dress or act. Personally, I don't believe we should have segregation by sex in sport. Why should the best woman have more money and fame than the second best man? It's sexist and outdated.
  18. FYI for those who are considering long term stays with B2B 60 day exemptions... I arrived back at BKK last Saturday night, after an 8 day stay in Cambodia. Immigration wasn't too busy but entirely staffed by the female of the species. Maybe I made a mistake in walking to the end and joining the shortest queue (3 people) as the person in front of me was knocked back and, as I learnt later, the person in front of them was subject to the same treatment. The I/O shouted at me 'how long you stay Thailand'. Since her English was so poor as not to indicate past or future, I mumbled something about staying with my family. A button was pressed and I was, again rather rudely, told to stand aside. Another lady escorted me to some office cubicles in front of passport control and told me to sit down in the waiting area. When I was called up the lady was very nice and polite. She asked why I didn't have a visa and I explained that I planned to get one (hence the longer stay in Cambodia) but as the 30 day exemption had recently changed to 60 days, I felt it unnecessary; she told me to get a 'visa' next time. I further explained that I was staying with family and showed her my wife's address via the TM30 I luckily had on my phone. She then hand wrote the expiry date on my 'stamp' and escorted me through to the other side. There were no questions asked about funds or onward ticket and nothing else was written in my passport. Relevant history. Worked in China for 6 years, with occasional visits to Thailand, until April 2024. Since then two 30 day stamps + 30 day extensions. British nationality, English ethnicity, dressed like a slob 🙂
  19. Seems to be the cycle of modern life in multicultural England. The Brixton race riots in the 1980s were sparked by an event that (highly likely) wasn't race related but was the catalyst. A rumour about a white man throwing something through the front door of a house where black people were having a party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Cross_house_fire Similarly, the race riots after George Floyd was killed released underlying tensions about police brutality against black people, even though it had nothing to do with race. Fast forward...I think the murders of the little girls in Southport was a catalyst for the underlying tensions about mass immigration and its effects on England.
  20. Great! What are her policies? All I've heard in the news is the colour of her skin and type of genitalia.
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