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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. On 18/08/2017 at 11:54 PM, wakeupplease said:

    What happens if the mother cannot breast feed?


    The ban isn't on formula, only advertising.


    The ban is positive as there are any number of dubious and unsubstantiated claims about infant formula that can influence a mothers choice.


    Breast milk is always the best option.


    Our first two were breast fed. Unfortunately mum had difficulty with our third so we had to move to formula.



  2. Prasert Kunneang, public relations officer at the National Disaster Warning Center in Bangkok, said the tsunami warning system is tested daily and Thailand is prepared in the event of a future tsunami.


    "If there is a tsunami tomorrow, the warning system would work," Prasert told Reuters.


    What a load of cr*p....   


    One of them says it needs maintenance, the other says it's fine and working.


    Guess who is going to get moved to an 'inactive post'  or worse still...  sued for damaging Thailands image.



  3. On 13/07/2017 at 2:31 PM, 4MyEgo said:

    Finally some truth to my theory of negligence on faulty equipment and not what I previously read, i.e. that the deceased pulled the hook which releases you.


    So now what, a 500 baht fine each and 2 day suspension from going up again, more than likely IMO.


    RIP to the digger, got to feel for his family, a holiday gone tragically wrong because of the relaxed regulations and laws, again IMO, in the Land of Smiles.


    I also suspect that if he had any life insurance, they will be looking for an exit clause due to going up in the chute, hope that's not the case as that would just compound things for his widow and family.

    Parasailing would be classified as a dangerous sport. Cover will be void in most policies.


    Australian news..  UK news... New Zealand and also Indian news coverage of this.


    Let's see TAT response... 

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