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Everything posted by GanDoonToonPet

  1. Although men are generally more likely to receive longer sentences and more likely to receive a custodial sentence, women are less likely to be sentenced but (slightly) more likely to be imprisoned for sexual offences against a child Source
  2. Has it reduced significantly in size?
  3. The Far Right / Alt Right = old, white, straight, heterosexual, cisgender men...and now Jews (again). This is the post-modern, post-structural narrative that now defines who is good and who is evil.
  4. I extended my 30 day stamp at IT Laksi a few weeks ago...British nationality, English ethnicity and dressed like a spiv 1. Only non-visa extensions at Laksi. I observed a few people with TR visas being re-directed to CW 2. I filed a TM30 online myself, a couple of days before, but it was not mentioned. Neither were the 20k cash or onward ticket 3. New to me were the 2 extra forms to fill in. They are declarations related to overstay, working etc. Next time I'll pre-print & complete to save my arthritic fingers from a beating
  5. I have had a sebacious cyst on my forehead for about 5 years now, which has slowly been growing in size. I just received this reply from Chao Phraya hospital in Bangkok... I'm not keen on a general anesthetic and the price does seem very high. In the UK this procedure can be performed by specialist clinics, under local anesthetic, for 25 000 THB or less.
  6. If you take Weinstein out of the equation this is a victory for due process. Allegations of crimes for which the defendant is not on trial for, and has not even been charged with, should never be allowed into evidence. Neither should the defendant be questioned about these allegations under cross-examination; this is tantamount to nothing more than a witch hunt. It seems to be the same with Trump in that people think someone is guilty not because of what they did but who they are.
  7. ...and St Patrick was English. He was a slave that brought Chrisianity to Ireland. The 'lefties' should ensure that they mention this to every Irish person they meet...especially ex-IRA members 😂
  8. Good news ???? I've just come over from China for the extended Golden Week and brought a few bricks of Yuan with me...time to head to the exchanges in Silom me thinks... Usually the Yuan dips 5% when the hordes of Chinese descend so it's a pleasant change this time ????
  9. The insurance is still needed, for those who are returning to Mainland China and India, according to the latest info (Jan 10) released by the Thai gov. The original claim that it was cancelled came from a 'Thai PBS World' article that quoted a 'spokesman'. This was then published verbatim by the investigative journalists at 'Phuket Go' ???? 'Thai PBS World' corrected themselves yesterday: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/tourists-from-china-and-india-must-have-health-insurance-coverage/
  10. I'm due to fly on on Saturday, from China, and I'm on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. ???? AFAIK there's been no official confirmation of this, only the 'Phuket Go' article which references a 'Thai PBS World' article which has a dead link to 'Ministry of Public Health'. There's nothing on TAT, CAAT or MOPH websites. Also nothing on Richard Barrow's twitter which is surprising as he usually has his ear to the ground.
  11. According to the TAT website, the insurance requirement still remains. https://www.tatnews.org/2023/01/thailand-maintains-fully-reopen-entry-rules/ This is going to catch a lot of people out, mainly those coming from China. I'm one of them and still confused as to whether I need it for my 'self transfer' in Singapore. Air Asia still hasn't updated it's website to reflect the most recent changes. https://support.airasia.com/s/article/Travel-Requirements-Thailand?language=en_GB
  12. Here's a conundrum. ???? I'm fully vaccinated, travelling from China via Singapore. The connection in Singapore is a 'self transfer' which means the two flights aren't connected. I'll have to exit immigration in Singapore, pick up my tickets for the Thailand leg, then pass through immigration again; then rinse and repeat for the return journey. I'll obviously need a PCR test to re-enter China but surely this is irrelevant as, as far as Thailand is concerned, I'm only flying from / to Singapore. This surely means that I don't need the COVID insurance as Singapore doesn't require the test? My head hurts ????
  13. Mixed feelings about season 3 of The Orville. There were a couple of great episodes that were thought-provoking and pulled on the heart strings but the finale...100% opera and 0% space. What a shame ☚ī¸
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