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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. On 01/12/2016 at 8:58 PM, mikiea said:

    wow , it seems you have deemed yourself the keeper of great truth . in a perfect world maybe . you have forgotten last year thai planes were not allowed to land at many fields outside of Thailand because safety and air time logs were non existent . oh ....and did you just call your fellow expats pathetic ?


    Typical answer from another pathetic thaivisa poster :smile:


    I do not deem myself to be the keeper of great truth. That knowledge was vested to me by your mother who realised it would be wasted on you.


    Now please go back to poking yourself in the eye

  2. 1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:



    I don't think many know how airlines operate.   Maintenance is not a voluntary process, and the manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing, track an airline's maintenance, and frequently audit an airline's maintenance procedures.


    They don't want to sell aircraft to airlines who will crash them; it makes their product look bad.


    The manufacturers also monitor crew training, and ensure it is of an acceptable standard.


    The manufacturers are occasionally called in by insurance companies to take over maintenance and crew training, so that an airline can continue to be insured.  The alternative is going out of business, and that does nobody any good.


    It's not as simple as buying a couple of aircraft and being let loose exposing the fare paying public to unacceptable risk.


    Thank God there's a few of us on here who know stuff.


    Most of the  posts on thaivisa are pathetic to say the least.

  3. 4 hours ago, brain150 said:

    No idea why anybody cheers on this complete and utter nonsense of being forced to to something because "it's good for you" BS !!!


    Quote: “All motorbike riders in Phuket should wear helmets 100 per cent of the time for their own protection,” he said.


    ... why not let anybody decide what's good for anybody ?

    It does NOT harm anybody else so why would there be any reason to force somebody to it ?

    It does NOT make traffic safer as in fact it does NOT affect traffic at all [my motorbike drives the same way with or without a helmet !


    It's NONSENSE and the decision is in anybody's own responsibility for one self !!!

    If I don't want to wear a helmet who the hell has authority to

    force me to wear one ?


     ... only slaves accept self appointed authority !


    You miss the point completely.


    You are possibly also a selfish  smoker who doesn't care about your own health  for    those around you...  just guessing. 

  4. 35 minutes ago, performance said:

    HAHAHA 5G. 3 and 4 don't even work properly.  I forget sorry it's the cyber hub of the world.


    Too many hubs...  something's bound to fail.


    In the latest new release from the Government.... 'Thailand is soon to become the hub of the world. Thailand is planning to alter the planet's axis so that it will in future rotate around the Kingdom'

  5. Please tell us what brand and model phone you have. It may help us to assist you further.


    Some phones require you to go into..

    Settings and find Developer Options

    go to..

    USB Debugging and check the box to Allow debug mode when USB is connected.


    As others have posted previously you should be able to play most files if you have the right app loaded on your phone.


    However, some phones have their own idiosyncrasies and may need the files converted to .mp3 before transferring to the phone storage or memory card.


    Stick with it. This is good stuff to learn... keeps the brain active.


  6. 2 hours ago, TSF said:

    The Chinese will be getting fed up with all this soon and cease coming to this death-trap country. Then how will the TAT's glowing tourism figures look? 


    BTW: I've noticed a marked decrease in Chinese tourists in Pattaya these past couple of months. So perhaps this has already begun


    This will be yet another nail in the zero dollar tourist numbers.


    I know accidents can happen but really..... how difficult is it to drive to the conditions. 


    30+ years in heavy transport and not once have I lost control of my vehicle. 

  7. 17 hours ago, electric said:

    drgoon ... I assume you're asking about the formal marriage process in Thailand, as against the "ups and downs" of life after you've married a Thai girl ?


    The New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok website has a detailed list of docs and procedures required. If you follow their instructions, you will have no problems. It's really quite straightforward, albeit a little bit of running around involved.


    Every expat that's married a Thai girl in LOS has gone through the same formal procedure, using their own Embassies of course. So it's not that difficult.


    If you want to know what it's actually like to be married to a Thai girl .... then it's an amazing cultural rollercoaster. Every expat will have their own opinions on this topic.  


    Cheers ... and good luck  :thumbsup:



    Yes you are right.


    We have been living together in NZ for a couple of years with extended holidays in Thailand with the family.


    We were going to do the marriage application ourselves but with all the confusing info on different forums thought we may employ professional help. Seems a lot less hassle at times.


    You are right about living with a Thai woman. Can be quite infuriating lol. Getting past the 'up to you' and having a discussion about issues was a mission.


    Thanks for the tip about the NZ Embassy

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