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Everything posted by GanDoonToonPet

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 88 seconds  
  2. Cigarettes are crushed tobacco leaves formed into a cylinder using paper. Tobacco contains a highly addictive drug called nicotine. Consider yourself levelled-up
  3. Not sure what the delay on the '60 day' is...we know it can't be incompetence πŸ˜‡ Low season began (roughly) 3 months ago so you'd think there might be some urgency. The way things are going, it won't be introduced until high season...which is exactly the time that it's not needed My (extended) 30 day stamp runs out on Friday. I'll be spending a week in Cambodia again but, as I will have been here for 4 months on B2B exemptions, I'm left pissing in the wind as to whether I should get a bona-fide TR visa or wait for the new exemption to kick in πŸ˜” These are the days...
  4. Apparently the shooter said 'I'll get my coat' one second before the bullet hit him πŸ™‚
  5. I used to use the pump dispenser type when I worked in China. No fiddly caps and less wastage...can't seem to find them in Thailand though.
  6. Yup. 2 idiots don't make a 1 genius...they make a person that's twice as stupid.
  7. No, my argument is against your claim that Trump was responsible for the reduction in unemployment after 2016, which reduced at the same rate for 4 years before he was president and 4 years after he was president.
  8. It's a crying shame that your ability to comprehend more than one variable isn't perfect. Unemployment was at an all time high after the global financial crisis, credit crunch, whatever during 2009/2010. Only a simpleton would think that the reduction in unemployment over the next 10 years was due to any president; what else could it do? Trump simply rode the coat-tails of history. He was elected at the mid point of the reduction in unemployment. In fact, the rate of change in unemployment stayed the same before and after he was elected. You can obviously see this from the (negative) gradient of the graph.
  9. Winston Churchill was a great leader, during war and in his time. Shall we dig up his corpse and let the administration of the day attach strings to his body and manipulate him for their own ends? As for Trump...he's still the old Trump he always was. If he decides to implement any policy that's even slightly crazy it'll be struck down, in even, the lower courts. Such are the checks and balances in the good 'ol USA. Joking aside, how has the choice for the leader of the free world become a choice between a lunatic and a corpse? This is why I voted brexit. I didn't want the EU to become the USA.
  10. It's quite simple. The rate of change of speed is dv/dt, or the second derivative of displacement. The rate of change of temperature is dT/dt. Should you keep increasing the speed (rate of change of displacement with time) of your car because you've always gone faster and slower? Should you keep increasing the rate of change of temperature because it's always been lower or higher? If you can't fathom this basic analogy then there is simply no hope of you understanding the complexities of global warming / climate change.
  11. Interesting website. Although I wonder how many people would know to go there, never mind filling in the extensive 3 page forms, after dismissing the advice given by their own government and Thai representatives?
  12. Where should people look to get these 'confirmed reports'? Your own government's travel advice website? Thai embassy / consulate websites? The vast majority of these were 'updated' to show that, from 1st June, travellers would receive 60 days under the visa exemption scheme.
  13. The very antithesis of empirical science. Have you 'noticed' an increase or decrease in the number of polar bears outside your house during the past 60 years? πŸ€”
  14. The top speed of most cars wasn't really my point. It's called an analogy. Nobody is arguing that global temperatures haven't changed 'in eons' It's the rate of change (increase) that's unprecedented, just like the rate of increase in speed of cars πŸ™‚ Also bear in mind that the difference in maximum and minimum temperatures during the 'ice age' is about 6C so an increase of 1.5C is quite substantial.
  15. Speed fluctuations have been going on for eons so why not drive your car everywhere at 200 mph?
  16. It seems that there's plenty of old people and health departments that have misconceptions about e-cigarettes as well πŸ€”
  17. I agree. In the same vein, men should not be financially responsible for another body produced purely from a woman's body. With rights comes responsibility. Without rights, there is no responsibility.
  18. I've just finished binge-watching Fallout. Wasn't expecting much but couldn't 'put it down'. It was well written, well acted with a logically connected storyline and had relatable characters. Those at Disney, especially Harvey Weinstein's 'Eichmann' (she was only following orders), should be forced to watch this in order to learn how to produce a quality TV show.
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