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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. 5 hours ago, JamJar said:

    Driving under speed limit doesn't mean that he wasn't going too fast. If one is doing 45km/hr and the traffic in front is doing 10 to 20km/hr,  then riding under the speed limit doesn't quite have the same meaning.

    The truth is that the vehicle in front didn't stop at all. The traffic ahead had begun to slow down five seconds beforehand.

    He was going too fast and noted the slowdown of the traffic too late. Not the fault of the truck driver. He was in a completely different lane.





    Are you sure of the speed and time factors you put in your comment?


    Were you at the scene or have you seen irrefutable evidence confirming what you state? 


    How many times has a momentary lack of attention left you thinking...  wooo  that was lucky. I would imagine that happening more than once, unless of course you are one of TV's elite and faultless contributors.


    Maybe he set up crowdfunding in anticipation of what may happen. If he has any notion of what living in Thailand could entail then it would be prudent to do so.


    On the other hand, other posters may be right in commentig that this does seem callous and that he is in fact capitilising on the poor ladies demise.



  2. "To resolve public doubts, five high-ranking Navy officers on Monday went into detail about the technical advantages of the Chinese submarines over those from other countries, what the Chinese package would include, and the overall payment process.


    [The public] shouldn’t simply assume the submarine to be of poor quality."



    Well we know why products from China are cheap..... and it's not just cheap labour. Maybe it's structural integrity allows it to operate at a depth of only 100m

  3. On 18/04/2017 at 6:22 PM, Berkshire said:

    Since you want to trade insults, perhaps I can suggest that you're the idiot talking rubbish.  I said most Thai women would prefer a quality Thai man over a foreigner....which would include Japanese, Koreans, farangs, etc.  But since quality Thai men don't exactly grow on trees, there's enough quality women to go around for all of us (well, maybe not you).  But you and a few other simpletons seem to believe that all or most Thai women prefer farangs, which is nonsense. 


    Quality women ??  What constitutes a 'quality' woman.



    In some locations there is already an awareness of the effects of pollution


    Most of the rubbish around our immediate area is handled reasonably well.  


    There is a lot of recycling of anything useable although there are still small random deposits of household refuse.


    Industrial pollution is a big issue as we all know. Thailand is no better than many countries and worse than some.


    When I use term industrial pollution I mean dumping of rubbish from industrial use in the countryside.  An example would be the cement truck driver cleaning his agitator out into the drain on the roadside. 


    There are many other examples and I'm sure you all understand what I'm talking about.


    Greenpeace is correct though. Pollution mamagement starts with the individual. As a previous post mentions, education of children at an early age is important in changing attitudes to the environment and sustainability.

  5. 19 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:

    Same question were asked by many of the scammed people in the UK. Why is your husband not already in the UK behind bars and why do you wear Louis Vuitton Handbags paid with their money?


    Not ridiculing your post at all but that handbag in the picture is a fake. 


    Louis Vuitton wouldn't have their emblem and logo with rivets for the handles through it. Nor would it be sewn through on the seams or corners.

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