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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. These quality tourists won't be seeing China again.

    Actually I think the real punishment awaits them in China.

    why? Lock them up in BANGKOK hilton

    Nah mate... send them back to China. If anything good happens the Chinese authorities will want to save face with Thailand. They will be executed for bringing China into disrepute...

    Good on the Thais for getting onto it though. Plenty of more work to do.

  2. Geez what could EF be up to with the earth shattering report? Of course English skill in Thai are low, but many are blinded by the spin...Just listen to yourselves.. all Thai English teachers from University cannot hold a conversation.. oh pleeseeeeeeeeeeeeee W Man syndrome.

    The English business is alive and well.. Linguistic imperalism still rules..

    First off, try reading a post correctly. No one said ALL THAI ENGLISH TEACHERS. But I personally know of 5 Thai, all with Master's in English from Chula who can not hold a simple conversation. Two of them happen to live right across the street from me. One of the others is a friend of my son. Same story. Master's from Chula in ENGLISH, and they can't even talk to me. The problem? Thai learn English GRAMMAR, but they never learn how to SPEAK it. Most bar girls couldn't pass a 6th grade (U.S.) grammar test, but have English speaking skills that put those "educated" Thai to shame. Until Thai learn to develop SPEAKING skills in English, they are always going to be sucking hind tit.

    Yes you are right, I know some bar girls who have very good oral skills biggrin.png

  3. Maybe I'm wrong but isn't the appeal for many people holidaying here the complete opposite of the thread title.

    Cheap accommodation,cheap food and the abundance of red light areas.

    That's the reason I visit Thailand.

    I spend most of my money directly with the locals. I eat street food because it is cheap and tasty. I procure the company of bar girls who can be very accommodating and a good holiday companion. I buy some of my clothes here.

    I don't go to the dual priced 'attractions' or spend in the hi-so malls. Most electronics etc can be purchased cheaper at home.

    My prescription glasses are cheaper in Thailand.

    There certainly are some benefits to visiting Thailand

  4. I thought that duty free items can only be purchase upon departure not arrival? The product leaves the country with the traveler therefore avoiding import duty tax as the product has not technically entered the country. Of course, these items must be claimed upon arrival at the next country were duty will be charged if the items are outside the duty free limit. Example: you buy a duty free Rolex in Thailand and fly to the US. Failing to claim the Rolex on the entry Customs form is illegal and could result in forfeiture of the Rolex at worst or duty tax being levied at best. If you are buying "duty free" products on arrival I would suspect this is a marketing ploy only and that the product prices in fact contain duty tax.

    Not true. In Australia, you can either purchase duty free going out, and pick it up on the way in. OR purchase on arrival. One trap for tourists is buying duty free in Sydney on arrival, then transiting on to Melbourne. Can't take it in carry-on luggage ( security ), can't access your hold luggage. I poured it down an airport toilet rather than give it over to airport security, as it's probably a good little perk of their job.

    Except for places such as Norfolk Island, where alcohol is genuinely duty free, it's not worth it. Most of the "duty free" in major airports has a hefty profit margin built in, in exchange for an airport monopoly.

    Yep I agree. Rarotonga is the same. Spirits are cheap there.

    Didn't know about the transitting in Aus though. Thanks for that info.

    Duty free is a rort. Most of the time you can buy cheaper at home in a supermarket.

  5. No great loss to society, now lets move on, next please.

    Wow, I love the sense of biased judgment from so many Thai Visa members, and their total lack of compassion.

    You have no idea of this person's background or story, nor who he has left behind...

    Let's hope that no people in unfortunate circumstances cross your path, EVER!

    Oh <deleted> off and get a life... The guy was a criminal living off the proceeds of others addictions and heartbreak.

    Get real <deleted>.

    Nobody gives a shit about his 'demise'...

  6. It will only happen if they start educating the children in the schools. Drive the reduction not only through Government initiatives and also start enforcing current laws.

    I don't often enter into derogatory remarks about Thailand but honestly, as we all know road safety and safety attitudes in general here are a joke.

    Start with the kids at school, give them cycle helmets, offer them incentives to behave in a safe manner. Inducements through education for seatbelt wearing, make them aware of the dangers of speeding, drink driving. Do the same as we have done in the west.

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