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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. On 4/20/2020 at 8:59 PM, spidermike007 said:

    Not gonna happen. The Chinese were the first to be "banned" from Thailand. Do they really think that slight will not be forgotten? There are simply too many other nations to compete for the tourist dollar, and most are doing a better job. The Chinese will return, but I suspect the numbers will be far lower than before. You know what they say about putting all of your eggs in one basket? Thailand had been warned of the dangers of becoming too dependent on China for years. Now, after you have made your bed, you get to sleep in it. You have alienated all tourists but Indians and Chinese.


    And as for the Western tourists? Not gonna happen either. Why? Quality Western tourists are declining here, in a big way, for a dozen very good reasons. You insulted us. You demeaned us. You accused us of being evil, and you accused us of being criminals. You mounted campaigns touting us as bad for the nation. You demonstrated deplorable amounts of racism and xenophobia, and fear of the outside world. Some of your officials even went as far as saying we prefer to have tourists that look more like us! And now you want us to come back? Really? How soon you forget. Sorry, but we have not forgotten what was done and said. Neither have the Chinese forgotten their ban. Not saying it was not the right thing to do. But, that does not necessarily make it less offensive to them. 


    What alot of tourists worldwide have forgotten is the nation named Thailand. There are too many alternatives now, and they are not only trying harder, they actually have competent people in charge! Surprise!

    Couldn't agree more...  people like Anutin do a lot of damage. Unfortunately there are a few like him 

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  2. A few Governments have instated a wage or salary subsidy.  New Zealand and Australia come to mind.


    New Zealand have opted for an across the board weekly payment. While it doesn't fully compensate most employees, it does a lot for low income earners who are usually the most vulnerable in times of economic depression. The payment at present is $585 per week which is taxable, leaving the recipient with around $475. 


    It will be interesting to see how the Thai Government responds. 


    I have my theory, and I'm not voicing it here.

  3. 11 hours ago, jimn said:

    You were going well until you said "61 in 1 day" The figure of 61 is the total cases in ChonBuri since the start of this fiasco. Today's figure nationwide was 103, down for the 5th day in a row.

    Thailand wouldn't have a clue on the true figure.


    I'm not trying to denigrate the country in anyway but honestly... we know what they are like. No cohesive approach to law, statutes or regulations. 


    Different approaches between provinces and districts within each province. How can they know for sure. 


    103 New cases in a population of over 60 million... pffft.

  4. 10 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    So if the purpose and intent of Zebra crossings in Thailand is NOT to provide a safe pedestrian crossing spot, then perhaps you can enlighten as to just what the purpose of them is?


    Or, perhaps instead, the reason the Thai government paints the crossings on the street is in fact with the ostensible purpose of providing a safe crossing spot. And as usual here, it's the adherence to the law and the enforcement of it that's simply ignored.  So just who are the real morons in this sad caper.....



    we are of course...  don't forget to apply Thai logic

  5. On 7/17/2019 at 1:13 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    That doesn't work if one wants to take a BG to the beach for a week or more. In NZ brothels are legal, but I very much doubt one would be able to afford them for a week, unless a billionaire, and in that case the gold diggers are available for free.

    Yeah that's true... F'ing expensive...  something like $100 for 30 minutes. Bjs with condom only.  The brothels in NZ aren't anywhere near the fun that can or could be had in Thai bars.


    I have been twice and chose not to use the services provided. I found the atmosphere to be sterile and uninteresting.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 10/29/2019 at 8:51 PM, BobbyL said:

    Not denying its truth, as I am not someone who posts about tourists numbers declining as I genuinely have no idea, However, are they really able to calculate this within 3 - 4 weeks?


    A total of 2.9 million tourists in September spent 139.6 billion baht ($4.62 billion), up 8.73% from a year earlier.

    TAT...   the Hub of Number Crunching

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